Break Into Another World

Chapter 1153: 1 palm kill

On the blood sea battle platform, Xu Ming stood with his hands behind his back, his aura was like a long spear piercing the sky.

The gods watching the battle, after a brief period of stunned, burst into an uproar:

"What!? This Xu Ming dares to challenge the Quartet?"

"Is he courting death?"

"Definitely courting death!"

What does it mean to challenge the Quartet? - In the same class, no one refuses to come!

For example, now, Xu Ming is at the initial stage of conferring a king; then, as long as he is in the stage of conferring a king, he can go on stage and fight against Xu Ming!

"Beginning King Feng, how dare you challenge the Quartet? Who gave him the courage?"

"It's totally too long!"

Although Xu Ming had just defeated Pangang with a single palm, but in the eyes of the kings and **** emperors watching the battle, it was not because of Xu Ming's strength, but because the battle just now was a fake fight and an act!

Therefore, as soon as Xu Ming's challenge came out, everyone looked at Xu Ming as if they were looking at a dead man! - This is simply playing tricks!


How do these ignorant kings and **** emperors know that Xu Ming actually wants to directly challenge all the high-ranking **** emperors! As long as the challenge is successful, then, after the next update of the peerless elegance list, there will be Xu Ming's name on the list!

However, due to the rules of the Blood Sea Battle Stage, Xu Ming's cultivation base is not qualified to challenge the high rank of the God Emperor as soon as he comes up! Moreover, even if Xu Ming is qualified to challenge, I am afraid that there is no high-level **** emperor who is willing to surrender his status and play with Xu Ming on stage.

Therefore, Xu Ming had to take it one step at a time! First challenge the Quartet and swept all the kings; then, challenge the **** emperor!


The mad dog **** was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes burst into hideousness and ecstasy: "I originally planned to kill him after he left the Bloody Sea Battle Stage! I didn't expect that he would take the initiative to challenge the Quartet, it's really courting death!"


The mad dog **** did not hesitate, and rushed to the blood sea battle stage: "Boy, since you are eager to find death, I will fulfill you!"

The mad dog spirit exuded a mad and ferocious aura, which instantly enveloped the audience.

"It's a mad dog and a half emperor!"

"A mad dog never shows mercy when it bites people! This kid Xu Ming is going to be miserable!"

"Who can be blamed when it's miserable? It's him who wants to pretend and want to die!"

Mad Dog, the Half-Step God Emperor; in the dungeon, everyone called him "Mad Dog Half-Emperor".

The title was ugly and humiliating; however, the Mad Dog Ban Di didn't care at all. Because... he's a mad dog!

"Oh? It's a mad dog?" The masters hiding in the dark frowned slightly, "This mad dog, although a little crazy, has no doubts about its strength; even among the half-step **** emperors, It's a relatively strong existence! Xu Ming...can he win?"

From the point of view of several masters, although Xu Ming easily defeated Pan Gang, it must have something to do with Pan Gang himself being too careless! Moreover, the strength of the Mad Dog Bandi is much stronger than that of Pangang!

Therefore, the masters are still skeptical about whether Xu Ming can defeat the mad dog and the emperor!

However, Du Laogui and other masters have already thought about it. If Xu Ming is really in danger, then they will definitely save it!

Even doing so would break the rules of the Blood Sea Battle Stage and even offend the Blood Sea Battle Stage. However, for a genius like Xu Ming, who is expected to become a master; it is worthwhile to offend the Blood Sea Battle Stage a little!

Several masters joined forces, and they were completely offended! After all, the power behind the Blood Sea Battle Stage is just a relatively powerful ruler.

"Look!" Of course, Du Laogui and other masters still expected Xu Ming to defeat the mad dog and the emperor.

"Boy, you have the last three breaths of your life!" Mad Dog Bandi's eyes exuded madness and murderous aura.

"Oh?" Xu Ming smiled with interest, "You want to kill me?"

On the battlefield of the blood sea, although life and death are a matter of life, if there is no grievance or enmity, there is generally no intention to kill people; usually, killings occur only when they cannot hold back during the battle.

And now, Mad Dog Bandi is obviously trying to kill on purpose!

"That's right, of course I want to kill you!" The Mad Dog Half-Emperor had a ferocious aura.

"Alright then!" Since the other party insisted on courting death, Xu Ming had no choice but to fulfill him.

In the sky, the grand voice presiding over the battle sounded: "Now... the battle begins!"

"Die! The kid who can only act!"


The mad dog half-emperor's aura fully erupted, and he slammed towards Xu Ming. This blow, not to mention the general first-level king, is difficult to take even if it is the limit of the king.

"Sure enough, it's a mad dog! When dealing with a junior king, he even made a killing move as soon as he came up!"

"This Xu Ming is also considered unlucky to meet a mad dog and a half emperor!"

"What's wrong? You can't die if you don't do it! Who can blame him for courting death in such a high-profile manner?"

"Ha!" Xu Ming's feet were rooted on the battlefield, and he didn't even bother to move.

"Look, this Xu Ming was scared stupid?"

"You must have been frightened! A junior king, facing the ultimate move of a mad dog and a half emperor, can you not be frightened?"


Do not!

Xu Ming is disdainful!

I saw Xu Ming slowly raise his palm, and the surging power of heaven quickly condensed into a huge flame palm in the void.

"It's this trick again!" The gods watching the battle looked at Xu Ming like a fool, and scolded, "Is this Xu Ming really stupid? The reason why he was able to shoot Pangang with one palm just now is completely It's because Pangang cooperated with him in acting; and now, he is still using this trick to deal with the mad dog and the emperor... Isn't this courting death?"

"What's so strange! This Xu Ming was originally courting death!"

"That's it! Come to the Bloody Sea Battle Stage today, just take it as a joke!"

The gods watching the battle all shook their heads.

Even Pan Gang, although he had just experienced how strong Xu Ming's slap was, he still felt that Xu Ming was too supportive! He smiled wryly and shook his head and sighed: "Brother Xu Ming, brother Xu Ming! The strength of the Mad Dog is much stronger than me! You use the same tricks to deal with him, but it's useless!"

Under the gaze of the audience, the huge flame palm in the void slammed into the mad dog half-emperor.

At first, the Mad Dog Bandi was very disdainful—this kind of **** attack that didn't make sense, also wanted to threaten me?

It wasn't until the giant flame of fire approached that the mad dog half emperor felt the threat, and showed horror: "This... no!!"

However, it's too late!


The giant flame palm smashed over the **** body of the mad dog half emperor!

Just now, when Xu Ming dealt with Pan Gang, he was actually showing mercy; but this time, Xu Ming shot with killing intent!

With a slap in the palm, the weak mad dog half emperor didn't even have a chance to struggle and beg for mercy, and every particle of the divine body was wiped out!

And this whole process, not even a breath of time!

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