Break Into Another World

Chapter 1265: too easy

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Do you want to practice?

Xu Ming fell into hesitation.

You must know that even the sage of Tianyao, because of the practice of "Indestructible Demon Body", has become the current inhuman appearance; although Xu Ming is very confident in his own talent, and has an invincible plug-in as a support, However, one has to be cautious.

After hesitating for a moment, Xu Ming asked: "If the four avatars are successfully integrated, will the strength be stronger than the original four avatars working together?"

This question is very important!

If you cultivated the "Indestructible Demon Body" and integrated the four avatars, the result is not as strong as the four avatars teaming up, or only slightly stronger than the four avatars teaming up - in that case, Xu Ming would not be interested in practicing this. "Indestructible Demon"!

"Of course it's stronger than the four avatars working together!" Tianyao sage said almost without thinking, "And it's still a lot stronger! Ten times, a hundred times stronger!"

"Oh?" Hearing this, Xu Ming's interest suddenly became stronger.

He thought hard again.

"Generally speaking, the higher the rank, the more difficult it is to cultivate the secret skills! "Indestructible Demon Body" should be a very high-rank cultivation technique!" Xu Ming secretly said, "However, even if it is a Chaos-level skill. The method "Slaughtering the World", I also easily started to practice; moreover, I also practiced the 'Breaking World Class' exercise "Breaking the World"..."

Until now, Xu Ming still didn't know what the "Boundary-Breaking Level" cultivation technique was. But thinking about it, it should be much higher than the "Chaos Level"!

No matter how high the rank of "Indestructible Demon Body" is, it can't be as high as "Breaking the World" of "Breaking the World"!

"I practice "Indestructible Demon Body", so I shouldn't become like a sage of Tianyao! Besides... I also have the 'Supreme Dao Guidance System' to assist in my practice. If even I fail to practice, I am afraid that no one will be able to practice successfully. It's gone!"

Thinking of this, Xu Ming made up his mind: "Sage Tianyao, I want to cultivate!"

Tianyao Sage's eyes lit up, showing a look of surprise - he was really worried, Xu Ming would shrink back and dare not practice after seeing the risk of cultivating "Indestructible Demon Body". Fortunately, Xu Ming did not disappoint him.

"But..." Tianyao sage said again, "It doesn't mean that you can cultivate if you want to! I will teach you the introductory chapter of "Indestructible Demon Body" first. If you can successfully get started, it means that you can cultivate. If you can’t even get started, then even if you want to cultivate, you can’t cultivate!”

"Okay!" Xu Ming said.

Gui Suo Zhunsheng sighed on the side: "Actually, I have also tried to cultivate the "Indestructible Demon Body";

Tianyao Sage looked at Gui Suo Quansheng and said: "You have been cultivating for hundreds of millions of years, but you are still unable to cultivate the entry level. It has already shown that you are not suitable for cultivating the "Indestructible Demon Body"! Even if you enter the entry level later, I will never I will teach you the content behind the exercises!"

It is not suitable for cultivating the "Indestructible Demon Body". If you forcefully practice it, you will only end up in the same fate as Saint Tianyao.

Saint Tianyao continued: "In the beginning, it took me millions of years to get started with cultivation; in the end, I was only a little short of success in cultivation! - Xu Ming, if you can get started within a million years, then , you should have no problem when you cultivate the "Indestructible Demon Body"!"

Millions of years - this is what Tianyao sage expects from Xu Ming.

However, when Xu Ming heard the word "million years", he was a little confused - a million years? What is this concept? Xu Ming was a little unimaginable.

After all, Xu Ming had only lived for over a hundred years.

"Xu Ming, hold your breath!" Tianyao Sage suddenly said.

Xu Ming didn't hesitate, and instantly entered a state of meditation.


The entire divine body of Saint Tianyao—that is, this huge mass of white mist, has countless complicated secret patterns.

Every wordless secret pattern matches the traces of the Tao. The combination of countless secret patterns is the introductory chapter that records the "Indestructible Demon Body".

Whoa! Whoa! …

Hundreds of millions of complicated secret patterns, like thousands of rivers entering the sea, merged into Xu Ming's body.

When instilling these secret patterns into Xu Ming, even the sage Tianyao felt it was a little difficult - teaching the exercises was not as simple as 'according to the script'. This is because, for exercises at the level of "Indestructible Demon Body", there are hundreds of millions of changes in every move and every style; when the sage of Tianyao teaches the exercises, he must change these hundreds of millions of changes without the slightest change. If it is taught to Xu Ming on the ground, otherwise, it will be "by a thousand miles"!

Tianyao Sage actually wanted to summon Xu Ming for a long time, and the reason why he waited until now to summon him was actually "preparing lessons". After he was ready to teach the introductory chapter of "Indestructible Demon Body", he summoned him.

"Huh?" Xu Ming's mind was completely immersed in the acceptance of the exercises.

However, Xu Ming found that the introductory chapter of "Indestructible Demon Body" doesn't seem to be difficult; to be precise, it should be... too simple!


too easy!

While accepting the exercises, Xu Ming couldn't help but follow along...

Xu Ming's divine body has also begun to undergo some changes - "Inextinguishable Demon Body" is based on the avatar of the ancient cultivator, and then integrated into the three avatars of the Heavenly Dao School, the Faith School, and the Qi Luck School; "Introduction", in fact It's "building the foundation".


The changes in Xu Ming's divine body were naturally seen by Tianyao Sage and Gui Suo Zhun Sage.

The two were shocked!

"What is Xu Ming doing?"

"He just started cultivating the "Indestructible Demon Body"!?"

Tianyao sage and Guisuo quasi-sage were all speechless. When accepting the inheritance of the practice, of course, you must put your mind and heart into the acceptance of the practice. How can there be someone like Xu Ming who accepts the practice while cultivating?

"At such a time, he dares to use two things with one heart?" The sage Tianyao had the urge to vomit blood, "If you don't accept the exercises honestly, if you miss something, then the inheritance of the exercises will fail. ?—This Xu is too messy!"

For the first time, Sage Tianyao doubted whether his hope in Xu Ming was the right choice.

However, since the inheritance of the practice method has already begun, the Tianyao Sage cannot stop it; once it stops, the inheritance of the practice method will be abolished directly! - And carrying out a practice inheritance will affect Tianyao sage's own understanding of the practice; that is to say, after this inheritance, Tianyao sage will have to re-comprehend it before he can inherit the practice again.

In desperation, Saint Tianyao could only bite the bullet and continue.

Whoa! Whoa! …

Countless complex secret patterns poured into Xu Ming's body.

But in the eyes of Sage Tianyao, most of the teaching of this practice will end in failure!

"How can there be such a chaotic person..." The sage Tianyao really didn't know what to say about Xu Ming, "If the inheritance of the practice fails this time, I will spend more time and prepare the 'Introduction Chapter' again. Re-teach..."

(End of this chapter)

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