Break Into Another World

Chapter 1248: strength

Xu Ming looked confused and wanted to know what happened.

"Xu Ming!" At this moment, a kind voice sounded directly in Xu Ming's mind, "Follow me, I have something to tell you!"

"Huh?" Xu Ming looked at the sound with some doubts, and what caught his eye was a hunched figure in gray clothes.

"You are..." Xu Ming recognized immediately, "Guizuo Quansheng?"

Guisuo Quansheng, the leader of Lei Tingyi, is also the guide who led Xu Ming to the ancient cultivator school!

"Not bad!" Gui Suo Quansheng smiled.

Without any hesitation, Xu Ming teleported directly to the side of Guisuo Zhunsheng; then, followed Guisuo Zhunsheng and left the inheritance pool.

The two flew side by side in the ancient holy city.

"Guizuo Quansheng, thank you!" Xu Ming suddenly said.

Xu Ming was really grateful for Guisuo Quansheng.

After all, if it wasn't for Guisuo Quansheng, Xu Ming would not have entered the ancient cultivator school so smoothly.

Moreover, Xu Ming had already known from Elder Feng Leng's voice transmission just now that it was because of the help of Gui Suo Zhunsheng that he could accept the inheritance so smoothly; otherwise, this inheritance of his own would have been ruined due to insufficient inheritance crystals. was interrupted.

Therefore, Xu Ming did owe Gui Suo Zhunsheng a lot of favors.

"Haha!" Gui Suo Zhunsheng laughed, "No, Xu Ming, I should be thanking you!"

"You thank me?" Xu Ming was a little stunned - he had received many benefits from Guisuo Zhunsheng, but he had never helped Guisuo Zhunsheng!

"Yes!" Gui Suo Zhunsheng continued with a smile, "I have left countless inheritances in various places in the realm of the gods, just to sow the seeds, give us thunder, and cultivate a real super genius! Countless millions of years , and only you, can be called a super genius, and far exceeded my expectations - you said, should I thank you, so that the many inheritances I left are finally not in vain?"

"Uh..." Xu Ming was startled for a while, and then he burst out laughing.

This joke made the relationship between Xu Ming and Gui Suo Zhunsheng a lot closer.

Afterwards, the two chatted with each other again; not long after, they flew back to the gathering place of Lei Ting.

"Xu Ming, I told you to come with me. Actually, I have nothing to do. I just want to get to know you! You have just accepted the inheritance, and you definitely need to consolidate it first. I will not disturb you; Come, come and drink tea here!" Gui Suo Zhunsheng laughed.

Xu Ming really needs to consolidate first, so there is no politeness: "Okay!"

"That's right!" Suddenly, Gui Suo Quansheng said again, "Xu Ming, when you just accepted the inheritance, was there a voice telling you not to break through to the Domination Realm?"

"Yes!" Xu Ming looked at Guisuo Quansheng with some surprise—that voice was not from Guisuo Quansheng! So Xu Ming wondered how Guisuo Zhunsheng knew about it.

Gui Suo Quansheng smiled and said: "The voice transmission to you is the pioneer of our ancient cultivator's holy land - Tianyao Shengren!"

"What!?" Xu Ming was shocked - he really did not expect that the sound transmission would come from a saint! After all, Saint Tianyao has disappeared for too long, and some people even suspect that he has fallen.

Gui Suo Zhunsheng continued: "I guess, Tianyao sage should also see you in the near future! You should consolidate your realm first!"

"Okay!" Xu Ming didn't feel much about seeing Saint Tianyao. After all, Xu Ming had already seen many saints, and even in the state of "soul possession", he just had a face-to-face with the Holy Master; didn't he just meet a saint from Tianyao, what's so exciting?

Back at the residence, Xu Ming went directly into a closed state.

"My current strength..." Xu Ming felt the strength in his body.

After this inheritance, Xu Ming's cultivation has reached half-step dominance, infinitely close to the **** realm!

However, it is said that it is "infinitely close", but in fact there is still an essential gap! - When the ancient cultivator school reaches the dominant state, the divine body will transform into a "chaotic divine body", which is a qualitative improvement!

Of course, even if Xu Ming is not yet a real master, even if he does not rely on the power of plug-ins, it is extremely difficult to challenge the realm to leapfrog; but... Xu Ming can easily beat the ordinary master intermediate master!

This is still without the use of plug-ins!

If you count plug-ins!

Just the "level 7 combat power bonus" linked to "leapfrog invincibility" makes Xu Ming comparable to the existence of the semi-sacred peak!

In addition to the plug-in functions such as "Supreme Dao Inscription" and "Worship System for All Living Beings", Xu Ming can easily compete with "First Entering Asian Saints"! Moreover, at the beginning of the sub-sage level, it is rare to meet an opponent!

"very good, very powerful!"

Xu Ming is very satisfied with the effect of this inheritance!

An inheritance directly raised Xu Ming's strength from dominating the middle rank to being a newcomer to Asia Saint!

You must know that after the strength reaches the Domination Realm, the gap between each rank is extremely huge, and it is extremely difficult to improve a small rank!

Especially after reaching the semi-holy level, the level gap is even tighter! Beginning semi-sacred, ordinary semi-sacred, and semi-sacred peak, the gap between each minor rank is even bigger than the minor rank of the dominant stage!

And now, Xu Ming's strength is "first entry into Asia Saint"! It is eight levels stronger than the previous "Dominator Intermediate"!

This is an unimaginable leapfrog combat power in the realm of the gods, and even in the endless chaos!

"When my cultivation base breaks through to the Domination my strength should be able to approach the Quasi-Saint!"

But for the time being, Xu Ming had to suppress his cultivation and not make a breakthrough. After all, since Saint Tianyao solemnly instructed him not to break through to the Domination Realm, there must be his reasons!

"I don't know... what will happen to the sage Tianyao looking for me?" Xu Ming felt that the sage Tianyao seemed to be very mysterious!

When Xu Ming retreated and consolidated, the legend of Xu Ming had been spread all over the ancient holy city.

"What? Someone has consumed a hundred inheritance crystals in one inheritance!?"

"This is impossible!"

"Are you **** kidding me? - A dozen of us went to accept the inheritance together, and we couldn't consume one-tenth of an inheritance crystal; the one named Xu Ming consumed a whole hundred yuan by himself? How can that be? It doesn't mean that the inheritance crystals consumed by Xu Ming alone are a thousand times more than the ten of us combined!?"

"One person consumes tens of thousands of inheritance crystals? - Impossible!"

Those ancient cultivators who were not present, after hearing about Xu Ming's deeds in the inheritance pool, the first reaction was "don't believe it"!

If Xu Ming consumes less, for example, one or two yuan, or even ten or twenty yuan, they can still accept it; but the problem is, the amount of inheritance crystals Xu Ming consumes is unbelievable and unbelievable!

But...believe it or not!

After all, even the elders of the Holy Land have praised Xu Ming's deeds like this! —Holy Land Elders, don’t they lie on purpose?

As a result, Xu Ming's name, in an explosive manner, spread throughout the ancient cultivator's holy land!

And about Xu Ming's identity and origin, gradually surfaced.

Updated today. thanks.

(End of this chapter)

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