Break Into Another World

Chapter 1284: The tragic Beihan Quasi-Saint

"Hahahaha..." Quansheng Beihan laughed proudly, "Xu Ming, these puppet beasts are handed over to you to resist; I'll go downstairs first to get treasures! Hahahaha..."

To have the opportunity to pit Xu Ming, the mood of the quasi-sage Beihan, not to mention how cool it is!

"Beihan..." Xu Ming was so angry that he was being besieged by a large number of puppet beasts, so he couldn't rush over;

"Hahaha, Xu Ming, you always have to pay it back when you come out!" Quansheng Beihan became more and more proud, "When you cheated on my treasure, you must have never thought that such a day would come!"

Defrauding treasures?

Xu Ming just sneered.

When he was in the Holy Land of Ancient Cultivators, it was clear that the quasi-sage Beihan was jealous of Xu Ming's talent, so he arranged for the sword master and Xu Ming to gamble to kill Xu Ming. However, Xu Ming turned it around and easily crushed and killed the Dominator of Eye Sword, making Beihan Quansheng "stealing chickens can't lose rice"!

And now, in the mouth of the Beihan Quansheng, it has become Xu Ming "deceiving treasure"?

I have to say, the mouth of Quasi-Saint Beihan is really good!

"Humph!" Xu Ming snorted coldly, and didn't say more, but focused on sweeping away the surrounding puppet beasts.

In his eyes, there is also killing intent: "Quan Sheng Beihan, you'd better pray, you can run fast enough later!"

If the surrounding ferocious puppet beasts are almost cleaned up, and Quansheng Beihan has not left, then, what awaits him will be Xu Ming's anger!

"Ha!" Zhunsheng Beihan sneered disdainfully, "Escape? Why should I escape?—Xu Ming, you must think too highly of yourself, don't you?"

Xu Ming had murderous intentions towards Quansheng Beihan, why didn't Quansheng Beihan have murderous intentions towards Xu Ming?

Moreover, in the eyes of Zhunsheng Beihan, Xu Ming is simply a moving treasure house! The treasures on Xu Ming's body, known to Quansheng Beihan, add up to the value of one hundred drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid!

"Xu Ming, I don't know, how did you escape from under the commander of the dragon dragon!" Quansheng Beihan hummed, "However, just because your escape skills are great, doesn't mean your strength is strong! I hope that after a while, Don't get scared and run away!"

Of course, Beihan Zhunsheng did not think that Xu Ming could defeat the dragon commander; therefore, he believed that Xu Ming must have used some kind of escape method to survive.

If Quansheng Beihan knew that the commander of the python dragon who was "the first person under the saint" had already been killed by Xu Ming with a single shot; it's hard to imagine what kind of expression Beihan Quansheng would have. I'm afraid... he didn't dare to shout in front of Xu Ming at all, but ran as far as he could!

It can only be said that Quasi-Saint Beihan is "ignorant and fearless"!

Fearless because of ignorance!


Quasi-Saint Beihan screamed and rushed directly into the depths of the ground.

And just then...


The tens of thousands of ferocious puppet beasts who were besieging Xu Ming actually stopped their attacks in unison.

"What's the situation?" Xu Ming couldn't help but startled, as if he had a premonition.

next moment...

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! …

Tens of thousands of puppet beasts left Xu Ming alone, and turned to kill Beihan Quasi-Saint!

"This..." Xu Ming was a little dumbfounded, "These puppet beasts are too... powerful, right?"

That's really powerful!

However, Xu Ming thought about it carefully, and quickly figured out why this happened - very simple, the "first task" of these puppet beasts must be to protect the nest; the "second task" is to kill incoming enemies ! Otherwise, just come to someone and tug the tiger away from the mountain to lead these puppet beasts away; wouldn't his teammates be able to sneak into the puppet beast's lair to pick up treasures?

Therefore, for these puppet beasts, "killing Xu Ming" is only the second task! Now, someone wants to invade their old nest, of course these puppet beasts immediately put down the "second task" and prioritized the "first task"!

"I..." The one who felt even more confused was undoubtedly the Quasi-Saint Beihan!

Seeing tens of thousands of puppet beasts suddenly turn around and kill him, Zhunsheng Beihan was so shocked that his entire body exploded.

"I rely on!"

Beihan Zhunsheng once again deeply realized what it means to "steal chickens without losing rice"!

At this moment, Quansheng Beihan almost had the heart to hit the wall!

This is too... tragic!

"Could it be... Xu Ming is destined to be my nemesis?" Quansheng Beihan couldn't help thinking.

However, shock is shock, but Quasi-Saint Beihan is relatively calm! He thought confidently: "Even Xu Ming can block the siege of these **** mantises, I'm sure there is no problem!"

However, in the next second, reality once again taught Quansheng Beihan to be a human being!

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! …

When tens of thousands of blood blades swept in at the same time, Beihan Quansheng just felt the horror of these blood blades! Even a blood blade at the level of a **** emperor can more or less affect Quasi-Saint Beihan a little bit.

One or two blood blades at the level of God Emperor, naturally there is nothing to be afraid of!

However, what about the blood blade at the level of tens of thousands of gods?

That power is terrifying!

Quansheng Beihan's eyes were full of disbelief: "How can these blood blades be so strong? - Why is Xu Ming able to carry such a strong blood blade with his body without getting hurt at all?"

How could Zhunsheng Beihan think that the "defense inscription" on Xu Ming's body could be immune to all attacks below the Dominion Realm!

And Beihan Quansheng, but there is no plug-in like Xu Ming!


What is even more tragic is that Quasi-Saint Beihan does not have a "handy" weapon at all! - All his important treasures were lost to Xu Ming in the last gambling battle! Now, the weapon used by Quasi-Saint Beihan is just a very **** artifact!

The battle of life and death is in front of you, but you don't have a weapon in your hand?

This is simply tragic to the extreme!

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Soon tens of thousands of blood swords arrived.

Beihan Zhunsheng tried his best to avoid the most terrifying blood blades, and he could only bear the rest!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! …

A wave of blood knives slammed down, and the garbage artifact in the hands of Quasi-Saint Beihan had been smashed to pieces.

At this time, the second wave of blood blade has arrived!

Moreover, what is even more terrifying—in this huge dark pit that Quansheng Beihan is now entering, formation runes have begun to emerge, circulate, and surge!

"There is actually a formation in this puppet beast's lair? Besides, this formation is being activated!?" Beihan Zhunsheng's face turned ashen - just those **** blades made it extremely difficult for him to resist ! If another formation comes up...

Then, Beihan Quansheng is simply "death but not life"!

Even Xu Ming was horrified: "What treasures are hidden around here? The guarded puppet beasts are so strong, they even have formations..."

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