Break Into Another World

Chapter 1177: Recruiting opens

blink of an eye.

more than ten years.

In the past ten years, the peerless elegance list has been updated more than ten times. There is no suspense that Xu Ming will always be in the first place.

At first, every time when the peerless elegance list was updated, Xu Ming would go to the Blood Sea Battle Stage, waiting to be challenged! - After all, according to the rules, if you don't show up when the peerless elegance list is updated, then you will be directly sentenced to lose if you are challenged!

Of course Xu Ming would not give up the "first" ranking to others, so for the first few years, Xu Ming went to the Blood Sea Battle Stage once a year.

However, after going a few times, Xu Ming stopped going! -Because, every time I went to the Battle of the Sea of ​​Blood, no one dared to challenge Xu Ming; it was Long Peng, who was ranked second, and Can Tian, ​​who was ranked third.

Seeing that no one dared to challenge Xu Ming every time, the Half-Saint of Blood Sea changed the rules a little so that Xu Ming would not have to be present every time; if someone really wanted to challenge him, just come over! - In this way, in the next ten years, Xu Ming never went to the Blood Sea Battle Stage again; and his ranking has always been the first in the peerless elegance list!

A well-deserved first!


The ancient cultivator's clone suddenly opened his eyes. The eyes are radiant and sharp.

"'s almost time!"

What Xu Ming was referring to was naturally... the day to recruit relatives is coming soon!


Xu Ming stood up abruptly, a tyrannical aura filled his body.

More than ten years ago, Xu Ming's ancient cultivator clone was already at the peak of Fengwang's cultivation base; his strength was comparable to that of an ordinary half-step master, and when he used the "life and death style", his attack even stepped into the realm of mastery. threshold!

More than ten years later, Xu Ming will not stand still. Today, the cultivation base of the ancient cultivator's clone has reached the half-step **** emperor, and he is only a little closer to entering the emperor level; his strength has already stepped into the threshold of the **** realm!

Now, if Xu Ming confronts Li Xiujie again, he doesn't need to use the "birth and death style" at all, and he can almost kill Li Xiujie with a random move! - Of course, Li Xiujie has a mysterious trump card to protect him, Xu Ming can only injure him at most, but he can't kill him.

"Mysterious hole card?" Xu Ming was a little disdainful, "Sooner or later, I will kill Li Xiujie!"

sooner or later!

"Get ready, go to the City Lord's Mansion!"

Xu Ming turned his hand over, and a golden jade letter appeared in his hand.

The golden color on the letter talisman is a entrenched golden dragon; the jade part is a phoenix spreading its wings. There is a special aura that cannot be imitated on the entire letter talisman.

This letter talisman was obtained by Xu Ming when he signed up to recruit relatives in Chilie Mansion. With this letter talisman, he was qualified to participate in the recruiting.

Xu Ming looked at Jinyu Xinfu, as if looking at Yin Ran.

"I'm here!" he whispered.

"That's right!" Xu Ming suddenly thought to himself, "The matter of recruiting relatives must not be missed! To prevent accidents, let me transfer another clone over here!"

Which avatar to call?

The clone of the ancient cultivator is already here.

The avatar of Tiandaoliu wants to sit in the Yanyan Mountain and bring the fire snake master to kill.

The deity of cultivating the school of belief must sit in the dust world and independent space.

The only thing that is still idle is the avatar of Qi Luck!

"Then make the Qiyunliu clone and transfer it here!"

The "coordinate transmission" was opened, and it directly connected the two extremely distant coordinate points of the Holy Emperor City and the Endless Continent. Xu Ming's Qi Luck clone was silently transmitted directly to Xu Ming's world ring.

"In the future, my 'heart world' will grow; when the deity and the three avatars communicate with each other, there is no need to open 'coordinate teleportation' to hang up! Directly through the heart world, you can transmit to each other!"

The world of the heart, ethereal and nothingness, exists in the invisible.

The heart world of the deity and the three avatars is actually the same heart world! The deity is immortal, and the world of mind will never collapse.

"Set off!"

The City Lord's Mansion of the Holy Emperor City is incomparably huge, and its range is measured in "billion miles"!

The square outside the City Lord's Mansion is naturally vast.

At this time, thousands of emperor-level geniuses and tens of thousands of king-level geniuses had gathered in the square, waiting to enter the venue to participate in the recruitment. Of course, the vast majority of them did not really come here to recruit relatives; instead, they wanted to take this opportunity to show their strength in front of the gods, hoping to be accepted as a pro-inheritance.

"Big Brother Pangang!"

"Big Brother Pangang!"

When Xu Ming first entered the dungeon, the sturdy young man "Pangang" he met was surrounded by hundreds of king-level geniuses.

"Big Brother Pangang, why hasn't Brother Ming come yet?"

Of course, these king-level geniuses didn't really admire Pan Gang; they wanted to climb up Xu Ming's relationship through Pan Gang.

Although Pangang appeared to be very imposing on the surface, he was actually beating a drum in his heart! - After all, he wasn't sure, when he saw Xu Ming, whether Xu Ming would still call him a brother; if Xu Ming didn't treat him, then his face would be completely lost.

However, on the surface, Pan Gang still pretended to be very familiar with Xu Ming: "Isn't it normal that my brother Xu Ming hasn't come yet? - The more powerful the character, the later he will of course be!"

"It makes sense!" The geniuses suddenly realized - of course, they have to wait for Brother Ming here, is it possible that Brother Ming should wait for them here?

At this moment, an ordinary figure appeared on the edge of the square.

This figure is very ordinary, but it is eye-catching.

"Brother Ming!"

"It's Brother Ming!"

"Brother Ming is here!"

All the geniuses who had heard of Brother Ming's legend, or had seen Brother Ming's action, all exclaimed;

"Big Brother Pangang, Brother Ming is here, why don't you go up?" asked a flattering genius.

"Uh..." Pan Gang hesitated for a while, then gritted his teeth, went up to meet him, smiled and clasped his fists, "Brother Xu Ming!"

While saying hello, Pan Gang prayed in his heart—Brother Xu Ming, you have to give me face!

Xu Ming didn't put on any air, and smiled and cupped his fists: "Brother Pangang!"

The group of little brothers who were flattering around Pan Gang were immediately excited! - Big Brother Pangang and Brother Ming really are brothers! If we follow Big Brother Pangang, we will definitely be able to climb up to Brother Ming!

"Brother Pangang, you are here too!" Xu Ming laughed.

Xu Ming didn't feel much disgust about Pan Gang's coming to recruit relatives; after all, Pan Gang was not aiming at recruiting relatives.

After chatting with Pangang a few Xu Ming's eyes, he observed on the square! -Although Xu Ming doesn't think that there is any genius who can threaten him in the process of recruiting relatives; however, this recruiting is too important for Xu Ming, Xu Ming does not dare to be sloppy!

"Hey—" Suddenly, Xu Ming's eyes fell on a black-clothed youth in the distance, "Isn't this person the 'Meng He' I rescued in the Lei Ling Mountains?"

Xu Ming can recognize Meng He, but Meng He can't recognize Xu Ming! - After all, Xu Ming is now wearing a "camouflage" hanger, disguising his figure.

The eyes continued to scan.

However, Xu Ming did not find that there were any powerful new faces! - After all, Xu Ming has seen all the great geniuses on the peerless elegance list.

At this moment, there was an exclamation in the distance. The eyes of many geniuses turned to a huge team walking towards the square.

There are hundreds of people in this team, and all of them are geniuses at the level of God Emperor!

In the middle of hundreds of emperor-level geniuses, surrounded by stars like the moon, it is Li Xiujie!

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