Break Into Another World

Chapter 1152: Famous God's Domain

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"Be careful!" Xu Ming reminded again.


In the void, the surging power of Heavenly Dao gathered, instantly condensed into a fiery red energy giant palm, and slapped it directly towards Pan Gang.

"Huh?" Pan Gang was stunned at first, and then some anger arose in his heart, "Brother Xu Ming used such an unprofessional trick to deal with me? Is this what he said to show his strength?"

The energy giant palm is indeed a trick that is not popular. Usually, this kind of trick is only used when the strength absolutely crushes the opponent!

Pan Gang's dignified king's limit, seeing Xu Ming, the first-level king of the king, actually used such unprofessional tricks to deal with him, he was naturally a little annoyed.

"Humph!" Pan Gang snorted dissatisfiedly, thinking about it, after this move, he would defeat Xu Ming himself, "I have already given him the opportunity to show his strength, it is he who doesn't cherish it himself and doesn't take good care of him. Show your strength!"

How did Pangang know that if Xu Ming showed a little more strength, he couldn't bear it at all!

"What!?" The gods watching the battle widened their eyes in disbelief.

"What is this Xu Ming who is at the beginning of the king's title doing?"

"Is he stupid? To be in the **** battle stage, use this kind of tricks!"

"It's just a joke!"

The figure in the gray cloak, as well as several other masters who were hiding in the dark, also widened their eyes. However, the reason why they widened their eyes was not because they laughed at Xu Ming's stupidity, but because of...shock!

"This this…"

The eyesight of the master of the realm is naturally not something that can be imitated by a king or a **** emperor; they felt at a glance that this can only be measured by a giant palm. It seems simple, but in fact it contains profound mysteries.

"The one who cast this palm is actually a first-level king!?" The masters of the master realm couldn't believe it.

But the fact was in front of them, and they couldn't help but believe it.


The flaming giant palm slapped Pan Gang, as if slapped at a little chicken.

Pan Gang had a mocking expression on his face, he didn't even bother to dodge or block, and let the giant palm slap over him. In his heart, he has the arrogance of being a master of the ultimate king: "Huh! If you frown at this level of attack, I will lose!"


When the fiery red giant palm approached, the scorching breath burned his divine body, and even his eyebrows were burnt off a bit, Pan Gang was terrified: "This is...!?"

He even wanted to resist, but it was too late!

Of course, even if it is too late to resist, it is just a powerless struggle! —Who is Brother Ming? Palm God! When the palm **** slaps out, who can resist?


Poor Pan Gang, like a chick being shot, was shot and flew out, and smashed heavily outside the Bloody Sea Battle Stage!

It's just a palm, but Pangang really can't handle it!

However, from the beginning to the end, Pan Gang really didn't frown - not because of his toughness, but because... his eyebrows have been burnt off, even if he wants to wrinkle, there is no eyebrows to wrinkle!


The audience was suddenly dumbfounded, and there was silence.

The king's limit was actually slapped by the first-level king's slap?

tease me?

"Hoo! This is impossible!" The mad dog **** who was sitting near Xu Ming before, with red eyes, roared frantically, "Fake! It must be fake! The two of them must be acting!"

This mad dog god, when he made a bet before, he put all his belongings on Pan Gang! And now, Pangang has been defeated...

The mad dog **** just wants to bite!

The other kings and **** emperors who were watching the battle were also bewildered and unbelievable. Those who bet on the same bets as the mad dog gods have the urge to vomit blood when they lose!


Those masters who were hiding in the dark had completely different reactions.

"Amazing!" The gray-robed cloak master exclaimed, "Although this Xu Ming is only the first-level Feng Wang cultivation, the power of his palm is simply unbelievable!"

"Flying the limit of the king with one palm! I'm afraid this Xu Ming has the strength of a half-step **** emperor? Besides, in the half-step **** emperor, he should be the top existence!"

"So many levels... Incredible!"

One by one, the masters and powers were all amazed by the sound transmission.

Pangang, very powerful, right? - The limit of being a king, and it definitely has the potential of a **** emperor!

However, with Xu Mingyi, they are simply scum! The scum can't get on the table! —Really, don’t be afraid of not knowing the goods and be afraid of the goods!

Originally, these masters were still secretly vying for Pangang; but now, seeing Xu Ming's talent, everyone immediately turned their heads and all competed for Xu Ming!

"Du Laogui, didn't you just say that you want to accept Pan Gang as a direct disciple? I won't argue with you, Pan Gang, take it! But, this Xu Ming, you can't argue with me, I must accept it. He was a disciple, and taught him all my mantle and mantle!"

"Fart!" The gray-robed cloak master "Du Laogui" immediately shouted, "Pangang belongs to you, you are very accomplished in the two heavens of gold and earth, and you can teach him! As for Xu Ming, it is definitely mine!"

"Old ghost Du, Xiuye, stop arguing! I've decided that I will accept apprentices on behalf of my teacher; this Xu Ming will be my junior brother from now on..."

"Xu Ming is mine!"

"its mine!"

"Go away, it's mine!"

Several masters of the master realm hidden in the dark, arguing with each other through voice transmission, and arguing with each other, no one agrees with the other.

Arguing and arguing, the contradictions escalated; several masters of the master realm actually moved their hands secretly, and they all collided with each other with mental power.

call out! call out! call out! …

A silent war started quietly in the stands. The kings and **** emperors who were watching the battle did not know that there were actually four or five masters who were fighting to accept Xu Ming as a disciple.


Suddenly, the grey-robed cloak master Du Laogui suddenly spit out a mouthful of black blood.

"Damn, you all joined forces to besiege me!" Du Laogui was angry and sound transmission - his strength is the strongest among several masters, and it is precisely because of this that he was targeted!

"Humph! You are the strongest. If you don't besiege you, who will be besieged?" The master of the cultivator sneered.

"You... you guys dare to fight on the Bloody Sea Battle Stage!?" Du Laogui roared through voice transmission.

At this time, not far from the old ghost Du, a master king who did not know his identity came over and patted him on the shoulder: "I said eldest brother, you also vomited blood from Xu Ming's anger? Damn it! Me too! The essence of my bet is all lost!"

Du Laogui is speechless - I vomit blood, and you vomit blood, can it be the same?

"Go away!" Du Laogui faintly exuded some murderous aura, and shouted in a bad mood.

The master king felt that Du Laogui was powerful, so he didn't dare to say more, and hurried away.

Under the **** sea battle stage, Pan Gang looked up at Xu Ming on the battle stage in disbelief: "Brother Xu Ming, you..."

"Sorry, Brother Pangang!" Xu Ming said with a smile, "My **** battle stage is to show off my strength and impact the peerless beauty list, so..."

"What!? Shocking the peerless beauty list!?" Pan Gang's eyes widened, and he was even shocked when he was shot by Xu Ming just now.

He felt that this Xu Ming brother must be crazy! —If you want to be on the peerless elegance at least you must have the strength of a **** emperor! Xu Ming could easily defeat him, but he was still far from being on the list of peerless beauty, right?

Where did Xu Ming's confidence come from?

Xu Ming clenched his fists at Pan Gang, apologizing slightly; then, he looked around and put on a look that would not refuse anyone who came: "I, Xu Ming, on this **** battle stage, challenge the masters of the gods from all directions! Who will come? Teach me!?"

Xu Ming's body was burning with a roaring fighting spirit!

Since coming to God's Domain, Xu Ming's behavior has always been low-key.

And now, in the Holy Emperor City, the first divine city in the Divine Realm, and in the Blood Sea Battle Stage that all the great powers of the Divine Realm are concerned about, Xu Ming decided: make a blockbuster and become famous in the Divine Realm!

Let the name "Xu Ming" resound throughout the entire Divine Realm!

When it was time to recruit relatives, Xu Ming removed his disguise and revealed his true face! At that time, use the loudest reputation to marry Yin Ran!

And being on the peerless elegance list is only the first step in Xu Ming's fame!

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