Break Into Another World

Chapter 1132: pull-off frame

"Have you forgotten all the slaps you received while in retreat some time ago?"

Mo Fang was stunned for a moment, then became furious: "It's you...!?"

Xu Ming smiled without saying a word.

Seeing Xu Ming's expression, Mo Fang knew that Xu Ming had acquiesced in this matter: "It's really you!"

To be honest, Mo Fang did not suspect Xu Ming before; after all, the slap he received during his retreat was very similar to the slap he received in Naihe City before!

However, Mo Fang thought about it, but he did not think that Xu Ming could draw himself into that shape through the causal isolation of the closed room. So gradually, there was no longer any doubt that it was Xu Ming.

And now...

Xu Ming actually took the initiative to reveal that he was Mo Fang when he was in retreat!

"Too arrogant!" Mo Fang felt the contempt from Xu Ming at the same time as he was angry - Xu Ming didn't take him seriously, so he took the initiative to reveal this matter so arrogantly!

The tragic scenes during the retreat, the unforgettable pain that was devastated physically and mentally, emerged like a tide in Mo Fang's mind. There was even substantial anger burning in Mo Fang's eyes.

"Xu Ming, you..." Mo Fang was weak, but his whole body exuded Ling Lie's killing intent.

"Ha!" Xu Ming laughed, "Old ghost Mo Fang, when you were in Naihe City, you threatened me that as long as I came to Huangquan Palace, you would make me die! Haha... Well, you say, do I need to be polite to you?"

"Humph!" Mo Fang sneered, "You're welcome to me? What are you, just an ant, dare to say you're welcome to me!?"

"An ant? Maybe..." Xu Ming said with an expressionless face, "But... even if I am an ant, I have to tell you something!"

"What's the matter?" Mo Fang was a little curious.

"That is…"


Just as he was speaking, Xu Ming's aura suddenly skyrocketed.


A mighty and powerful slap directly crushed the void and slapped Old Gui Mo Fang's pale face because of his weakness.

This slap was no longer a "forced slap in the face" with no real killing effect, but a slap drawn by Xu Ming by his own strength!

boom! !

The power of the ancient cultivator's power at the early level of Fengwang and the power of the Yinyue-level mental power are all gathered in the palm of his hand. Approaching the top of the **** emperor!

And you must know that Mo Fang, in his heyday, is only the ultimate strength of the God Emperor! Now that he is seriously injured, his foundation is greatly damaged, and his strength has plummeted by two or three levels. Almost only the high-level God Emperor is left—not stronger than Xu Ming!

Moreover, the old ghost Mo Fang did not expect that in the face-to-face situation in the real world, Xu Ming, the ant, would dare to shoot himself! What was even more unexpected was that Xu Ming's strength was so terrifying!


Snapped! !

A crisp slap resounded throughout the audience!

At the same time, the power of this slap was completely vented on Mo Fang's face.

The poor old ghost Mo Fang was directly slapped away! Half of his face was also annihilated countlessly from the particle level.


The old ghost Mo Fang fell heavily to the ground.


At this moment, the space became extremely silent.

General Gongsun, Young Master Mo, and others who came with Mo Fang, looked at Xu Ming in disbelief, and then looked at their elder Mo Fang.

"Elder Mo Fang was... pumped away?"

The group of men who followed Elder Mo Fang was too shocked to speak.

After a while, everyone came back to their senses.

"Father!" Young Master Mo hurriedly ran to his precious father - without his father, Young Master Mo would be nothing in God's Domain! So in Young Master Mo's eyes, his father is naturally very important!

"Presumptuous!" General Gongsun shouted violently, his aura soared, and he slammed towards Xu Ming, "Quickly capture it, or it may leave you a way to survive!"

General Gongsun roared.

Several other **** emperor masters also followed General Gongsun and killed Xu Ming.

"Huh!" Xu Ming was naturally very dismissive of these rabble.


The signature slap is reproduced!


clap clap clap...

General Gongsun and others are willing to be younger brothers under Mo Fang's old ghost, and their strength is naturally not strong. As soon as Brother Ming slapped out, he was instantly swept away.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! …

A **** emperor master fell to the ground. Their faces, like the old ghost Mo Fang, have a bright red slap print - everyone's "face", under the slap of Brother Ming, was annihilated at the particle level!

Xu Ming stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the embarrassed old ghost Mo Fang with a blank face, and continued what he had not finished just now: "Even if I am an ant, I have to tell you one thing! That is... I can smoke in Naihe City. You, can smoke you when you are in retreat; then, when face to face, I can still smoke you!"


boom! !

The old ghost Mo Fang couldn't care about his weakness anymore, he directly burned his body and activated his secret skills, raising his strength to the peak of the **** emperor. At the same time, a **** machete appeared in Mo Fang's hand.

The old ghost Mo Fang was really angry!

Even without considering how much the burning of the divine body in a weak state will have an impact on one's own foundation.

At this moment, Mo Fang only had one thought in his heart, and that was - let Xu Ming die!

"Death to me!!" Mo Fang's eyes were full of madness and hideousness.

"Oh? Mo Fang, the old ghost is going to work hard!" Xu Ming's strength is only close to the top of the **** emperor without opening the "soul possession" link, and he has not reached the top of the real **** emperor; Come on, you should be slightly weaker.

However, Xu Ming is not panic! - Even if he can't open the "soul possession" hanging, relying on many means, he can still fight with the old ghost Mo Fang! At least, in a short period of time, it will not fall behind!

As for long time...

Just how weak Mo Fang is now, can he last longer than Brother Ming?

Therefore, Xu Ming is not afraid of fighting the old ghost Mo Fang!


Xu Ming's momentum sank, and he was already holding the spear.



The two sides are **** for tat.

But right now!


A mysterious space-time fluctuation came.

The space around Xu Ming was like the strings of a violin being fluctuated.

"Huh? It's Huangjue!" Feeling this somewhat familiar time and space Xu Ming knew that it should be the Lord of the Yellow Springs!

"Palace Master?" Old Ghost Mo Fang also knew that it was the Palace Master Huangquan who came. However, the blood-colored machete in his hand did not mean to stop at all, but instead accelerated and slashed towards Xu Ming.


In the depths of the space, the cold snort of the Hall Master Huangquan resounded.

Mo Fang's movements were directly frozen, and the machete in his hand could no longer be cut out.

However, Xu Ming's movements were not frozen! - Hall Master Huangquan, I haven't had the guts to freeze Xu Ming!


Since the old ghost Mo Fang has become a target, Brother Ming is also welcome! With a flick of the spear, it slapped the other side of Old Ghost Mo Fang's face, sending him flying again!

The old ghost Mo Fang wanted to cry but had no tears in his heart: "Palace Master, Palace Master, it's okay if you pull the frame! How can you pull half of the frame, only pull me, not him? -Isn't this showing that you are pulling a side frame?"

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