Break Into Another World

Chapter 1143: not killed

Xu Ming was not panicked and let the black pagoda cover him.


One side of the world has been suppressed in the pagoda.

"Not good!" The young Zhongliang looked desperate and his face was ashen - he knew the power of the secret technique "Suppressing Devil Tower"! Falling into the Demon Suppression Tower is like falling into a formidable trap; for a while, it is impossible to break through!

And this "half a while" was enough for him to be killed ten or eight times!

"Escape! Aren't you very good at escaping?" The Demon God Emperor headed with a grin.

The Zhongliang young man is desperate - trapped in a cage, outnumbered and strong by the weak; he can't see any vitality.

Xu Ming quietly stepped aside, showing his intention not to intervene.


The tree wants to be still but the wind is not constant.

The Demon God Emperor, headed by him, directed at a subordinate next to him and said, "Qi Yu, go and solve that king!"

"Yes!" The skinny **** emperor named "Qi Yu" immediately killed Xu Ming.

"Uh..." Xu Ming was stunned for a moment, "I was just passing by! You guys are actually going to kill me?"

These demon **** emperors are too overbearing, right?

"Passing by?" Divine Emperor Qi Yu said with a grim smile, "Boy! The killing mark on your body can't be hidden from us!"

Killing Mark!

Xu Ming was stunned, and then recalled the scene that happened after beheading "Yehnara Erke" when he was in the Endless Continent!

At that time, at the place of Erke's death, a whirlpool of phantom colors was strangely formed, and a burly black figure appeared.

"The people who dare to kill my Yehenala clan are the enemies of our entire Yehenala clan! - In the name of the ancestor 'Yehnala Zuyi', summon... Killing Seal!"

Xu Ming still vividly remembers the curse of the black figure.

However, Xu Ming did not feel any discomfort after being struck by the "killing seal"; he thought that the killing seal was a parallel import! So gradually, he also put the matter of the Killing Seal behind him.

Unexpectedly, now encountering several demon **** emperors, they will directly say the "killing seal"!

"Are you from the Yehenala clan of the demon clan?" Xu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly - to be honest, Xu Ming couldn't actually have any murderous intentions towards these demon clan who had no injustice in the past and no enmity in recent days; Come on, these demons seem to be coming together to find death!

"Oh? Guess that we belong to the Yehenala clan?" Qiyu God Emperor grinned, "It seems that you haven't forgotten what you have done! - Dare to kill my Yehenala clan. , you must die!"

Xu Ming sneered, but still explained: "Yes, once, I did kill a Yehenala clan! However, that was because he wanted to kill me and destroy my clan; I killed him with all my might. Kill, I will kill him with all my might, what's the problem? - I have no intention of being an enemy of your Yehenala clan, so please don't..."

"Fart!" Unexpectedly, Emperor Qi Yu interrupted Xu Ming's words and shouted, "How noble is the blood of my Yehenala clan? How low is the blood of your human race? - I belong to the Yehenala clan. The clansmen want to kill you and destroy your clan, how dare you resist?"

"Ha!" Xu Ming was really amused!


Take my life, destroy my ethnic group, still not allow me to resist?

Originally, Xu Ming really had no intention of killing these dozen or so demon emperors; but now, Xu Ming was not ready to let them leave alive.

Yehenara? very expensive?

so what?

Killing one Yehenala clan is killing; killing ten is also killing!


What the **** is Yehenara? Brother Ming never took them seriously, right? - But, these **** emperors, who thought they belonged to the Yehenala clan, showed off their might in front of Brother Ming.

At this time, the leader of the Yehenala Clan God Emperor shouted dissatisfiedly: "Qi Yu, why are you talking so much nonsense with him? Just kill him!"

"Yes!" God Emperor Qi Yu no longer hesitated, and his claws were already slammed towards Xu Ming - he had no plans to take out weapons at all, because he did not put Xu Ming, a "weak" king at all. In the eyes!

"Hey!" Xu Ming sneered disdainfully, "It's too much!"

I saw Xu Ming raised his palm and gently grabbed it towards God Emperor Qi Yu.


Countless ferocious flames gushed out from the void and condensed into a giant flame palm; just like catching a chicken, he firmly pinched the Emperor Qiyu.

"What!?" Divine Emperor Qi Yu was stunned—he never thought that he would be pinched like a chicken by a weak king.

"What!?" The other **** emperors of the Yehenara clan were also stunned - what kind of king level is this, how can it be so strong?

"Huh!?" After a brief shock, the loyal young man who was being hunted down suddenly had a look of joy in his eyes—he saw the hope of life!

"Yehnara..." Xu Ming murmured, with a disdainful smile on his face, "Is it very noble? - In the face of absolute strength, what is it?"

As Xu Ming said, a trace of murderous aura escaped from the divine body.

Xu Ming is by no means a murderer; but after so many killings, he will never be soft-hearted when it comes to killing people.

God Emperor Qi Yu immediately sensed Xu Ming's killing intent: "You..."

The other demon **** emperors also shouted in horror, "You dare!?"

"Do I will know when I kill him?" Xu Ming's hand tightened slightly.



Emperor Qi Yu directly burned the divine body, trying to break free from Xu Ming's palm—he was a divine emperor after all, and he was also a noble Yehenala clan; under the burning divine body, his strength had already reached the middle rank of a divine emperor!

Although Xu Ming has the strength of the top **** emperor, he is still a little short of killing the middle **** emperor with one palm.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

At the same time, the other **** emperors of the demon race also erupted, killing Xu Ming.


"Destroy this lowly human race!"

For a time, more than ten demon **** emperors all sacrificed their weapons, burst out with all their strength, and killed Xu Ming.


Xu Ming stretched out his hand, and the "Reincarnation Spear" was already in his hand.

The reincarnation spear murmured softly, as if responding to the murderous aura emanating from Xu Ming.

"The Five Forms of Reincarnation... Residual Blood!"

call out!

A poignant and demonic blood light flashed across God Emperor Qi Yu, who had just broken free from Xu Ming's palm, instantly lost his breath of life! —His divine body seems to be intact; but in the depths of every particle of the divine body, it has actually been destroyed by the power of "residual blood"!

With just one shot, he killed a **** emperor of the Yehenala clan!



The **** emperors of the Yehenala clan who had originally killed Xu Ming were so frightened that they froze—Xu Ming could kill God Emperor Qi Yu with one shot, and naturally he could kill them with one shot! Even if some of them are slightly stronger, I am afraid they can't stop two or three shots!

"You..." The Demon God Emperor headed by was shocked and angry, "How dare you kill my Yehenala clan?"

Xu Ming scoffed disdainfully, "It's not like he hasn't killed him!"

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