Break Into Another World

Chapter 1183: Too cheap, right?

After leaving the study of the City Lord's Mansion, Xu Ming felt a little resentful.

The Lord of the Holy Emperor is too despised! -If it weren't for the fact that he was Yin Ran's father, Xu Ming would have slapped him and scolded him for being "underestimated"!

Now, although Xu Ming did not do this, he undoubtedly held his breath in his heart.

Strength, talent, background?

Since you have to look at strength, talent, and background, then Brother Ming will use his strength, talent, and background to slap you in the face!

Suddenly, Xu Ming received a message: "Brother Xu Mingxian, can you come to my residence for a chat?"

"Huh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but stunned, and then looked at the signature of the message - Master Yun.

Xu Ming suddenly realized that it was Yun Ning's father.

"It's an honor!" Xu Ming sent a message back.

Lord Yun, known as "under the saints, the top ten in the realm of the gods", is the real top existence in the realm of the whole gods! The accommodation that the Holy Emperor City Lord arranged for him is one of the best rooms in the "Tianzi Domain".

At this moment, Yun Ning was waiting at the gate of his residence with his head raised.

Xu Ming and Yun Ning, although they do not have the name of master and apprentice, they have the reality of master and apprentice! Now that Xu Ming, the "Master", is coming, of course Yun Ning will be waiting at the door in person.

As Yun Ning's only son of the ruler of the cloud, his status in God's Domain is naturally not simple! Even an ordinary master of the realm is not qualified to let Yun Ning wait at the door like this; therefore, Yun Ning's behavior naturally attracted the attention of some people.

"Brother Yunning, who are you waiting for?" Yehenala Cantian, who was passing by, couldn't help but asked curiously.

Can Tian, ​​even though he is a super genius of the Yehenara clan, his strength is much stronger than Yun Ning, but in terms of identity, he is still much inferior to Yun Ning! - After all, Cantian is in Yehenara clan, and is only a very common member of Zu Yi's many descendants; while Yun Ning is the only son of Yun Zhuge!

One is an ordinary descendant, and the other is an only son—the degree of love at home is naturally different; the status in the divine realm is naturally different.

"My master!" Yun Ning replied casually and ignored it; instead, he concentrated his attention so that as soon as Xu Ming appeared, he could immediately find out.

"Your master?" Can Tian was a little puzzled - when did Yunning have a master? Never heard of it!

However, Yun Ning obviously didn't want to talk to him, and it was not convenient for Can Tian to ask further questions. He and Yunning cupped hands and left.

Not long after Can Tiantian left, he met Xu Ming head-on.

"Huh? Xu Ming?"

There is hatred and fear in Cantian's eyes. However, thinking that this is the main mansion of the Holy Emperor City, it is strictly forbidden to do anything and it is extremely safe; therefore, the fear in his eyes quickly faded away. ,

Can Tian stopped directly in front of Xu Ming and shouted angrily, "Xu Ming, what are you doing here!?"

What am I here for?

Xu Ming couldn't help his face sinking: "It doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right?"

"It really has nothing to do with me, but..." With a sneer on his face, Can Tian pointed to the surrounding environment and smiled contemptuously, "This is the 'Tianziyu' guest room, is this where you can come?"

In the City Lord's Mansion, the guest rooms are divided into three levels: Tianzi Domain, Earth Character Domain, and Herringbone Domain.

In the Tianzi Domain, what is entertained is the master of the realm.

In the geographical domain, the emperor-level masters are entertained.

The herringbone domain is for those below the king level.

The reason why Cantian was able to live in the Tianzi Domain was because he lived in the residence of Zhuyi Quansheng.

In Cantian's view, Xu Ming has no dominant background, so how can he be qualified to live in Tianzi Domain. ; Therefore, it will be sarcastic.

"Xu Ming, I admit that your strength is stronger than mine! But, what's the use of it?" Can Tian continued sarcastically, "When recruiting relatives, it is important to be in the right household! You and the City Lord of the Holy Emperor are not in the same household at all. ; No matter how strong the strength is, it is impossible to be recognized! - This time, you have no chance to recruit relatives, hahahaha..."

Xu Ming looked at Cantian like a fool. If it hadn't been absolutely forbidden in the city lord's mansion, he would have slapped him long ago.

"Do I have a chance, I don't need you to worry about it!" Xu Ming said disdainfully, "However, Cantian, I can tell you right now - as long as I meet you in the first stage of the 'Fate Assessment', you will die! "

Can Tian couldn't help trembling.

He suddenly realized that he had done a very stupid stupid thing! ——I am mocking Xu Ming now, just trying to talk quickly; and Xu Ming's revenge in the "fate assessment" at that time is... terrifying!

"" Can Tiansei said Li Neijen, "The fate assessment will be witnessed by many great powers in the Divine Realm. I?"

Xu Ming just smiled coldly: "Fate assessment, can't help but kill!"

"His—" Can Tian's body trembled again—if Xu Ming was determined to kill him, then, once he bumped into Xu Ming in the "fate test", it would be really bad luck!

Can Tian could only pray silently: Don't run into Xu Ming then!

At this time, besides crying, Can Tian just wanted to say, "I'm a bitch!"

That's right!

It's completely the fault of the mouth!

Just when Can Tian secretly wanted to cry—

"Master!" An excited exclamation sounded, followed by Yun Ning rushing over.


Can Tian looked at Xu Ming in horror, and then looked at Yun Ning, who was excited, and seemed to think of something: "Could it be that Yun Ning's master is..."

"Hi-" Thinking of this, Can Tian became more and more frightened!

Cantian is indeed quite a background! However, given his identity and background, seeing Yun Ning who is weaker than him, he has to call out "Brother Yunning" honestly! - But what about now? Yun Ning actually called Xu Ming "Master"?

Can Tian felt a little chaotic in his head—doesn't this mean that, for him, a "brother-level" person, in front of Xu Ming, became a junior?

In other words - Can Tian offended the master of the "brother-level" figure!

But at this moment an unimaginable scene happened!

I saw Xu Ming said impatiently, "Yunning, how many times have I said it? I'm not your master!"

I rely on!

Can Tian almost sat down in shock - after a long time, Yun Ning wanted to apprentice, but Xu Ming was not willing to accept it!

This Xu Ming is too awesome, right?

This Yun Ning is too cheap, right? - In Cantian's view, as Yun Ning, what kind of master can't you worship? Even the quasi-sages might be happy to accept Yun Ning as their apprentice, right? Yun Ning, however, wanted to worship Xu Ming, a king-class teacher; this wasn't rude, but what was it?

The next scene made Can Tian even more certain that Yun Ning was indeed a jerk!

I saw Yun Ning with a shy face, leaned over to Xu Ming, bowed respectfully and said, "Whether the master accepts me or not, in my heart, you are my master!"

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