Break Into Another World

Chapter 1169: death pardon

After these three shots, there are forty shots left!

"I..." Can Tian almost spit out another mouthful of old blood.

So bullying!

It's so bullying!

After taking these three shots, Can Tian will probably be seriously injured; the damage to the divine body is estimated to exceed one tenth!

Another 40 shots... If it doesn't take 40 shots at all, Can Tian will be smashed to death!

"Xu Ming, stop! I admit defeat!" Can Tian hurriedly shouted.


admit defeat?

Xu Ming sneered, and the spear slammed out again: "Can Tian! This is a life-and-death battle!"

In the battle of life and death, say "stop" and say "admit defeat"? - Isn't this a joke?


The power of the sky and the earth torn apart completely converged on this gun.

"Third shot!"


Can Tian was blown away directly, and did not stop until he smashed into the isolation barrier of the life and death battle.

"Pfft!" Another mouthful of black blood spurted out, and Can Tian shouted in horror, "Xu Ming, stop, stop! I admit defeat! I admit defeat!"

"Naive!" Xu Ming sneered, and raised his spear again, "A life-and-death battle is endless—how can you admit defeat?"

"Xu Ming!" Can Tianshen shouted, "Could it be that you really want to become our Yehenala clan's mortal enemy?"

Xu Ming smiled and said, "Aren't we mortal enemies now?"

"It's not yet a deadly enemy!" Can Tianlian said, "Although you have killed my Yehenala clan, you have the killing mark of my Yehenala clan on your body; but what you killed should only be unimportant. Clan - so, although you are the enemy of my Yehenala clan, it is not a deadly enemy; there is a way to reconcile the contradictions between us! But... My importance to the Yehenala clan is unspoken. And Yu; if you dare to kill me, then you are the mortal enemy of my Yehenala clan!"

"Is that so..." Xu Ming pretended to hesitate.

"Xu Ming, I lost this game! Let's end our life-and-death battle!" Can Tian said again.

"Haha!" Xu Ming laughed, "Cantian, I ask you - if it is me, not you, who is at a disadvantage now; then, is it possible for you to let me go?"

"I..." Can Tian wanted to panic; but he also knew that if he said "I will let you go", it would be too fake, and no one would believe it!

"Hahahaha..." Xu Ming laughed loudly, "Since you know it yourself, if you have the advantage, you will never let me go! So now, it is me who has the advantage; you say, I may spare you?"

rumbling rumbling...

Xu Ming's long spear, once again carrying the might of the sky and the earth, smashed it angrily.

"Xu Ming!!" Can Tian roared angrily, "Do you really want to go on the road of immortality with our Yehenala clan?"

Xu Ming just sneered disdainfully: "Why so much nonsense? There are still forty shots, so concentrate on taking the trick!"

"I..." Can Tian knew that it was impossible for Xu Ming to stop!

"Forty tricks..." Can Tian really wanted to get rid of it, and immediately launched a counterattack! He believes that in terms of strength, he is definitely stronger than Xu Ming, and he can definitely turn defeat into victory - but if he does, it will definitely affect the reputation of Yehenala for hundreds of millions of years.

After hesitating, Can Tian decided - Yehenala's reputation must not be damaged in any way! After all, the Yehenara clan is the most noble clan of the demon clan; once the reputation is damaged, the entire clan will lose face!

"Humph! Xu Ming, I remember this account! Our Yehenala clan, remember it!" Can Tian roared and took out a pure golden token.

"What is this?" Xu Ming was slightly startled, but he didn't pay attention, and continued to rage at Cantian.

But at this moment...

"Both sides stop!" The majestic voice presiding over the Blood Sea Battle Stage sounded; an incomparably vast coercion simultaneously oppressed Xu Ming and Can Tian.

"What's wrong?" Xu Ming wondered, "Why was the battle of life and death interrupted?"

"Humph!" Can Tian's face showed a smug look.

The vast coercion forced Xu Ming and Can Tian to separate them; the grand voice of the host continued: "The pardon of death is issued, and the life-and-death battle between the two sides is over!"

A death sentence?

Fight to the death?

Xu Ming was thoughtful, and his eyes fell on the golden talisman in Can Tian's hands: "Is this what the pardon of death is?"

Just when Xu Ming was puzzled, the voice transmission of "good friend" Du Laogui resounded in his mind again: "Little friend Xu Ming, the pardon of death is the top powers of the Holy Emperor City, in order to protect the younger generation, And a specially formulated rule!"


"Yes!" Du Laogui continued, "Within the Holy Emperor City, as long as you hold a pardon of death, then once you encounter danger in the battle of life and death, you will have the privilege of 'pardon from death'! A pardon of death Order, can only be used once!"

"Oh..." Xu Ming suddenly understood - no wonder, this Cantian took out a broken talisman; this battle of life and death was immediately terminated by the presiding power! It turns out that this broken command symbol has such a history!

"Xu Ming!" Can Tian's face was ugly, "Today's humiliation, next time, I will pay it back a hundredfold!"

Xu Ming didn't get angry but smiled: "Is it so arrogant to have escaped a catastrophe by relying on the pardon of death? Also, Cantian, next time, what are you going to do?"

Next time, are you going to make a few tricks?

As soon as Xu Ming said this, many gods who watched the show couldn't help laughing:

"Haha, this Cantian is really a joke! Before the war, he said he would let Xu Ming make a hundred moves; as a result, after being slapped by Xu Ming more than 50 times, he was shot three times, and he was so scared that he used the pardon of death. !"

"Haha! It's really funny!"

"What do you know? Can Tian is here to preserve the reputation of Yehenala's family! Hahahaha..."

Can Tian walked off the stage with an ugly face amid the jeers.

At this time, many gods who were watching the battle just reacted - Xu Ming defeated Can Tian, ​​doesn't it mean that he can rank second on the peerless elegance list, second only to Li Xiujie?

An unknown genius, actually directly hit the second place on the peerless elegance list?



"This Xu will definitely be famous in the entire Divine Realm!"

"Does this even need to be said? - Moreover, Xu Ming's leapfrog combat ability is so strong, which shows his terrifying potential! In the future, it is very likely that he will be the top existence in the master, or even a semi-sage, sub-sage, and even quasi-sage level. !"

"Are we now witnessing the growth of a superpower?"

"Super powerful? Humph! The premise is that Xu Ming didn't die prematurely! However, with his flamboyant personality, it's hard not to die prematurely!"

The masters and powers of God's Domain have mixed praise and criticism for Xu Ming. But in general, most people still admire Xu Ming - after all, it is enough to be admired by Cantian, who is able to defeat the half-step master of his cultivation with the peak of Fengwang's cultivation!

Xu Ming was about to step off the stage when suddenly, a calm and cold voice resounded throughout the audience.

"Xu Ming, do you dare to fight me?" The one who spoke was the young man in white armor - Li Xiujie!

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