Break Into Another World

Chapter 1134: Faith genre breakthrough


Xu Ming rushed out of the sea, looked for the direction of Yunshangzong, and quickly broke through the air.

"Go and talk to Shi Qing and the others, and let Yunshang Sect settle down!"

Before, when Xu Ming left Yunshang Sect and went to Huangquan Hall, he did not settle Yunshang Sect well; he just left a letter to Sect Master Yunshang, so that if she was in danger, she could crush it and ask for help.

And now, Xu Ming plans to set off for the Holy Emperor City; next time he comes to Yunshang Sect, he doesn't know when it will be! Before leaving, Xu Ming naturally had to settle the Yunshang Sect first.

call out-

Xu Ming turned into a streamer and flew by.

He didn't deliberately exude momentum, but his speed had already shocked those little disciples who were hiding in the Shura Sea, not daring to step forward to offend!


Suddenly, Xu Ming, who was flying by, raised his eyes and looked at the endless sky.

The cloudless sky seemed to be empty.

However, Xu Ming's eyes were incomparably sharp, piercing through the void, and saw the countless tiny particles in the endless distance - every single particle was a world of particles with a diameter of hundreds of millions of miles, or even billions of miles!

It's just that these dust worlds are too far from the realm of the gods; therefore, they look as small as dust.

Xu Ming was a little surprised: "It turns out..."

This is a dusty world called "Songshan Continent". In the endless dusty world, it is just an extremely ordinary one.

at this time.

Songshan Continent is full of wolves.

The demon masters who originally lived in this dusty world have all been slaughtered. Only those weak demon clans who have not even reached the spiritual realm are still lingering.

Among the mountains, in the depths of the thick forest, there was a ferocious black wolf with deep hatred in his eyes.

Its cultivation base is only the limit of condensing pills. Originally, in their black wolf clan, it was only a very weak existence! Above it, there are Spirit Realm, Dao Jun, Dao Zun, Dao Master, and demigod Black Wolf masters!

But now, it seems to have become the number one master of the Black Wolf clan, because... masters above the spiritual realm have all been slaughtered!

Not a single one is left!

"Abominable human race from another world!" The black wolf is both hateful and powerless!

The strength of the different world human race is too strong, far stronger than its imagination! Although it hates it, it can't have the courage to take revenge in its heart!


Suddenly, the sky trembled, as if the whole world was collapsing.

"What's wrong?" The black wolf immediately fell to the ground, shivering, not daring to make a sound.

It raised its eyes cautiously.

I saw hundreds of black figures above the sky, respectfully carrying a huge golden statue; looking at their appearance, it seemed that the statue was going to be erected on the top of the mountain.

"This is..." The black wolf looked at the huge golden statue, and his eyes became pious without knowing it - Xu Ming's belief statue, even if it didn't deliberately exude any aura, was enough to make the surrounding weak creatures feel from the heart. Belief.

There is also a belief in Xu Ming, and the "night rot demigod" of the demon tribe.

Ye Rot, who originally had a low status in the Demon Race, was just a Taoist; however, the Human Race needed the Demon Race's innate supernatural powers to open up space passages and help conquer the billions of dust worlds! Therefore, the human race smashed a lot of resources and cultivated Ye Rot Dao Zun into a Ye Rot demigod!

And there are not a few examples like Ye Rot Demigod!

Even, many demons who had only spiritual cultivation in the past have been cultivated into demigods in a cramming manner!

At first, Ye Rot was actually a little resistant and opened up a space channel for the human race; because this made him feel that he was a dog raised by the human race! —To be precise, the entire demon race is a dog raised by the human race!

But gradually, Ye Rot demigod became accustomed to his dog-leg status! In particular, when he learned that as long as he works well for the human race, it would be no problem to become a **** in the future, Ye Rot Demigod opened up a space channel, no doubt he was more attentive and serious!


Because I often witnessed the process of erecting a statue of faith, unconsciously, the night rot demigod also had a devout belief in Xu Ming!

Now, Ye Rot Demigod thinks: Being a dog is pretty good too!


The statue of faith is erected!

It means that the power of faith in this dusty world can be accepted by Xu Ming!

"The statue of faith has been erected, and it's time for me to start working again!" Ye Rot demigod knew that it was time to open up a space channel and lead the army of puppets to the next dust world!

wow wow...

A space vortex appears out of thin air, which is the channel connecting other dust worlds!

boom! boom! boom! …

Puppets of gods, lined up, entered the world ring of a human god. Immediately, the human race deity entered the vortex of space together with the demigod Ye rot.

And the huge golden statue carved with Xu Ming's appearance seems to faintly radiate light towards this dusty world.

At the foot of the mountain not far from the Faith Statue.

next to the grey tent.

A commoner boy asked with some doubts: "Father, the puppet army is gone, who will protect the palm **** statue?"

His father, a simple and honest middle-aged man, touched the young man's head and said with a smile, "The will of the palm **** is everywhere! Anyone who dares to take the idea of ​​the statue of the palm god, whether it is a human race or a foreign race, will surely die. !"

"Oh..." The boy grew up listening to Xu Ming's legend, so he naturally knew that the palm **** was invincible, so he didn't worry anymore!

However, this ordinary father and son did not know that there was actually a **** puppet hidden near the palm statue, protecting it in secret. Even the weakest star-level **** puppet, placed in the dust world, is an invincible existence!

"Father!" the boy asked again, "Is our Yue family settling in this world from now on?"

"Yes!" Father's eyes were full of anticipation, "This whole world belongs to our Yue family!"

Suddenly, the middle-aged man received a message, and his expression suddenly became solemn.

He explained to his son: "The elder of the branch of the family, just sent a message and asked me to come over to discuss matters! - You go into the tent first and take care of your mother and brother!"

Saying the middle-aged man got up and hurried away.

"Yes!" The boy answered obediently, opened the tent curtain, and walked in.

In the tent, the young boy's younger brother, who was waiting to be fed, woke up lazily in his mother's arms.

The sun shone into the tent, a little dazzling.

The innocent big eyes of the baby were stabbed to the point of being unable to open.

However, at the moment when the tent curtain was pushed open, the baby's eyes were just attracted by the palm **** statue on the top of the mountain! Deep in the innocent eyes of the little guy, piety and joy gradually emerged.

at the same time…

This pure and innocent faith of the baby also paved the last step to the silver moon level for Xu Ming to cultivate the deity of the school of faith!

"The school of belief, it is about to break through to the silver moon level!"

In the infinitely distant continent, Xu Ming's deity suddenly sat down with his knees crossed, his face filled with tranquility.

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