Break Into Another World

Chapter 1168: 40 more shots

clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap clap...

The applause was crisp and melodious.

One palm after another, Can Tian was stunned, and the gods watching the battle were stunned.



"how so…"

"How can Xu Ming's strength be so strong!?"

The gods watching the battle were all dumbfounded.

They thought that Xu Ming's challenge to Cantian was completely like a mighty cockroach shaking the tree; even if Cantian asked Xu Ming to make a hundred moves, Xu Ming would not be able to shake Cantian at all.

Unexpectedly... Xu Ming slapped Cantian directly with a slap. Next, he slapped Cantian so much that he couldn't lift his head at all.

"When Xu Ming and the God Emperor Mojiang fought a life-and-death battle, didn't they take a lot of effort to win? Why is Xu Ming so much better now than a year ago?"

"Could it be... A year ago, Xu Ming deliberately concealed his strength? Or, did Xu Ming's strength improve by leaps and bounds this year?"

"In just one year, even if you make rapid progress, how can it be so exaggerated?"

"Why is it impossible? Look, Xu Ming's current cultivation level is no longer the first level of the king a year ago, but the peak of the king!"

"In a year, from the initial stage of the king, to the peak of the king? - If this is the case, then Xu Ming definitely hides countless secrets!"

Regardless of whether Xu Ming hid his strength before, or made rapid progress this year; in a word, everyone has to admit that Xu Ming's strength is probably not weaker than Yehenara Cantian!

"Chantian even asked Xu Ming to do a hundred tricks..." The masters and experts watching the battle felt a touch of sadness for Cantian - this is a very typical "failed to pretend to be hanged and beaten"!

In Can Tian's heart, he felt a lot of pain.

It really hurts!

"I'm not stupid!?" Can Tian really wanted to slap himself a few times and wake himself up—oh, yes, he doesn't need to do it himself, Xu Ming has already helped him!

"forty nine!"


"fifty one!"

Xu Ming counted as he pumped.

"Ah!!" Can Tian roared angrily, and suddenly an icy blue cold sword light flashed across his hand.

Even the surrounding void was faintly swallowed by Jianmang - Silkworm Heaven Sword!

Eat the world!

"Cantian out of the sword!"

"He can't take it anymore!"

Many gods watching the battle couldn't help but exclaim.

"Xu Ming! Die!!" Can Tianjian swallowed the cold sword light, almost tearing the void.

Xu Ming jokingly said: "Can Tian, ​​didn't you say that you want me to make a hundred moves? There are only fifty-one moves, and there are still forty-nine moves that have not been made! - There are so many gods in the field, but they are all witnesses; Is it possible that you want to go back on your word? Or, you Yehenalas are all unreputable people?"

The gods watching the battle are completely watching the fun and it is not a big deal.

Many gods followed suit:

"That's right! I can testify! It's true that we have to make a hundred moves!"

"Haha, the dignified Yehenara? Cantian, shouldn't you be able to afford even a hundred moves? - If you really can't afford it, don't be so arrogant just now!"

"Why didn't I know before that Can Tian is actually a renegade?"

"Yehnara's countless billions of years of credibility, I don't think so!"

Listening to the waves of roaring noises, Can Tian just wanted to scold - I went back on my word? It was Xu Ming who pretended to be a pig and ate a tiger first, right? If I had known that he was so powerful, I would have let him do one hundred tricks unless I was a fool!

If it is only related to Cantian's own reputation, then now, Cantian absolutely doesn't want to think about it, and directly "returns his word". However, Xu Ming's remarks raised the issue to the "credibility of the Yehenala clan"; if Cantian reneged on his word, it would not be his face, but the entire Yehenala clan. face up!

"If I lose Yehenala's face, when I go back, the first ancestor will probably kill me..." Thinking of this, Can Tian couldn't help trembling.

"Zu Yi", the ancestor of Yehenara's clan, is the one who loves face the most!

Can Tian gritted his teeth: "One hundred moves is one hundred moves! Hold on!"

However, seeing the slaps that landed on his face one after the other, Can Tian couldn't help shouting angrily, "Xu Ming, you keep slapping me, what's your skill!?"

"Uh... Since that's the case, I won't slap you!" Xu Ming thought for a while, and then he took out his spear.

With the spear in his hand, Xu Ming couldn't help but think: "The Yehenala clan is sincere! Originally, I planned to slap him a hundred times, and just perfunctory the hundred tricks he gave him; Thinking of it, Cantian is still not willing... Since he is not willing, I have to take the remaining forty tricks seriously!"

"I..." Can Tian almost vomited blood—Isn't this mean? Originally, Xu Ming was bare-handed; when I "remind" him like this, Xu Ming directly took out his weapon...

However, for the honor of the clan, Can Tian decided to fight!

"Come on!" Can Tian held the Can Tian Sword in his hand, making a defensive gesture—since he made a hundred moves, then when he made the move, Can Tian couldn't attack or dodge, he could only defend.

"Hehe!" Xu Ming smiled playfully, and the spear shot out angrily, "The Five Forms of Reincarnation... Heaven Collapsing!"

A move of absolute power to crush!

The only downside is that it is easy to be dodged!

But now, Can Tian can't dodge, he can only carry it! So... "Tianbeng style" has only advantages and no disadvantages!

rumbling rumbling...

One shot, the terrifying power, as if the entire sky collapsed directly, and collapsed to the silkworm sky.

Can Tian suddenly widened his eyes in horror: "This... so strong!?"

The masters and powers watching the battle also widened their eyes in shock - what Xu Ming used was the same "Heavenly Collapse" as last year; but in terms of power, it was too much stronger!

boom! !

In Cantian's terrified expression, the reincarnation spear rolled over.

Can Tian is good at swordsmanship.

His swordsmanship, strange and fast, can often kill silently; however, only strength is weak!

But now...

Brother Ming doesn't fight with you for being weird, nor does he fight for speed with you, he just hits you with strength!


First shot down! Even though Can Tian had tried his best to resist, he was still smashed to the point that his entire body was shaken, and golden blood oozes directly from the corner of his mouth.

Can Tian became more and more frightened: "The power contained in this gun is stronger than I imagined!"

"Haha! Come again!" Xu Ming laughed and raised his spear again, "Can Tian, ​​don't hide!"

"Pfft!" Silkworm had to vomit blood directly.

At this moment, he regretted it too much: "Why should I pretend to be X and let him do a hundred tricks..."

boom! !

Second shot! - With the warm-up of the first shot, this second shot is even more powerful!

"Pfft!" Can Tian was directly blasted out a large pool of black blood, obviously not lightly injured!

"Hehe!" Xu Ming said with a wicked smile, "Come again! - After the third shot, there are still forty shots left!"

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