Break Into Another World

Chapter 1246: Record

"Impossible!" Zhunsheng Beihan suddenly shouted sharply, "Sage Tianyao has disappeared for endless years, and there is no news. How could it be so coincidental that he would pay attention to Xu Ming?"

"Humph! How dare you doubt my words!" Gui Suo Zhunsheng snorted coldly, his icy aura was like hundreds of millions of sharp needles pierced at Beihan Zhunsheng. At the same time, a golden talisman appeared in the hands of Gui Suo Zhunsheng, "This is the order of the Tianyao sage, who has doubts!?"

The breath on the golden talisman seems to be connected to the pulse of Saint Tianyao; as soon as you see this talisman, it is as if you see Saint Tianyao right in front of you.

In an instant, Beihan Quansheng, etc., no longer had any doubts!

"It's really the order of Saint Tianyao!"

"Sage Tianyao, there is news again!"

"Great... Has the Tianyao Sage finally returned? Can our ancient cultivator finally stop swallowing our voices?"

Because of the suppression of the Asura saints, the ancient cultivators in the realm of the gods were like mice crossing the street. Now, Saint Tianyao has returned, and the ancient cultivator can finally no longer fear Saint Asura!

Quansheng Beihan couldn't help but said: "Since the saint Tianyao has returned, why not show up to meet us?"

"No! Tianyao Saint is not returning!" Gui Suo Zhunsheng said, "Actually... Tianyao Saint has always been in the Holy Land and has never left!"

"Then when our ancient cultivator school was slaughtered, why didn't the sage show up?" Another sub-sage said with some grief.

"Because... Saint Tianyao has more important things and can't get rid of it!" Gui Suo Zhunsheng said, "Even now, Saint Tianyao is a little more relaxed, but he can't really show up; he can only communicate through me. Something he meant!"

something more important?

Even the ancient cultivators, who were suppressed and bullied like that, couldn't let the Tianyao sage appear, and couldn't even say a word - all the masters of the master realm, I am really very curious, what is the Tianyao sage? What important things do you do in the Holy Land?

"Tianfan!" Gui Suo Zhunsheng shouted, "Why don't you take out the inheritance crystal quickly?"

Elder Tianfan is one of the resident elders of the Holy Land Treasure House; as long as he is within the range of the ancient holy city, his world ring can be connected to the Holy Land Treasure House.

Now listening to Gui Suo Zhunsheng drinking like this, Elder Tianfan immediately reacted, and did not dare to hesitate any longer. He quickly ran the secret skill, connected to the Holy Land Treasure House, and took out ten inheritance crystals!

Gui Suo Quansheng did not hesitate to grab the ten inheritance crystals, and then threw them all into the inheritance pool.

At this time, the last bit of inheritance crystal in the inheritance pool was just used up; the new inheritance crystal was thrown in and just connected.

"Uh..." All the great masters of the master realm, seeing the ghostly quasi-sage directly throwing all ten inheritance crystals into it, he couldn't help but be stunned.

However, Gui Suo Zhunsheng immediately said: "Ten yuan is not enough! Get some inheritance crystals first!"

Ten dollars isn't enough?

You know, adding these ten pieces, Xu Ming has used up to twenty-five inheritance crystals!


In the inheritance pool, the vortex of the power of chaos is spinning more and more terrifyingly.

Soon, Xu Ming consumed 20 inheritance crystals!

And Xu Ming's cultivation has finally reached... Half-step dominance!

"Half-step dominance! This is the highest cultivation level that inheritance can achieve!" One after another, the masters of the master state secretly said.

Inheritance, the highest can only be inherited to the cultivation base of half-step master. The road to **** requires the realization of a chaotic frontier; this road can only be walked by oneself, and foreign objects cannot help.

"Xu Ming's inheritance should be coming to an end soon!"

"I estimate that a few inheritance crystals will be consumed a little! - After all, there is still a gap between just stepping into a half-step master and reaching the limit of a half-step master!"

"One inheritance consumes more than 20 inheritance crystals, which is incredible!"

Amidst the discussion, the ten newly thrown Inheritance Crystals were all consumed.

When Gui Suo Quansheng saw this, he threw in ten inheritance crystals without hesitation!

It didn't take long for Xu Ming's accumulated consumption of inheritance crystals to reach as much as thirty pieces!

"Hey—Xu Ming's inheritance, why hasn't it stopped?"

"Yeah! Xu Ming's current cultivation base should have reached the limit state, right? If he continues to accept the inheritance, he should not increase his cultivation base any more, right? - But why does the inheritance not seem to stop at all, but swallowed up instead? Is it getting faster?"

Gui Suo Quansheng snorted coldly and said, "Inheritance, the most important thing is not to inherit the cultivation base, but to cast the heritage! - The inheritance of the cultivation base has indeed reached its limit; but the casting of the heritage is probably far from complete. !"

The deeper the background, the higher the future height will be!

Gui Suo Quansheng's eyes were filled with reminiscence: "At the beginning, under the arrangement of the saint, I secretly accepted the inheritance; the total consumption of inheritance crystals was 33 pieces! - Xu Ming exceeded my record, it should be It's a snap!"

The more inheritance crystals consumed, the better the potential!

When the consumption of inheritance crystal reaches one piece, it means that... there is the potential to become a quasi-sage!

If the consumption of inheritance crystals reaches 30, it means that... there is the potential to prove the Tao and become sanctified!

Since the birth of God's Domain, the consumption of inheritance crystals has reached more than 30 pieces, and there are very few; moreover, each time it is carried out secretly under the arrangement of Tianyao sage.

It was Xu Ming that this time, it happened suddenly without any arrangement!

"The one who consumes the most inheritance crystals is Tianyao Sage, who has reached seventy-six pieces! I don't know... whether Xu Ming can break his record!"

Gui Suo Quansheng Xin actually does not think Xu Ming can break the record of Tianyao sage; however, he will still look forward to see if a miracle will happen - after all, he is Xu Ming's guide, if Xu Ming behaves against the sky , he also has a light on his face!

"Even if you can't reach the height of Saint Tianyao, as long as you reach fifty yuan, you'll be fine!"

Fifty inheritance crystals are a watershed! - Consuming 30 inheritance crystals can only be said to have the potential to prove Taoism and sanctification; and if you consume 50 inheritance crystals, it is almost certain that you can prove Taoism and become sanctified!

Xu Ming devoured it frantically.

Inheritance crystals are constantly being consumed.

"Thirty-four yuan... Sure enough, it's easier than me!" Gui Suo Zhunsheng didn't have the slightest jealousy, and some were just happy.


"Forty yuan... can it be fifty yuan?"

no doubt!


Breaking through fifty inheritance crystals is easy and easy!

Next, it's sixty dollars!

"Huh!?" The look of surprise in the eyes of Quansheng Gui Suo became more and more intense, "Xu Ming's speed of devouring the power of chaos has not slowed down at all! Could it be that... he can break the record of Saint Tianyao?"

After a while...

Seventy dollars!

The inheritance crystals consumed by Xu Ming have reached seventy pieces!

Gui Suo Quansheng was simply amazed beyond belief!

Fortunately, at this time, the speed of Xu Ming's devouring the power of chaos finally slowed down! This made Gui Suo Quansheng's heart a little easier to accept.

Gui Suo Quansheng looked expectantly: "Can Xu Ming reach seventy-six yuan?"

After consuming 70 inheritance crystals, Xu Ming seemed to have reached a bottleneck; the speed of devouring the power of chaos became slower and slower.

seventy one…

seventy two…

seventy three…

Under the eyes of Guisuo Quansheng's Xu Ming finally "difficulty" consumed 75 inheritance crystals, and began to consume 76 pieces!

But at this time, the speed at which Xu Ming devoured the power of chaos was already hundreds of thousands of times slower! Compared with the previous crazy devouring, Xu Ming seemed to be an old man who couldn't eat, and devouring became extremely difficult!

"Can Xu Ming use up all seventy-six inheritance crystals?" Gui Suo Quansheng looked at Xu Ming in the inheritance pool with a burning gaze.

The sage of Tianyao quit the inheritance at the moment when 76 inheritance crystals were consumed! If Xu Ming can consume all the seventy-six inheritance crystals, he will equal the record of Tianyao Sage!

As for transcending the sage of Tianyao...

In Gui Suo Zhunsheng's view, it should be impossible to surpass Xu Ming's current devouring speed that is "on the verge of death"!

Guisuo Quansheng can only look forward to watching.

In the dark, Saint Tianyao's eyes are actually paying attention to the inheritance pool - he has waited for too long! He needs to wait for the appearance of a super genius whose aptitude is no weaker than him! And Xu Ming was the only hope he had seen for hundreds of millions of years.

Beside the inheritance pool, the other ancient cultivators who were watching were completely numb with shock! - They don't know what it means that Xu Ming has consumed so many inheritance crystals; they only know that Xu Ming consumes the inheritance crystals, one after another.

The seventy-sixth inheritance crystal is only a little bit the size of a finger.

"As long as this point is exhausted, it means that Xu Ming's aptitude is comparable to that of the sage of Tianyao!" Gui Suo Zhunsheng had calmed down for countless billions of years, but at this time he became excited.

But at this time...

Xu Ming suddenly stopped to swallow! Inheritance Crystals are no longer consumed!

Updated today. thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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