Break Into Another World

Chapter 1285: Raise the bench

"What treasures are hidden around here? The guarded puppet beasts are so tyrannical, they even have formations..."

You must know that although the puppet beasts are strong in combat, they are very stupid. And with the aid of the formation, the puppet beast is even more powerful.

Xu Ming carefully observed the surging runes of the formation, feeling the powerful powers converging in the formation.

"Hey—such a powerful formation! Even if it were me, once I fell into it, I would be in danger!" Xu Ming was secretly shocked, and at the same time, he also secretly felt a moment of silence for the unfortunate and tragic Beihan Quansheng.

However, Xu Ming didn't show any pity for the quasi-sage Beihan, instead he had a strong killing intent. It is also a pleasure to see Quasi-Saint Beihan in trouble now!

"Xiaohang, give me a small bench!"

Xu Ming directly bought a small bench and a few bags of melon seeds from the upgraded version of the "Artifact Store" - the Wanjie Mall system.

After that, Xu Ming directly lifted the small bench, sat in the void, and nibbled melon seeds leisurely.

"Pfft!" Zhunsheng Beihan was so angry that he vomited blood when he saw Xu Ming's schadenfreude.

At this moment, in the dark underground abyss, Quansheng Beihan was struggling fiercely.

"The formation cannot be fully formed!"

Quansheng Beihan was in the formation, and he naturally felt the terrifying power of the formation more deeply than Xu Ming; he also knew that once the formation was completely formed, he would no longer have a chance of life!

"Fall out at any cost!" Quasi-Saint Beihan roared frantically.

On his divine body, I don't know when there have been several ruthless blood - all traces left by the blood blade.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Quasi-Saint Beihan is completely desperate!


Some things, it is useful to work hard? Is it useful at any cost?

It's a pity it didn't work!

Under the suppression of the overwhelming blood blade, it is not easy for Quasi-Saint Beihan to keep himself from falling into a deeper abyss! If you want to kill it, it's as hard as the sky!

"No! It's impossible for me to kill me like this!" Quansheng Beihan was anxious and afraid.

Going to the doctor in an emergency. Quansheng Beihan even went to Xu Ming: "Xu Ming! Help me!"

"save you?"

"That's right!" Zhunsheng Beihan seemed to have grabbed a life-saving straw and shouted, "Xu Ming, I know I'm wrong, please help me!"

However, when Zhunsheng Beihan pleaded for help, there was a gleam of fierceness hidden in the depths of his eyes, and he thought fiercely in his heart: "As long as I trick Xu Ming to save me, I will immediately use my secret skills, burn the divine body, and kick Xu Ming into the room. Go deep into the abyss! Humph! When the time comes, the feng shui will take turns!"


Will Xu Ming come to the rescue? - Quansheng Beihan really thinks too much!

I saw Xu Ming couldn't help laughing and said, "Save you? Beihan, are you joking? - It's almost as if I'll get you down! Save you? Haha!"

"Xu Ming!!" Quansheng Beihan roared furiously.


No matter how much you roar, Brother Ming will not pity him in the slightest!

"Damn it! This kid was not fooled!" Quansheng Beihan cursed inwardly.

As time went by, the situation of Quasi-Saint Beihan became more and more critical.

Countless formations gather together, and the power of the big formation is getting more and more terrifying; it will not be long before the formation will be completely formed!

"It can't be delayed any longer!" Quansheng Beihan knew that it was time for him to show his trump card!

Having said that, how many of God's Domain experts have no trump cards? Especially the existences of the quasi-sage level, everyone will have a life-saving trick!

For example, Beihan Zhunsheng, although the frontal combat power is not very good, but the life-saving ability is very powerful! Otherwise, it is impossible for him to live for so long, and he was killed by other quasi-sages in a certain war!

Another example is the commander of the dragon dragon, and he must also have a hole card! It's just... The python commander's luck was too bad, which directly triggered Xu Ming's "life and death" hanging. He didn't have a chance to show his strength and trump card, and was killed by a single shot!

"Kill it out!"


The entire divine body of Quasi-Saint Beihan directly burned with a crimson flame; the momentum was soaring, and the speed was comparable to the "Peak of Quasi-Saint"!



The speed of Quasi-Saint Beihan soared a hundred times in vain, and rushed towards the only gap in the formation like lightning—the entire formation was about to be fully formed; and this gap was the only hole left before the formation of the formation. !


In an instant, Quasi-Saint Beihan had reached the entrance of the cave and was about to escape.

"I was able to escape at last, but... I really don't want to use this life-saving secret technique!" Quasi-Saint Beihan naturally paid a huge price for this move; the damage to the divine body will probably be difficult for hundreds of millions of years. fully recovered.

However, on the front line of life and death, the quasi-sage Beihan cannot help but pay the price!

"It's good if you can save your life! If you keep the green hills, you won't be afraid of running out of firewood!" Quansheng Beihan comforted himself.


Just when Zhunsheng Beihan thought he had escaped... A small bench suddenly appeared in front of him!

"Small bench?" Quansheng Beihan was immediately confused, "Why is there a small bench?"

Why is there a small bench?

It turned out that Xu Ming would not stand idly by seeing that Quansheng Beihan was going to use his secret skills to escape! He picked up the small bench and smashed it towards the only gap in the formation.

When Zhunsheng Beihan fled to the entrance of the cave, Xu Ming's small bench just smashed over.

This small bench looks ordinary, but Xu Ming bought it at a level 12 hanging point! In terms of materials, it is comparable to an imperial artifact!

No matter how strong the Beihan Quansheng is and how hard his face is, can he be tougher than an emperor-level artifact?


Before Quansheng Beihan could react, this small bench at the level of an emperor-level artifact had already smashed heavily on Quansheng Beihan's face. With one smash, Quasi-Saint Beihan was smashed upside down and flew back.

"not good!"

By the time Beihan Zhunsheng realized the danger it was too late!

The last hole in the formation was also "stitched"! In other words... Quasi-Saint Beihan has been trapped in the formation! In addition to tens of thousands of puppet beasts, he will face the power of a terrifying formation!


Quansheng Beihan finally vomited blood!

He thought that it should not be difficult for him to escape! But now, the quasi-sage Beihan knew that a small bench was enough for Xu Ming to deal with him!

At this time, Xu Ming bought a small bench again and continued to sit down and eat melon seeds.

"Come on, you can continue!" Xu Ming jokingly followed Beihan's quasi-sage while nibbling on the melon seeds; that cheap expression seemed to say - the few times you come out, I'll hit you a few times!


Zhunsheng Beihan really wanted to cry but had no tears - his only chance of survival had been brutally obliterated by Xu Ming; how could he continue?

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