Break Into Another World

Chapter 1247: My way is not alone


Gui Suo Zhunsheng looked at the little-finger-sized inheritance crystal with stunned and regretful eyes.

"It's just a little bit!" Gui Suo Zhunsheng couldn't help sighing, "A little bit, Xu Ming will be able to consume 76 inheritance crystals, and his aptitude will be equal to that of Tianyao sage!"

Just a little bit!

But it still shows that Xu Ming's aptitude is not as good as Tianyao Sage!

"I don't know... whether Xu Ming has met the requirements of Sage Tianyao..." Gui Suo Zhunsheng knew that Sage Tianyao had been waiting, and the ancient cultivator school could appear a first-class genius! However, it has been waiting for hundreds of millions of years, but it has not been able to wait.

As for Xu Ming, he was undoubtedly the one that Guisuo Quan Sanctuary had ever seen, and he had the best qualifications!

none of them.

Here, is a world that is still in chaos; it is also the place of origin of the holy land of ancient cultivators.

A tyrannical consciousness is completely integrated with the entire source land; this consciousness is the consciousness of Tianyao Sage.

However, what is surprising is... Saint Tianyao has only consciousness and no divine body!

Yes! - This consciousness is extremely tyrannical, and he can easily kill a quasi-sage with a single thought; however, he has no divine body!

You must know that the ancient cultivator school cultivates the divine body! However, the leader of the ancient cultivator school, the pioneer of the ancient cultivator holy land, did not even have a divine body? - This has to be incomprehensible!

"such a pity!"

The whole place of origin is filled with the sighs of Tianyao sage.

"My avenue, at least my aptitude is equal to mine, in order to have a chance to succeed in cultivation! Even if the aptitude is only a little worse than mine, it will definitely fail, and there is no chance of success!" The voice of the sage Tianyao was full of loneliness, " I thought that after waiting for endless years, I finally got a hope; but in the end, it was all in vain!"

Saint Tianyao has waited too long!

Lonely for too long!

"My way is very lonely!"

Gradually, Sage Tianyao even became a little confused: "Is the Tao I want to prove really meaningful?"

However, this confusion only existed for a very short moment; then, the will of Tianyao sage became resolute again: "In the beginning, it was me who had to embark on the most difficult path to prove the Way... Either get rid of other mediocre saints and become extraordinary beings;

Even the aura of Tianyao Sage has become a little crazy.

Don't be crazy, don't take off!

Next to the inheritance pool.

Many masters and **** emperors felt a long sigh of relief.

"Finally stopped!"

"Yeah! The speed at which Xu Ming devoured the power of chaos is really terrifying! It took nearly seventy-six inheritance crystals, and it finally stopped!"


Liuguang Zhunsheng even looked at Beihan Zhunsheng and said with a sneer, "Beihan, just you, do you still want to compare your talents with Xu Ming? What a joke! Hahahaha..."

"So what?" Quansheng Beihan knew that he was inferior to Xu Ming, so he didn't speak very loudly, "Xu Ming's inheritance doesn't end here! - If he really has the ability, don't stop and continue to accept the inheritance. what!"


At this moment, the power of chaos in the inheritance pool began to flow towards Xu Ming again.

"What!?" Quansheng Beihan was dumbfounded, "Xu Ming really wants to... continue to accept the inheritance!?"

That's right!

After the short "intermission", Xu Ming continued to accept the inheritance!

And this time, Xu Ming devoured the power of chaos faster than ever before!

Only the seventy-sixth Inheritance Crystal, the size of the little finger, was left, and it was exhausted in an instant;

"What!?" Gui Suo Quansheng was surprised and delighted.

He never thought that the inheritance could still "intermission"!

"What!?" Sage Tianyao, who had already given up hope, suddenly felt a shock, and then he was overjoyed, "Hahahaha...Our ancient cultivator school has finally appeared an existence whose aptitude is higher than mine! Hahahaha... My way is not alone! My way is not alone!"

boom! boom! boom! …

The whirlpool in the inheritance pool brought bursts of whirlwind, blowing the masters and powers around the pool, all of them hunting.

After this "restart", Xu Ming seemed to be crazy, devouring the power of chaos.

Eighty inheritance crystals!

Eighty-five dollars!

Ninety dollars!

Ninety-five fast!

It wasn't until after ninety-five yuan that Xu Ming's swallowing speed slowed down again.

At this time, Xu Ming's cultivation has already reached the limit of half-step domination, infinitely approaching the **** realm! Just a little bit less, you can condense the Chaos Divine Body!

However, Xu Ming had to overcome this little bit by himself!


The turbulent power of chaos poured into the depths of every particle of Xu Ming, creating an incomparably strong background for Xu Ming! - In terms of background, even the saint of Tianyao may not be as good as Xu Ming!

Ninety-seventh yuan!


Ninety-ninth yuan!

One hundred dollars!

Finally, when Xu Ming completely consumed the 100 inheritance crystals, he could no longer consume a single trace of the inheritance crystals!

"Only one hundred yuan?" Xu Ming was secretly dissatisfied.

However, Xu Ming did not know that one hundred inheritance crystals was the absolute limit of the inheritance of the ancient cultivator school! No one can go beyond this limit!

Devouring a hundred inheritance crystals means... Xu Ming's inheritance has reached an absolute perfection!

This absolutely perfect Even in the endless chaos, very few geniuses can achieve it! And Xu Ming, it was easy to achieve!

And now, Xu Ming is still complaining dissatisfiedly in his heart that "only 100 inheritance crystals were consumed"; if those super-existents and super-geniuses in the endless chaos knew about this, wouldn't he be so angry that he vomited blood?

"My current divine body is too powerful!"

As soon as he stopped the inheritance, Xu Ming naturally felt his powerful divine body!

This is unprecedented power!


Xu Ming felt that he could make this power stronger!

"It doesn't seem to be difficult to break through to the realm of domination! Or... at this moment, directly break through to the realm of domination?"

But at this moment, an unfamiliar but powerful voice sounded directly in Xu Ming's mind: "Xu Ming, suppress your cultivation, don't break through to the Domination Realm!"

Don't break through to the **** realm?

Xu Ming couldn't help but be surprised! -Cultivation is of course the higher the better, why does this voice keep me from breaking through?

However, if Xu Ming wanted to break through, he could break through at any time, so he didn't have to rush for a while; since someone persuaded him like this, Xu Ming would not be in a hurry to break through.

"Leave the inheritance pool first!"


Xu Ming opened his sharp eyes for the first time.

For the first time, I also noticed the situation outside the inheritance pool.

Seeing this, Xu Ming was dumbfounded: "What's the situation? Why are there so many onlookers around the inheritance pool!?"

Xu Ming remembered that when he entered the inheritance pool, there was no one around! How come the inheritance has been passed down, and the inheritance pool is full of people?

Xu Ming was a little confused.

He just wanted to ask - what happened?

(End of this chapter)

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