Break Into Another World

Chapter 1178: see you forever

"Li Xiujie!" A murderous intent flashed in Xu Ming's eyes.

However, Li Xiujie had a mysterious protection card; even if Xu Ming opened the "Book of Life and Death" at all costs, he could not kill him for the time being.

But Xu Ming is not in a hurry! - Li Xiujie, he must be killed; it's just a matter of "sooner or later".

Of course, Li Xiujie also discovered Xu Ming. In his eyes, hatred was mixed with murderous intent, and he was full of anger.

"Xu Ming!" Li Xiujie looked at Xu Ming and transmitted his voice indifferently, "This City Lord's Mansion is where you died!"

"Heh!" Xu Ming laughed, and said with a voice transmission, "You can't even take a single move from me. Where did you get the confidence to say such a thing? Could it be that it's just the rabble around you?"

Li Xiujie was surrounded by hundreds of emperor-level geniuses; however, in Xu Ming's view, **** emperors with ordinary strength were indeed just a mob.

"Humph!" Li Xiujie snorted coldly, "It's useless to talk too much! See you on the battlefield!"


Xu Ming narrowed his eyes slightly and said in his heart, "It seems that Li Xiujie knows some rules for recruiting relatives; among them, there is likely to be a competition."

Know the rules, so what?

No matter what kind of rules, Xu Ming will crush them with absolute strength!

Talents from all sides gather.

The peerless elegance list, as well as a group of geniuses on the potential list, appeared one after another. Xu Ming also saw some people he had seen before—for example, the loyal-looking young man he met at the Shensha River not far from the Holy Emperor City.

Of course, the young Zhongliang couldn't recognize Xu Ming. After all, Xu Ming now has a "camouflage" link.

The auspicious time is coming.

Tens of thousands of **** emperors and king geniuses, holding gold and jade letters, poured into the city lord's mansion.

Entering the City Lord's Mansion, under the guidance of the guards along the way, Xu Ming and other geniuses entered the main hall where they were recruiting relatives.

The roof of the main hall is as vast as the sky; the entire palace is full of green mountains and green waters, and it is completely a small world.

A thick golden seat is suspended in random places above the green mountains and green waters; it looks messy, but in fact it is in harmony with the order of heaven.

In front of the countless seats is a suspended ladder leading to the depths of the cloudy sky—the depths of the cloudy sky, where the Holy Emperor City Lord and the other great powers who are watching are sitting.

"Xu Ming, your seat is over there!"

As soon as Xu Ming entered the main hall, a **** emperor sent him a voice transmission and told him the location of the seat.

The seating arrangement of the geniuses is determined according to the ranking of the peerless elegance list and their respective identities and backgrounds. Xu Mingxiong has been ranked "No. 1" on the peerless elegance list for more than ten years, and his seat is naturally arranged in the best position in the front.

And Li Xiujie was "not far" from Xu Ming.

It is said to be "not far", but the whole palace is too vast; even the two closest seats are thousands of miles away.

After all the geniuses were seated, above the clouds, a mighty middle-aged man stood up - the Holy Emperor City Lord.

With a smile on the face of the Holy Emperor City Lord, he said in a loud voice: "Welcome all the geniuses to the City Lord's Mansion to participate in the marriage invitation! Please sit down for a while, and after the spectators are seated, I will come to announce the rules of the marriage invitation!"

After the Holy Emperor City Lord finished speaking, he sat back in his seat.

After a while, above the clouds, there appeared the figures of the masters.

An elder of the ruler of the Holy Emperor City stood with his hands over his shoulder, and his voice resounded throughout the palace:

"The Master of Time and Space is here—"

"The Lord of the Void Heaven is here—"

"The slaughter **** is quasi-sacred—"

"The pavilion master of all things is here—"

Each and every one of the great powers is a giant of the power of the God's Domain.

"The ancestor of the Yehenara clan has arrived—"

"Yehnara Zuyi?" Xu Ming looked at the burly figure in black robe - in fact, Xu Ming had no intention of feuding with the entire Yehenala clan, let alone with Zuyi quasi-sage; but... it seems to have already settled !

Zu Yi's eyes glanced at Xu Ming if there was nothing in sight! -Although Xu Ming has put on "camouflage", the mark of Yehenala's enemy on his body cannot be disguised!

"The sea of ​​blood is half holy—"

Half-Saint of the Sea of ​​Blood, has dealt with Xu Ming several times, and is somewhat familiar.

"Ripple dominates to—"

"Cloud dominates to—"

"Master Yun?" Xu Ming was slightly startled.

Master Yun is Yun Ning's father!

Back in the Yanyan Continent, Yun Ning pestered Xu Ming and insisted on apprenticeship; although in the end, Xu Ming still did not accept him as his apprentice, but he taught him some of the mysteries of "The Five Forms of Reincarnation"—although he had no apprenticeship, But there are teachers and students.

And Master Yun is said to be a super existence that ranks in the top ten of God's Domain except for saints! Compared with the superpowers such as the Holy Emperor City Lord, Zuyi Quansheng, and the Space-Time Hall Master, they are only stronger or weaker!

"Master Yun is here too! I don't know, did Yun Ning come?"

In fact, Yun Ning also came.

It's just that on the current occasion, Yun Ning is still in the world ring dominated by Yun, and it is inconvenient to come out. After all, everyone in the audience is solemnly welcoming the master of the realm to the seat; Yun Ning is weak and obviously not qualified to show his face at this time. After all the ceremonies have passed, Yun Ning can come out of the world ring.

At this moment, Xu Ming saw that Master Yun was looking at him from a distance, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Huh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder, "I don't know Zhu Zhan and I, and I started a 'disguise' again. It's a fake identity! - Why is Zhu Zhan laughing at me?"

Xu Ming was a little confused.

"Yanhua dominates-"

"The north wind dominates—"

"Patriarch Li is here—"

The head of the Li family! Li Xiujie's father! At the same time, it is also the existence of the sub-sage level!

As soon as Patriarch Li arrived, Li Xiujie suddenly felt a bright face, and he straightened his back involuntarily.

One after another, the masters of the realm came and took their seats.

Powerful gathering.

The masters looked at the tens of thousands of top geniuses in the Divine Realm below, and couldn't help but chat with each other:

"The Lord of the Holy Emperor's marriage this time has caused a sensation in the entire Divine Realm!"

"It's natural! The Holy Emperor City Lord is just such a precious daughter. Of course, the event of recruiting marriage must be a grand event!"

"You say... Who is the most hopeful to win from this recruitment and become the quick son-in-law of Shengdi City?"

In terms of strength, Xu Ming is undoubtedly the strongest! But... this Xu Ming suddenly appeared out of nowhere; his background and background, I'm afraid he can't compare with Li Xiujie, Can Tian and others! "

"Indeed! It's not just about strength when it comes to recruiting relatives! If you have strength, but you don't have any background or background, you're not qualified to win!"

The masters were chatting, and the Li family suddenly smiled faintly: "You said... my son Li Xiujie's strength is not as good as that of Xu Ming? I don't agree!"

"Huh?" All the masters looked at the Li family in surprise - after all, Xu Ming defeated Li Xiujie in one shot, this is a well-known thing! Li Xiujie is not as strong as Xu Ming, so there seems to be no controversy, right?

"Ha!" Li Family Master smiled strangely and said proudly, "My son, Li Xiujie, has obtained the second inheritance in the family!"

Second inheritance?

The masters all looked shocked: "Patriarch Li! What is the difference between the first inheritance and the second inheritance of your Li family's mysterious inheritance?"

These masters have never heard of a "second inheritance"! They only know that the people of the Li family will change as long as they get a family inheritance once!

"If there is really a second inheritance, doesn't it mean that Li Xiujie has transformed twice?" the masters thought in horror.

Transforming once is already incomparably defying the sky; transforming twice...

The masters are a little hard to imagine Li Xiujie's current strength! It is even more unimaginable how high his future achievements will be.

"Heh!" Li Family Master smiled slightly, with disdain on his face, "Xu Ming? In front of my son, he's just a clown jumping on the beam! It's not worth mentioning!"

The masters did not speak, but in their hearts, they were more optimistic about Li Xiujie.

Even the Holy Emperor City Lord, hearing this, glanced at Li Xiujie in surprise.

Just when the rulers were shocked by Li Xiujie's strength...

A girl in a long white dress, followed by the maids, came walking on the white clouds.

The girl's skin is as crystal clear as warm jade, and her eyes are as smart and sparkling as clear springs; she is the most perfect work of God! Especially her temperament naturally exudes an attractive criminal smell.

Even many masters of the realm were slightly absent-minded when they saw this young girl.

The geniuses below the sky are even more suffocated by it!

Xu Ming's eyes fell on the girl, and he couldn't take it away!

"Yin Ran!" Xu Ming couldn't help calling softly in his heart.

At this time, Yin Ran seemed to be aware of it, and his eyes were accurately turned to Xu Ming.

Four eyes facing each other.

Although he is speechless, he seems to be thinking about it!

"Xu Ming!" Yin Ran's slightly glittering eyes became even more endearing.

A hundred years away!

Finally, in this Holy Emperor City, at the wedding scene witnessed by countless gods... Xu Ming and Yin Ran finally meet again!

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