Break Into Another World

Chapter 1141: Thundering Mountains

Flying all the way to the Holy Emperor City, Xu Ming passed through many divine cities and forces in the Thunder Continent.

Then, Xu Ming came to two conclusions:

The first conclusion is that the overall strength of Thunder Continent is slightly stronger than that of Yanyan Continent.

For example, in the inferior divine city of Yanyan Continent, the powerful ten-star gods are generally the city lords; within their jurisdiction, there are only a handful of silver-moon-level masters. In the inferior city of Thunder Continent, the Yinyue level is the city lord; within the jurisdiction, the number of Yinyue level masters is even more, and there are even many characters with Yinyue 4th and 5th rank!

In Xu Ming's view, this is normal.

After all, Thunder Continent is the location of the first city of God’s Domain, “Sacred Emperor City”; moreover, the headquarters of super-powers in God’s Domain, such as Void Heaven Realm, Space-Time Hall, Slaughter God Field, etc., are also located in Thunder Continent… Therefore, the entire Thunder Continent is located in Thunder Continent. The strength is stronger than other continents, which is what it should be.

The second conclusion is... There are many geniuses who go to the Holy Emperor City to recruit relatives! Much!


Xu Ming was puzzled: "These geniuses with the strength of the first-level and middle-level kings, even if they go to the Holy Emperor City, is it possible that they will have a chance to win from recruiting relatives? - Since there is no chance at all, why do they still need to do so? Go to the Holy Emperor City and join in the fun?"

Xu Ming couldn't figure it out.

Too lazy to think too much.

In any case, these weak king rank would not be able to cause any competitive pressure to Xu Ming.

Xu Ming's real competitors should be the super geniuses trained by the superpowers of the God Realm! However, these so-called super geniuses will eventually become the red carpet trampled by Xu Ming, paved on Xu Ming's way to marry Yin Ran.

call out-

Xu Ming's figure quickly shuttled over the Thunder Continent.

In order to meet Yin Ran, Xu Ming almost traversed most of the God Realm!

Suddenly, Xu Ming stopped the rushing figure and frowned slightly.

He was carefully feeling the space around him: "In that direction, there seems to be a very strong power of thunder..."

Thunder Continent is just the name of a continent; it does not mean that there will be a lot of thunder power on this continent. Just like the Yanyan Continent, there is not much power of fire, just a simple "continent name".

Therefore, Xu Ming was a little surprised when he felt that there was a very strong power of thunder in a place not far away. After all, the power of thunder is a good thing!

"Go and see!"

Anyway, it was not far from the Holy Emperor City, and there were still more than ten years before the recruitment, so Xu Ming was not in a hurry.


When Xu Ming arrived at the place where the power of thunder was strong, his eyes widened in shock.

This is an endless mountain range, and there are ferocious thunder and lightning lingering on each mountain peak. There are purple gods that are full of violence, and black gods that are full of death...the list goes on and on.

"There is such a place in the realm of the gods? The value of these gods is probably not low, right?"

However, what shocked Xu Ming the most was not the endless divine thunder; it was that he saw the "Thunder Spirit" formed by the power of thunder in the central area of ​​the mountain range from afar! - The spirit of thunder and lightning, like real life!

Moreover, the key point is that the combat power of these Thunder Spirits is not low!

boom! boom! boom! …

In the central area of ​​the mountain range, there was a constant crashing sound.

Xu Ming saw that a young man in black was being besieged by dozens of Lei Ling, and the situation was very embarrassing. Moreover, more and more Lei Ling were rushing over; as time went on, the situation of the youth was definitely not optimistic.

Xu Ming looked at it in surprise: "This young man has the strength of a middle-level king, right? He was besieged by these thunder spirits, and it is difficult to even save his life?"

Xu Ming felt more and more that this mountain range was not simple.

"Just ask this young man, what is the mystery of this mountain range!"

Xu Ming quickly flew towards the central area of ​​the mountain range.

At this moment, there was a deep sense of unwillingness in the expression of the black-clothed youth: "Could it be that... I really can't complete the test of the Thunder Spirit Mountains? Besides, maybe I will die here?—No!"


Just as the black-clothed youth was unwilling, a figure of "stalwart" descended from heaven!

This figure swept away all Lei Ling at a speed that was difficult for the black-clothed youth to see. Then, he said, "Fellow Daoist, let me ask, what is this place?"

It was Xu Ming's voice.

The black-clothed youth was already dumbfounded, and replied dumbly, "Thunderling Mountain Range!"

"Leiling Mountains?"

However, at this time, Xu Ming found that his divine body felt a little numb, as if there were countless weak currents passing through his divine body.

"My cultivation is actually improving!"

Although the improvement is not much, it is indeed improving.

Xu Ming immediately reacted: "Is it because I killed these Lei Lings?"

Xu Ming never expected that killing Lei Ling would have the effect of improving his cultivation.

At this moment, the boy in black also reacted: "In Xia Menghe, thank you for your life-saving grace!"

Xu Ming waved his hand: "I saved you, just to ask you some questions! - Do you know what is so special about this Thunder Spirit Mountain Range?"

The black-clothed boy Meng Helian said: "The most precious things in the Thunder Spirit Mountains are these Thunder Spirits; for the ancient cultivator school, it has some effect on improving their cultivation!"

"Oh!" Xu Ming nodded - he had already verified this.

"However..." Meng He continued, "The most mysterious thing in the Lei Ling Mountains is the Thunder Gate at the very core of the mountain range! It is a gate made of countless thunder and lightning, and I don't know where it leads! But... as long as you enter The gods of the Thunder Gate have never come out again!"

"Is there such a thing?" Xu Ming became more and more curious.

"Senior!" Meng He said again, "Can you give me the wreckage of the Thunder Spirit on the ground? I have a test task and need to use it..."

Lei Ling wreck?

Xu Ming glanced at them—these wreckages of the Thunder Spirit had no power in them, they were just pure wreckage; to put it bluntly, they were garbage.

Xu Ming naturally didn't care: "You take it!"

"Thank you senior!"

And Xu Ming flew directly towards the deeper part of the Leiling Mountains.

"The Gate of Thunder?" Xu Ming secretly said in his heart, "I want to see, what kind of place is that?"

Meng He seemed to see Xu Ming's thoughts, and while collecting the wreckage of the Thunder Spirit, he shouted from a distance: "Senior! The Gate of Thunder, you must not enter! - I have never heard of anyone who entered it. from!"

Xu Ming didn't look back, he just waved his hand casually behind him, signaling that he was reminded of his kindness.

Meng He, on the other hand, collected the remains of Lei Ling, happily walked towards the periphery of Lei Ling Mountains, and embarked on his return journey. He was secretly happy: "With so many Lei Ling wreckage, I can definitely pass the test; in this way, I can stand out from the selection of the sect and go to the Holy Emperor City to participate in the recruitment!"

If Xu Ming knew that Meng He took Lei Ling's wreckage for the purpose of recruiting relatives, would he be so angry that he would vomit blood?

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