Break Into Another World

Chapter 1266: Tailored


How could the sage Tianyao imagine that Xu Ming has already practiced as much as he has taught! In fact, Xu Ming's cultivation speed is even faster than the speed taught by Tianyao sage!

If Xu Ming knew what Tianyao sage was thinking at this time, then Xu Ming would definitely say - it's too simple, you can learn it once you learn it, what can I do?

Whoa! Whoa! …

Saint Tianyao continued to teach with an ugly face.

After a few hours, the introductory chapter of "Indestructible Demon Body" was finally taught.

"Humph!" Tianyao Sage snorted coldly, waiting for Xu Ming to open his eyes; he thought angrily, "I don't know, how much Xu Ming has received? It's too messy!"

Gui Suo Zhunsheng said: "Sage Tianyao, don't be angry; if you want to blame, you can only blame Xu Ming for being too young and frivolous!"

Saint Tianyao sneered: "I'm not going to get angry with such a descendant!"

After a while, Xu Ming slowly opened his eyes; what caught his eyes were the somewhat unkind faces of Sage Tianyao and Zhunsuo Guisuo.

"Huh?" Xu Ming was a little puzzled, not knowing what kind of temper the two of them were losing.

"Xu Ming!" Gui Suo Zhunsheng said rather reproachfully, "The inheritance opportunity of "Indestructible Demon Body" is rare, why don't you cherish it?"

"Huh?" Xu Ming became more and more puzzled, "I cherish it!"

"You call it cherishing?" Gui Suo Quansheng said with a strange face, "When you accepted the inheritance, you were distracted and used to cultivate—you also call it cherishing?"

The face of Saint Tianyao was even more ugly. However, he is a saint after all, and he is self-reliant and will not speak to Xu Ming; therefore, everything he wants to say comes out of Gui Suo Quansheng's mouth.

"Can't you practice while accepting inheritance?" Xu Ming asked strangely, not knowing what was wrong.

"Of course not!" Gui Suo Quansheng said, "Tell me, how much have you received this time?"

"The introductory chapter of "Indestructible Demon Body"..." Xu Ming said indifferently, "It's all done!"

"Have you all accepted it? It's good to accept it all, but next time..." Gui Suo Zhunsheng just said a few words, and suddenly realized that what Xu Ming said was "all trained", not "all accepted".

Gui Suo Zhunsheng couldn't help but startled: "Xu Ming, what did you just say?"

Saint Tianyao also showed a hint of shock on his face.

Xu Ming said indifferently: "I said... The introductory chapter of "Indestructible Demon Body", I have mastered it!"

"Have you practiced it?" Gui Suo Quansheng was so shocked that he almost lost his footing.

Tianyao Sage said angrily, "Xu Ming, are you kidding us?"

You must know that Tianyao Sage spent millions of years before he started "Indestructible Demon Body". Now, he has just taught all the "Introduction" to Xu Ming, and Xu Ming actually said that he has practiced all of them; who would believe this kind of thing?

It's no wonder that Tianyao Sage couldn't help but scold.

Xu Ming said speechlessly: "I really practiced it..."

As he spoke, Xu Ming used his divine power, and a deep breath permeated from him.

Feeling this deep breath, Tianyao sage was suddenly stunned: "How is it possible!?"

The sage of Tianyao is of course familiar with this profound aura—this is the sign of getting started with "Indestructible Demon Body"!

"You..." The saint asked you to stare at Xu Ming blankly.

Xu Ming nodded and said, "Look, it's getting started!"

"I..." Saint Tianyao was speechless.

Gui Suo Zhunsheng couldn't help but said in horror: "Sage Tianyao, he... really got started?"

Saint Tianyao nodded with difficulty.

"What!?" Gui Suo Zhunsheng almost had the urge to vomit blood—you must know that he spent hundreds of millions of years on "Indestructible Demon Body", but he failed to get started; and Xu Ming...

Why didn't the sage Tianyao have the urge to vomit blood? - At this moment, he only felt that his endless life span of billions of years was like living on a dog...

Feeling inferior for a long time, Sage Tianyao had no choice but to comfort himself in his heart: "It must be this set of exercises, which is just right for Xu Ming's cultivation; if it is only about talent and aptitude, Xu Ming may not be too strong..."

However, with this kind of self-comfort, even Sage Tianyao himself is a little bit disbelieving - he has started "Indestructible Demon Body" so quickly, can such a cultivation efficiency be explained by the word "suitable"?

Even if it is "suitable" to practice this set of exercises, it still needs a strong talent and aptitude to rely on!

"Cough cough!" Tianyao Sage coughed a few times in embarrassment - he couldn't help but scolded Xu Ming a little! Now that I think about it, how could he reprimand Xu Ming?

However, Saint Tianyao was someone who had seen the big scene after all, so he quickly got rid of the embarrassment.

He thought for a while and said, "Xu Ming, you have learned the "Indestructible Demon Body" so quickly, which shows that you are indeed very suitable to practice this exercise! In this case, I will teach you the method of 'spiritual splitting'. ; You have to find a way to cultivate all the schools of heaven, belief, and luck, and finally merge them into one!"

"The method of splitting the soul is no longer needed!" Xu Ming said without thinking.

Xu Ming wanted to have more clones!

It's just... "Clone" hanging is limited in number!

Xu Ming now has one main deity and three avatars, and has reached the limit of the number of "clones" hanging. If he practiced the method of "splitting the soul", then at least one of his current avatars must disappear first.

Therefore, the method of "splitting the soul" is useless to Xu Ming.

The sage Tianyao thought that Xu Ming had his own method of "splitting the soul"; he could not help but say earnestly: "Xu Ming, those 'spiritual splitting' methods that you have learned from nowhere, you must use them carefully! Be careful, it will hurt the foundation and greatly reduce the strength and potential of each of your clones..."

"That..." Xu Ming didn't mean to slap Tianyao in the face, but he couldn't help but say, "I already have one deity and three clones!"

Four bodies are exactly the requirements for cultivating the "Indestructible Demon Body".

"What!?" Sage Tianyao looked at Xu Ming in confusion—the shock Xu Ming brought him was too much! He thought that after a period of secret observation, he already knew Xu Ming very well; now, Tianyao Sage knows that he still thinks Xu Ming too simply!

"And..." Xu Ming said again, "My deity cultivates the school of belief; the three avatars cultivate the ancient cultivator school, the Heavenly Dao school, and the luck school...just enough to satisfy the cultivation of "Indestructible Demon Body" conditions of…"

Tianyao Sage and Gui Suo Quan Sage were shocked—they only now know that such a powerful ancient cultivator school as Xu Ming is actually just a clone...

Saint Tianyao looked at Xu Ming like a monster, and sighed repeatedly: "Xu Ming, this "Indestructible Demon Body" is tailor-made for you..."

?? Updated today.



(End of this chapter)

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