Break Into Another World

Chapter 1133: But it's just ants!

Pull the side frame?

Hall Master Huang Quan didn't want to see the two sides fight, because he felt that Xu Ming would definitely not be Elder Mo Fang's opponent; therefore, he had to fight. However, the Hall Master Huangquan didn't dare to pull Xu Ming, so he had to pull Mofang alone...

To put it bluntly, it is indeed a pull-off.

The master of the Huangquan Temple stepped on the ripples of time and space, growing lotus step by step, and strolled over.

"Palace Master, why are you..." Mo Fang looked at Huang Quan's Palace Master with grievances and grief.

"Brother Huangjue!" Xu Ming bowed his hands at Huangquan Hall Master.

Xu Ming had agreed with the Hall Master Huangquan before that when there were outsiders, the Hall Master Huangquan would not have to be too respectful to Xu Ming, and the two sides met as equals.

"Brother Xu Ming!" The hall master of Huangquan also bowed his hands at Xu Ming.

However, when the hand was handed over, the Hall Master Huangquan felt a little guilty. After all, his identity is far inferior to Xu Ming!

But even so, Sage Huang Quan and Xu Ming were calling themselves brothers, but they still shocked Elder Mo Fang and the others.

"Palace...Palace Master?" Elder Mo Fang looked shocked and puzzled - he didn't understand why Xu Ming called the Palace Master a brother.

Fortunately, Mo Fang didn't know, in fact, in secret, Huang Quan Hall Master would call Xu Ming "Sir"; otherwise, Mo Fang would be even more frightened!

"Humph!" The Hall Master Huang Quan snorted softly, "Brother Xu Ming, what kind of identity! How dare you offend him? I really don't know whether to live or die! - The reason why I didn't kill you directly is to save your life, Waiting for Brother Xu Ming's release!"

With that said, the Hall Master Huangquan turned to Xu Ming and said apologetically, "Brother Xu Ming, it is because I have no way to rule that this kind of thing happens! This Mo Fang, kill or cut, depends on your words!"


Elder Mo Fang was shocked and couldn't believe it: "Palace...Palace Master, I, Mo Fang, have been born and died for the Huangquan Palace for hundreds of millions of years! Now, you want to kill me for this Xu Ming? -Palace Master, Don't tell me how noble this Xu Ming is; as far as I know, he is just an ant from the dust world!"

"Presumptuous!" Huang Quan's hall master shouted angrily, "Brother Xu Ming's identity, how can you guess at random!"

"Palace Master, I don't care what Xu Ming's identity is; however, if you want to kill me for the sake of an outsider, I will definitely not accept it!" Mo Fang said, "I have already communicated the matter here to other elders. Now, the first elder will be here soon! When the time comes, I will ask all the elders to judge, whether you are doing the right thing!"

"This Mo Fang..." Hall Master Huang Quan couldn't help frowning.

If he really wanted to kill Mo Fang if he waited for other elders to come, it would not be so easy!

After all, to execute an elder, one must come up with a convincing reason! But... Hall Master Huangquan can't come up with a reason to convince the other elders; unless, he exposes Xu Ming's identity!

However, Xu Ming's identity is of great importance and must not be exposed! Otherwise, once it is spread out and let the Holy Master know that Xu Ming is the chosen successor of the Saint, then the trouble will be big!

For a time, the Hall Master Huangquan was really in a dilemma.

Execute Mo Fang? - The other elders must not be convinced, and I am afraid that it will lead to conflicts within the Huangquan Hall.

Let go of Mo Fang? - Hall Master Huangquan felt that he was a little unable to explain to Xu Ming!

Hall Master Huang Quan hesitated for a while, and finally decided: "Xu Ming is the hope of avenging the saint! No matter what, I must put Xu Ming first! Even killing Mo Fang will cause a lot of trouble, I It must also be killed!"

Of course, there is another reason why the master of Huangquan Hall wants to kill Mo Fang so resolutely—Mo Fang, as well as those elders and generals headed by the Great Elder, have been loyal to Huangquan Hall since the decline of Huangquan Hall. Very high!

Killing Elder Mo Fang actually had the intention of killing chickens to warn monkeys!

However, the price of "killing chickens to warn monkeys" is still a bit big! If it is not good, it will cause the Huangquan Temple to fall apart.

Just as the eyes of Hall Master Huangquan were flashing with killing intent, when he made up his mind... Xu Ming's voice transmission suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Huangjue, forget it, this is the end of the matter!"

"Forget it?" Hall Master Huang Quan looked at Xu Ming in surprise.

At this time, Xu Ming looked at Mo Fang and said contemptuously, "Old ghost Mo Fang, today, I won't kill you, not because of my kindness, but are nothing but an ant in my eyes! - I want to kill you. , I will trample you to death; if I don't want to kill you, I will let you go! It's that simple!"

"An ant..." Elder Mo Fang's veins burst out - he remembered that he used this attitude to despise Xu Ming before, but now, it's the other way around!

Moreover, Elder Mo Fang still has no power to refute! After all, the murderous intention of the Yellow Spring Hall Master is already there!

"So, in the future... don't be arrogant in front of me! Otherwise, you won't be as lucky as you are today!" Xu Ming sneered.

"Why don't you get out!?" Hall Master Huang Quan shouted.

Elder Mo Fang didn't dare to stay any longer, and hurriedly rolled away.

General Gongsun waited for the minions, and of course they ran away rolling and crawling.

"Master Xu Ming!" When there was no one around, the Hall Master Huang Quan dared to call Xu Ming like this, "You really let Mo Fang go?"

Xu Ming smiled casually: "It depends on your mood!"

When I'm in a good mood, I don't bother to bother with Mo Fang old ghost! However, if you are in a bad mood at any time, maybe you will come to a "remote face slap" to play, or even directly open the "life and death book" and hang it to kill remotely!

"It depends on your mood?" Hall Master Huang Quan was a little puzzled.

"Okay, Huangjue!" Xu Ming said again, "I came to Huangquan Hall just to see what the heir to the general's position is! Now, since I have seen it all, I will continue to stay. Huangquan Hall, it doesn't make any sense!"

"Lord Xu Ming, are you ready to leave?" Hall Master Huang Quan was not surprised.

After all, if Xu Ming stayed in the Hall of Yellow Springs and didn't go out to experience and explore, he would not be able to become a real super-existence in the realm of God!

"Yes!" Xu Ming said, "Leave right away!"

"So fast!" The Hall Master Huang Quan was slightly surprised.

Xu Ming smiled and said, "I won't say goodbye to the others, I just left!"

"Yes!" In front of Xu Ming, Hall Master Huang Quan naturally did not dare to have any opinion.

"Farewell!" Xu Ming said, and walked straight away; however, his voice still echoed in the ears of Hall Master Huangquan, "When you see me next time, God's Domain will definitely have my name!"

God's Domain must have my name...

Hall Master Huang Quan felt Xu Ming's strong self-confidence, and the self-confidence was overwhelming!

You must know that is famous in God's Domain, this is not an easy task!

However, the Hall Master Huangquan concluded that Xu Ming would definitely be able to do it!

After all, Xu Ming is a monster who has exploded five talent thrones! Just as the sage Huangquan said, such a monster, even in the legend of endless chaos, has never heard of it!

"In the near future, Mr. Xu Ming may stir up the situation in God's Domain!"

It seems that Hall Master Huangquan has seen that day! It also seems to have seen that the great revenge of the sage Huangquan will be avenged!

"Palace Master, Palace Master!" The little girl "General Xuan Ling" rushed over and shouted, "Where's Xu Ming?"

"He has already left the Yellow Spring Palace!" said the Master of the Yellow Spring Palace.

"What? You've already left?" General Xuan Ling muttered, "Leaving Huangquan Hall, he didn't even say hello to me! Fortunately, I ran away as soon as I heard that he and Elder Mo Fang were in trouble. Come to help out..."

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