Break Into Another World

Chapter 1120: If you have the ability, you can draw again!

In the world of gods, time has no concept.

This banquet lasted for three days and three nights.

After the banquet, the Hall Master Huangquan first arranged for Xu Ming to stay; after a few days, he would take Xu Ming to accept the inheritance of the position of general.

Xu Ming sat down with his knees crossed, and placed a barrier around him.

"Old Ghost Mo Fang is in seclusion? Besides, he is still breaking into the realm of half-step dominance?" A hint of slyness flashed in Xu Ming's eyes.

At this time, Xu Ming knew that it seemed that he should do something.

Close the room.


Mo Fang's divine body was completely boiling, and every particle in his body began to faintly burn with fire.

"Half-step to dominate the realm, here I come!"

There was strong anticipation in his aura. Countless Heavenly Dao perceptions gathered around him; strands of extremely subtle Heavenly Dao secret patterns engraved in the void were continuously integrated into every particle of the divine body.

Mo Fang's aura became more and more tyrannical!

A satisfied smile gradually appeared on his face: "Chao Wendao, you can die in the evening! - This time, the breakthrough was very smooth! The breakthrough is half a step to dominate, and you can be sure of it!"

But at this moment...


A loud slap sounded on Mo Fang's face.

Mo Fang's entire body was stunned, his eyes widened in horror, and his face was stunned: "What happened!?"

At this time, Mo Fang realized that there was a bright red palm print on his face.

"Palm print?" Mo Fang became more and more confused, "How come there is a palm print?"

Mo Fang's mental power spread out and carefully inspected the entire closed room.

There was no one in the secret room.

The guardian formation of the secret room is also intact, and there is no trace of anyone entering or leaving.

"No one... Could it be that it was my illusion just now?" Mo Fang was forced to not want it. "But it's not right! If it's an illusion, why would there be a palm print on my face!?"

After thinking about it, there is no clue.

Mo Fang had no choice but to close his eyes again: "My breakthrough is only halfway through, I can't stop it! Continue!"

Mo Fang quickly adjusted his mood and continued to work hard to break through!


The subtle heavenly secret patterns in the void gather more and more!

When Mo Fang integrates the Heavenly Dao Secret Pattern into every particle of the Divine Body, his breakthrough will be almost complete! However, in this process, if it fails, then the entire divine body cannot reach equilibrium at the particle level!

And the consequence of not being able to achieve balance is - backlash!

Therefore, breakthroughs cannot be broken!

Inside the Hall of Yellow Springs.

Xu Ming's residence.

Xu Ming slapped his hand and said to himself, "It's alright, the 'remote face slap' feels pretty good, it's quite a slap!"

Although Mo Fang's closed room is guarded by numerous formations; however, no amount of formations can stop Brother Ming's "forced face slap" exclusive hanging!

One more formation is nothing more than to let Brother Ming consume more hanging points when he slaps his face.

However, how many hanging points can be consumed by hitting a mere **** emperor's face? Such a little hanging point, just consume it, it doesn't feel bad at all.

"Since it feels good in the hand and it's easy to smoke, then..."

Xu Ming's smile became more and more "insidious"—it's easy to draw, you should draw more!

Inside the secret room.

Mo Fang focused on breaking through.


Without warning, another loud slap sounded. Another bright red palm print appeared on the other side of Mo Fang's face.


Mo Fang, who was at the critical moment of his breakthrough, spat out a mouthful of black blood! —These black blood are all particles that have been necrotic due to backlash!

If it's normal, spitting blood will also spitting blood, no big deal. And now, it was the critical moment for Mo Fang to break through; at this time, a mouthful of black blood spurted out, which meant that his divine body and his state were no longer in a perfect state! - This will undoubtedly have a huge impact on the success or failure of the breakthrough!

Moreover, the most important thing is... Mo Fang is extremely inexplicable!

"What happened just now?"

"Someone slapped me?"

"And it's already the second slap?"

"But... what about people?"

In addition to being stunned, Mo Fang was still stunned.

"Could it be that the power of cause and effect is secretly attacking me?"

He expanded his mental power again, and carefully checked the "Cause and Effect Isolation Formation", and found that the big formation was intact and there was no trace of invasion.

"If it is a causal attack, it will definitely be blocked by the causal isolation formation!"

Mo Fang was completely confused about the situation.

But at this time, Mo Fang didn't have much time to figure out what was going on.

"Forget it, it's important to retreat!"

Right now is the critical moment for the breakthrough, Mo Fang can only restrain his mind again and devote himself to the breakthrough.

"Although I'm not in my peak state now, but I have accumulated a lot, and I have broken through to a half-step dominance. There should be no problem!"


Will Xu Ming make Mo Fang a comfortable breakthrough? -Won't!

Xu Ming took the time and guessed that Mo Fang should have re-entered the state of cultivation now, so he raised his slap again...

Snapped! !

Another slap was slapped on Mo Fang's forehead!


boom! !

Mo Fang's anger completely exploded.

In his eyes, a substantial flame burned; the terrifying aura of his body swept the entire retreat room, stirring the thick heaven and earth vitality.

"who is it!?"

"Who is it!?"

Although Mo Fang was still stunned, he was sure that he was definitely attacked by someone!

"Who is it!?"

A frantic roar echoed in the empty closed room.

There is no echo.

As Mo Fang stabilized his transforming divine body, he tried his best to probe the entire retreat room to see if he could find any clues.

However, Brother Ming's "remote slap in the face" has no cause and effect, and there is no trace at all! No matter how old ghost Mo Fang looked, he couldn't even find a fart!


"How come there is no trace!?"

Mo Fang really didn't believe in evil: "Even if the master of the cause and effect is attacking me! Then, there will definitely be some traces to follow! - What is the situation!?"

Being drawn, UU reading is not terrible!

But the problem is, Mo Fang is being beaten too badly now! - There are already three palm prints on his face, but he doesn't even know where the slap came from!

"Which rat is plotting against me!?" Mo Fang roared in the sky, "Come out! If you have the seeds, come out for me!!"


Xu Ming's people did not come out.

However, his slap came out of nowhere and was slapped on Mo Fang's face!

Fourth slap!

Before Mo Fang could see clearly, the palm shadow disappeared again.


Mo Fang was in a hurry and wanted to find out the origin of the slap: "If you have the ability, you can slap again!"

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