Break Into Another World

Chapter 1142: Affected pond fish?

The Lei Ling in the Lei Ling Mountains was no threat to Xu Ming.

When a Lei Ling came to kill, Xu Ming only needed to take a shot, and that Lei Ling would turn into a crisp, numb pure thunder force, which merged into Xu Ming's divine body.

Xu Ming's strength will also increase slightly.

Soon, Xu Ming arrived at the very core of the Lei Ling Mountains. It is also the location of the Thunder Gate.

The Thunder Gate is about ten feet high, which is very small compared to other gates in the Divine Realm that can travel 100,000 or 100,000 miles. However, the smaller it is, the more it makes Xu Ming feel anxious! - After all, this Thunder Gate can gather the power of thunder from the entire Thunder Mountain Range, and its power is no trivial matter!

Xu Ming felt the mighty power of the Thunder Gate, and he was a little afraid to approach for a while.

"Thunderlings in the mountains all have the strength of a king! Most of the people who can reach the Thunder Gate are emperor-level masters; among them, there are even masters who are stronger than me..." Xu Ming thought to himself, "But , the masters who entered the Gate of Thunder have all gone back and forth..."

Xu Ming began to hesitate, whether it was necessary for him to break into the Gate of Thunder at this time—it was not because he was afraid; he was about to recruit a relative. If he was trapped in the Gate of Thunder and delayed recruiting, it would be a big joke!

After careful consideration, Xu Ming decided not to enter the Thunder Gate first. After the marriage is over, and Yin Ran is married to go home, it will not be too late to go in and explore!

"Then come again next time!" Xu Ming was very decisive, turned around and walked away, "But... the Gate of Thunder, although I dare not enter; but, the Thunder Spirit in the mountains, I want to slaughter it again!"

Each Lei Ling can slightly increase Xu Ming's strength.

Although the improvement is very small, you must know that at Xu Ming's current level, it is extremely difficult to improve his cultivation base!


As soon as Xu Ming's killing ring started, all the Lei Lings in the mountains were out of luck!

In a short time, the thousands of Thunder Spirits in the mountains were all slaughtered by Xu Ming! And Xu Ming's strength has also made a breakthrough; under the strongest combat power, he has barely reached the top level of God Emperor!

The stronger the strength, the more confident Xu Ming will win in recruiting relatives.

"Okay! Keep going!"

After slaughtering Lei Ling, Xu Ming walked away satisfied.

However, what Xu Ming didn't know was that just as he was leaving the Thunder Mountain Range, there was a faint sound of laughter in the Thunder Gate.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie... This kid doesn't dare to come in? He's really timid! Hahahaha..."

Of course, Xu Ming didn't know anything about the things in the Gate of Thunder.

Xu Ming buried his head on the road, and in a short time, he was not far from the Holy Emperor City! Even in the distant sky, Xu Ming could vaguely see the outline of the Holy Emperor City.

Of course, although I can see the outline of the Holy Emperor City, in fact, there are still hundreds of millions of miles away from the Holy Emperor City!

After all, the Holy Emperor City, the "First City of God's Domain", is itself a super gigantic city spanning hundreds of millions of miles! - With Xu Ming's eyesight, he could only see the outline of this super gigantic city, showing how far away it was!

However, Xu Ming couldn't help but feel excited when he could see the outline of the Holy Emperor City.

"Yin Ran... I'm here!"

Although he hadn't seen Yin Ran yet, Xu Ming seemed to have sensed that Yin Ran was in the Holy Emperor City.

at the same time…

Holy Emperor City, City Lord's Mansion.

Yin Ran in the room felt something, and suddenly looked in one direction—the direction she was looking at was a wall.

However, Yin Ran's eyes seemed to be able to traverse everything, as if he saw a very distant place.

In her eyes, it was incredible: "Did you come?"

Immediately, Yin Ran laughed at himself and shook his head and smiled: "How is that possible! - I originally wanted to buy Xu Ming a thousand years, but now, just over a hundred years have passed; moreover, the father's request to participate in the recruitment of relatives , is also much higher than I imagined... Even if Xu Ming is amazing, how can he come to the Holy Emperor City now and participate in the recruitment?"

In Yin Ran's view, it is because he is neurotic! Could it be that the longer he left Xu Ming, the more he missed Xu Ming, so this happened?

"Hey..." Yin Ran sighed softly for a long time, "I don't know if there is any hope in this life, and I will meet Xu Ming again!"

The strong girl does not serve the second husband!

Since Yin Ran is already Xu Ming's woman, it is impossible to be someone else's wife!

If Xu Ming did not appear in the recruiting process; or, even if Xu Ming appeared in the recruiting process, but lost in the end... In the end, Yin Ran would choose to die!

What she is most worried about is actually... her strength is too weak, and she can't even die!

"If Xu Ming didn't come to recruit relatives, then if I have a chance, I must..." Yin Ran's eyes showed incomparable determination.

Shensha River.

A small river that is more than 10,000 miles wide and winding for hundreds of millions of miles!

Yes, in God's Domain, rivers like Shensha River can only be called "small rivers". Because, the size of the Holy Emperor City is hundreds of millions of miles; that is to say, if this sandy river is placed in the Holy Emperor City, it will not flow out of the city...

Even a city cannot flow, such a river is not called a "small river", is it possible that it is also called a "big river"?

The real big rivers in God's Domain are hundreds of millions of miles wide and meander the entire continent!

Compared with the Shensha River, the real big river is simply the difference between "dragon" and "hair"!

call out-

As soon as Xu Ming flew over the Shensha River, he saw that there was a chase in the distance.

A loyal-looking young man was running wildly in front; and behind him, more than a dozen demonic and murderous figures were chasing after him tirelessly.


Xu Ming could see that whether it was the loyal young man who escaped, or the dozen or so demons who were chasing him, they were all **** emperors! However, their strength is not very strong, they are only the first-level **** emperor.

In the Endless Continent, Xu Ming had a lot of festivals with the Demon Race. But in God's Domain, the Demon Race is just an ordinary group, and it is not **** for tat with the Human Race; moreover, similar pursuits are also common in God's Domain - so, seeing this scene, Xu Ming has no intention of intervening.

Seeing that the direction that the loyal young man was fleeing was exactly where he was, Xu Ming could not help but avoid it subconsciously.

However, Xu Ming did not notice that when the dozen or so demons saw him, they were stunned for a moment, and then a strange look flashed in their eyes.

"Run away!"


"You can't escape!"

More than a dozen demons are chasing after!

Suddenly, black formation inscriptions appeared behind the dozen or so demons.

These black formation inscriptions were quickly connected together to form a huge black pagoda.


A dozen demons controlled the black pagoda together and smashed it towards the Zhongliang young man.

However, I don't know if these demons were intentional or unintentional. When the black pagoda was suppressing Xiang Zhongliang's youth, it just happened to cover the nearby Xu Ming.

"Huh? Did it affect Chiyu?" Xu Ming was not panicking, letting the black pagoda shroud him.

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