Break Into Another World

Chapter 1154: 1 trick again

what! ?


In less than a breath of time, the Mad Dog Half-Emperor was slaughtered to the point that not a single particle remained! - This scene happened so suddenly! Suddenly, all the gods watching the battle, including Du Laogui and several other masters, were somewhat unable to react.

There was a long silence.

After the silence, those kings and **** emperors burst into flames!

"What!? This Xu Ming actually killed the mad dog half-emperor in one move?"

"How could it be like this... Isn't this Xu Ming just a junior king? He was able to defeat Pan Gang with one palm, isn't it because he was acting? Could it be... Mad Dog Ban Di is also acting with Xu Ming?"

"You're stupid! Have you ever seen anyone acting with their lives? Besides, even if the Mad Dog Half-Emperor really cooperates with Xu Ming in acting and doesn't resist at all, it wouldn't be so easy to be killed by a single slap, right?"

"What's the situation now?"

"How do I know? You ask me, who do I ask?"

The existence of several Dominion Realms was also stunned.

"We seem to have underestimated Xu Ming's strength..." Du Laogui murmured.

"How is it possible to be so strong at the first level of King Feng? Is this Xu Ming disguising his cultivation?"

"Impossible! If he really disguised his cultivation, how could our masters not be able to see it at all? - His cultivation is definitely the first-level king!"

"But this is too strong, isn't it?"

Several masters discussed and discussed, and in the end they could only sigh with emotion: "See you in a long time! See you in a long time!"

Live for a long time, you can see everything!

Just like now, they've gotten to know each other!


The one who felt the most terrified was undoubtedly Pan Gang! Seeing the mad dog with the half-step **** emperor's cultivation realm, Xu Ming slapped him with a slap and even the scum was left, Pan Gang was so frightened that his hands and feet were cold and his whole body was trembling.

"This huge flame palm is so terrifying..." Pan Gang thought in fear, "Fortunately, when Brother Xu Ming slapped me with his palm, he just slapped me lightly, otherwise... I'm afraid there's not even any scum left. !"

Before, Pan Gang felt that the reason why he was slapped was because he was careless! Only now did he know that this was because Xu Ming had shown mercy; otherwise, it wouldn't be as simple as shooting the fly!

After the palm of his hand, all the mocking and questioning voices towards Xu Ming turned into shock and panic.

"Is this still the first level of King Feng?"

"I'm afraid that many of the first-level **** emperors are not as strong as Xu Ming, right?"

"The strength exceeds the cultivation base by a large's terrifying!"

"This Xu Ming is going to become famous in the first battle!"

Xu Ming stood proudly on the **** battle platform with his hands behind his back, his expression unwavering, neither surprised nor happy.

"I, Xu Ming, challenge the Quartet! But who else is willing to come and enlighten me!?"

Xu Ming shouted loudly again, challenging all the kings.

This time, there were no more boos at the scene; because Xu Ming has proved with his strength that he really has the strength to "challenge the Quartet"!

For a long time, no one dared to board the Blood Sea Battle Stage.

"Huh? Nobody?" Xu Ming frowned slightly.

But no one is okay! If no one has ever challenged, then Xu Ming is qualified to challenge the masters of the first-level **** emperor!

After a while, Xu Ming shouted again: "I, Xu Ming, challenge the Quartet! But who else is willing to come and teach me!?"

At this moment, at the entrance of the Blood Sea Battle Stage, a voice sounded: "I'm coming!"

Following this voice, a young man with a handsome face stepped on the void and stepped towards the blood sea battle platform.

"It's Tan Bo!"

"Tan Bo actually came to the Blood Sea Battle Stage today!"

"Haha! This Xu Ming's strength is really good; it's a pity that he has just started to be arrogant and is about to lose!"

"Yeah! Tan Bo was once rated as 'invincible king' at the Blood Sea Battle Stage! Although he hasn't made a shot for many years, his strength is definitely more and more unfathomable, and he is probably close to the middle rank of God Emperor!"

The gods watching the battle all exclaimed.

If you want to get the evaluation of "invincible king level", you must win consecutively when you "challenge the Quartet" on the blood sea battle platform, and you can't rest in between, until no more king level dares to take the stage to fight!

It is undoubtedly extremely difficult to get such an evaluation! —And Tambo did it!

"I heard that you killed the mad dog with one palm? - Your strength is good, and you are qualified to let me fight seriously!" said Tan Bo.

Tan Bo also just passed by and heard that there was a first-level king on the Blood Sea Battle Stage who killed the mad dog half emperor with one palm. He couldn't help being curious and itchy, so he rushed over with enthusiasm.

"Really?" Xu Ming said noncommittally, "Go ahead!"

Tan Bo glanced at it: "Show your weapons! Otherwise, you will have no chance!"

Xu Ming shook his head: "At the level of the king, no one is qualified to let me show off my weapons!"


All the gods in the audience, these two words appeared in their hearts.

You must know that Tan Bo has won the evaluation of "invincible king level", that is to say, under the emperor, almost no one is his opponent! Today, although Tan Bo has not yet broken through to the emperor level, his strength is close to, or even comparable to, the middle level of the **** emperor! - And Xu Ming, actually said that Tan Bo is not even qualified to let him show his weapons! How arrogant is this?

Just... Really arrogant?

Do not!

With Xu Ming's strength, saying these words is not arrogance at all, but... humility!

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Tan Bo couldn't help laughing and shouted, "I've seen a lot of arrogant people! But, I've only seen someone as arrogant as you in my life!—Alright, I'll teach you what it means to be someone outside of you. , There is a sky outside the sky!"


Tan Bo's body was surging with divine power, and his momentum was monstrous; a silver-white round wheel had already appeared in his hand. Above the round wheel, there are hideous thorns and complicated secret patterns, which obviously have extraordinary lethality!


In the next instant, Tan Bo had transformed into a lightning bolt, and the round wheel in his hand was even more radiant, strangling and strangling towards Xu Ming.

"Ha!" Xu Ming smiled lightly and raised his slap.


Seeing Xu Ming raise his slap, the gods watching the battle couldn't help but feel a strange feeling in their hearts: "Could it be..."

They guessed it right!


A huge flame condensed and formed in the void again.

"I rely on!"

"That's the trick!"

"It's this trick again!"

The gods who watched the battle were all speechless—I said eldest brother, this is the battle platform of the **** sea! Could you be more mindful? Don't use this unpopular trick every time, okay?

"Too arrogant!"

No one is optimistic about Xu Ming!

After all, this time, Xu Ming's opponent is not Pan Gang or Mad Dog, but Tan Bo, who is close to the middle-level strength of the God Emperor!

"Damn it!" Tan Bo felt greatly humiliated - he was a master who was rated as "invincible at the king level"! And now, he was actually being dealt with by a novice king with such contemptuous tricks?

"Boy! You are too much!"

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