Break Into Another World

Chapter 1184: come by order

"Whether the master accepts me or not, in my heart, you are my master!"

In Yun Ning's eyes, fiery worship was burning.

Can Tian was speechless - is this still the cold Yun Ning? No one else should accept you as an apprentice, and you still have to join in with your shameless face... Can you stop being so cheap? Can you make a face?

"If Master Yun knew that Yun Ning was acting so cheap now, I'm afraid he would die of anger!" Can Tian thought to himself.

"Can Tian!" At this moment, Yun Ning turned to Can Tian, ​​his eyes were full of icy coldness, and Can Tian felt a little chilled, "You were so disrespectful to my master just now!"

When Yun Ning rushed over, he also saw some conflicts between Xu Ming and Cantian; that's why he was so angry.

"Brother Yunning..." Can Tianlian wanted to say something.

"Shut up!" Yun Ning shouted coldly, "Can Tian, ​​I tell you! From now on, you are my Yun Ning's mortal enemy!"

"What!?" Can Tian was immediately stunned - he never thought that Yun Ning would declare him as a mortal enemy without saying a word!

The mortal enemy is not just casually talking about it! It means that if Yun Ning has the chance, he will definitely kill him!

"Brother Yunning, what about such a little thing?"

At this moment-


A tyrannical momentum, angered, it is the cloud master!

Can Tian was startled, and couldn't help but look terrified: "Why is Lord Yun here? Could it be that he is also here for Xu Ming..."


Master Yun approached aggressively, and as soon as he came up, he clasped his fists at Xu Ming: "Brother Xu Mingxian!"

Xu Ming... virtuous brother?

These four words sounded like a thunderbolt to Cantian! - Master Yun, actually called Xu Ming a "virtuous brother"?

"Brother Yun!"

This title of Xu Ming made Cantian more certain - Xu Ming and Master Yun are really brothers!

"Hey—" Thinking of this, Can Tian couldn't help taking a deep breath!

Who is the cloud master? -Under the saint, the strength of the master of the cloud can definitely be ranked in the top ten of God's Domain! Even Zu Yi quasi-sage, I am afraid that it is slightly inferior to Yun Zhuge!

And now, it is such a super-existence in the top ten of the God's Domain who actually calls Xu Ming a brother!

At this time, Can Tian was so shocked that he doubted his life!

Just when Cantian doubts life...


Master Yun slapped him directly, sending Cantian flying.

"Master Yun, you..." Can Tian fell to the ground in a daze, looking at Master Yun in disbelief - in the city lord's mansion, it is absolutely forbidden to do anything! But the so-called "absolute prohibition" also depends on who is shooting; at the level of cloud domination, it is not a problem to teach Cantian a lesson!

It's just that when you reach the level of cloud domination, you will generally hold your own identity and will not arbitrarily shoot at juniors! Therefore, this is what shocked Can Tian - Master Yun, for Xu Ming's sake, even disregarded his identity and shot himself! What does this mean?

"Uh..." Xu Ming glanced at Zhuge Yun in surprise—obviously, he didn't expect that Zhuge Yun would also have the habit of slapping his hands.

"Go away!" Master Yun glanced at Cantian and snorted coldly, "If you have any opinions, let Zu Yi come to talk to me!"

have opinions?

Can Tian wants to have an opinion! Can ask him is - does he dare to have an opinion?

"Don't dare! Don't dare!" Can Tian covered his red and swollen face and ran away.

After running away, Can Tian really wanted to slap himself a few times—it was all because of his cheap mouth!

Just because he mocked Xu Ming a few words, Xu Ming would kill him in the "fate test", so Yun Ning listed him as a mortal enemy, so the master of Yun would personally teach him regardless of his identity...

"The price of being cheap is really too big!" Can Tian wanted to cry without tears.

At this time, Xu Ming was already talking and laughing, and followed Yun Zhuge into the residence.

"Brother Xu Mingxian, thank you for teaching Ning'er's marksmanship!" Master Yun thanked him.

"It's just an emperor-level marksmanship, it's nothing to talk about!" Xu Ming said this not because of his modesty; it was an emperor-level marksmanship, which was really nothing to Master Yun.

With the strength and status dominated by Yun, even if it is a master-level marksmanship, or even a holy-level marksmanship, it is probably not difficult to obtain!

"Brother Xu Mingxian is too modest!" Master Yun said with a smile, "It's really not difficult for me to find an emperor-level marksmanship! But you don't know, finding an emperor-level marksmanship that Ning'er is willing to practice is really difficult. It's not easy!"

Yun Ninglian defended: "Those marksmanship are not suitable for my practice! Only Master's marksmanship is the most suitable for me!"

"Brother Xu Mingxian!" Master Yun said again, "I have already told the City Lord of the Holy Emperor about the matter of recruiting relatives; if he is willing to give me some face, then he should be more or less partial to you!"

"Huh?" Xu Ming was stunned—to Master Yun, this might just be a matter of saying a word; but to Xu Ming, it was undoubtedly a huge favor!

Xu Ming sternly said, "Thank you, Master Yun! I, Xu Ming, remember this friendship!"

"No problem!" Master Yun waved his hand and said, "I am naturally very relieved about the strength and talent of Xu Mingxian's younger brother. When recruiting relatives, he will definitely crush the heroes! But I heard that Xu Mingxian's younger brother was born in the dusty world and was in the first place. In the three-stage 'background assessment', you may be at a disadvantage... If brother Xu Mingxian doesn't dislike it, I would like to appear as your brother during the 'background assessment' to make you stronger!"

"What!?" Xu Ming looked at Zhuge Yun in shock.

The reason for the shock is entirely because the cloud master is too enthusiastic!


So enthusiastic!

It even made Xu Ming feel a little too enthusiastic! - He just taught Yun Ning a little bit of marksmanship, but he didn't give much thought to pointing Yun Ning; even if there is favor for Yun Ning, the favor is very limited!

Master Yun, is it necessary to be so enthusiastic about Xu Ming because of such a little favor?

"Brother Yun, with all due respect..." Xu Ming thought about it and said.

Master Yun interrupted with a smile: "I know what brother Xu Mingxian wants to say!"

At this time, Yun dominates the gods mysteriously, controls the order of heaven, and forms an enchantment around them.

After setting up the barrier, Master Yun sent a voice transmission to Xu Ming, obviously not wanting Yun Ning to hear it.

"Brother Xu Mingxian, you don't have to be surprised! The reason why I am so enthusiastic is that one is to thank you for your teaching to Ning'er; the other is that..." Master Yun said mysteriously, "I am here on order!"

Ordered to come?

Xu Ming was startled! - Cloud Master, but the existence of the top ten in God's Domain! Who else can command him?

Could it be some saint?

"Excuse me..." Xu Ming wanted to make it clear.

"Brother Xu Please don't ask more!" Master Yun said again, "If you guess who it is, please keep it in your heart and don't say it; once you say it, there will be disasters. If you can't guess, then don't guess! When you should know, you will know; now you know more, it's not good for you!"

"Okay!" Xu Ming was also free and easy, so he didn't say any more.

However, in Xu Ming's heart, he had roughly guessed who the Lord Yun was ordered by.

"So, brother Xu Mingxian, when you go to the 'background assessment' section, you don't have to be polite, just mention my name! In this way, in terms of background, at least you won't lose to the Yehenala clan and the Li family!" Cloud dominates the road.

Xu Ming thought for a while and said, "Thank you Brother Yun for your kindness! However, I think that even if I don't use Brother Yun's name, I will not lose in the 'background assessment'!"

"Oh?" Master Yun glanced at Xu Ming in surprise, thinking - Could it be that Xu Ming has any other secrets he doesn't know?

"Then... Okay!" Master Yun didn't say much, "However, if Brother Xu Mingxian needs to use my name at that time, just use it casually!"

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