Break Into Another World

Chapter 1288: The enemy retreats, I advance, the enemy advances, I retreat!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

The aura of hundreds of masters of the realm madly crushed Xu Ming. If Xu Ming's will was a little weaker, under the pressure of such a terrifying momentum, I am afraid that he will not be able to exert his strength perfectly!

However, Xu Ming is a mind cultivator, how firm and tyrannical his mind is! This imposing and coercive, to him, is like a breath of fresh air.

Although Xu Ming was a little apprehensive, his expression was calm and not panicked at all.

Seeing this, Quansheng Beihan sneered uncomfortably: "Xu Ming, when death is imminent, you still have to pretend to be calm and pretentious! - I really feel sorry for you!"

imminent death?

Xu Ming sneered disdainfully and said, "If I am imminent, you don't have to worry about it! You should take care of yourself!"

It is not Xu Ming who is really dying, but... Quasi-Saint Beihan!

The funny thing is that Quansheng Beihan even laughed at Xu Ming as "pathetic"; he didn't know that he was the most pathetic!

"Xu Ming, die!" The lore quasi-sage was full of cold killing intent.

This time, the lore quasi-sage did not use "Wan Jian Samsara" again, but simply blasted out with one sword!

Road to simplicity!

It looks like the simplest sword, but it is the sword with the highest attainments to kill a quasi-sage!

This sword directly smashed the "order of reincarnation" into "order of chaos"; at the same time, it re-derived "order of chaos" into "order of reincarnation".

Wherever the sword qi reaches, the order of reincarnation and the ultimate path of chaos are constantly intertwined, and the power is even more terrifying!

And the hundreds of "lore guards" were not idle either; either fiercely crushing, or sharply stabbing people, or strange and unpredictable... Ming.

As for Xu Ming, there is only one trick - to keep the same and respond to all changes!

The Five Forms of Reincarnation... Grinding Disc!

Although this trick is used to "grind",'s easy to use!

One trick is fresh, eat all over the sky!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Under the joint onslaught of hundreds of masters of the realm, Xu Ming's "grinding plate" was bombarded with tremors and shaky. However, it still held up very strongly!


Hold on!

"Sure enough!" Xu Ming didn't have too many surprises - he was still very confident in his defense!

"What!?" The lore quasi-sage was shocked!

"What!?" Hundreds of lore guards were shocked!

"What!?" Quansheng Beihan was even more shocked!

Why is Xu Ming's defense so strong?

Incredibly strong!



Does Xu Ming only have "strong defense"? -Do not! How could Xu Ming just defend but not attack?

After this wave of attacks was over, Xu Ming actually... rushed towards the lore quasi-sage!

"Huh?" The lore quasi-sage couldn't help but have some doubts - what is Xu Ming doing?

You must know that although Xu Ming's defense is very strong, in terms of overall strength, after all, it is still much inferior to the lore quasi-sage! - Take the initiative to rush to the lore quasi-sage, this kind of behavior is very incomprehensible!

However, next!


I saw Xu Ming's side, and suddenly another Xu Ming appeared - it was the avatar of Qi Yunliu who had been staying in the world ring.

The Air Luck Clone is also dispatched!

Although Xu Ming's Qiyunliu clone is still weak, it is only a high-ranking king; however, as soon as the Qiyunliu clone appears, Xu Ming directly activates the "Eternal Power" for the Qiyunliu clone!


The chaotic primordial liquid harvested by the beheading of the python dragon commander was completely consumed in an instant; and the momentum of the avatar of the qi luck flow skyrocketed in vain!

The soul summoned by the "Eternal Power" hang has only one tenth of the combat power of the original soul; however, Xu Ming consumed more than 20 points of level 14 hang points, even if it was only one tenth of the fighting power, it still reached the "early level". Entered the "Saint" level!


This time, what Xu Ming summoned to Qi Yunliu's clone was the mighty soul of a mind cultivator!

Xu Ming's Qi Luck clone instantly turned into a mind cultivator with strength comparable to the "Junior Saint"! - It's not the scariest thing yet! The most terrifying thing is... Xu Ming also has a chaotic magic weapon of the mind force genre!

Heart-killing arrow!

A mind cultivator with strength comparable to a "new quasi-sage", coupled with the Chaos Divine Armament... Xu Ming's Qi Luck clone, his attack power instantly soared to the level of an "ordinary quasi-sage"; in terms of attack alone, it was better than an ancient cultivator clone. Even stronger!

"Is it a clone!?" Although the lore quasi-sage was a little surprised, there were not too many surprises. He had known Xu Ming's information for a long time, and knew that Xu Ming was likely to have a clone.

"Heh!" The lore quasi-sage smiled slightly disdainfully - in his opinion, Xu Ming's clone is just a clone, how strong can it be?

And just then...

call out-

A blurry black shadow of an arrow pierced through the void like lightning, leaving a beautiful arc in the space.

puff! puff! puff! puff! …

There are five or six lore guards, and before there is no response, the body of the **** has been passed through by the heart-throwing arrow.

In an instant, the body is dead!

This is the power of the powerful mind cultivator, who cooperates with the power of the Chaos Divine Armament of the mind force school!

"What!?" The lore-killing quasi-sacred eye was splitting - in the blink of an eye, he had five or six subordinates and was killed by Xu Ming!

And this time...

Xu Ming's ancient cultivator avatar has also approached the lore quasi-sage!

The lore quasi-sage became more and more furious: "Just rely on you, how dare you take the initiative to attack me? It's really courting death!"

boom! !

The lore quasi-sage once again displayed his sword of "The Great Way to Jane"! !

"Death to me!!"

The lore quasi-sage is extremely furious.

And Xu Ming, still like a meteorite, smashed to the lore quasi-sage!

"The Five Forms of Reincarnation..." When Xu Ming was close to killing the quasi-sage, he waved his spear like a grinding disc, "The Five Forms of Samsara...grinding!"


Xu Ming has displayed the "grinding disc" again! - He is very clear that with his current strength, he is not qualified to fight against the lore quasi-sage by offense; therefore, to face the lore quasi-sage head-on, Xu Ming's best way is to "defend"!

Strictly guard against death!

boom! !

The extremely terrifying sword hit Xu Ming's "grinding disc", but it still failed to cause any damage to Xu Ming!

Of course, Xu Ming didn't do any damage to the lore quasi-sage.

However, Xu Ming does not matter! Anyway...his ancient cultivator clone was not meant to defeat the quasi-sage but to hold off the quasi-sage of lore!

As long as the lore quasi-sage is held back... In this way, Xu Ming's luck-flow clone can slaughter recklessly among a group of "weak" masters!

call out-

The black arrow shadow once again drew a graceful arc in the void.

puff! puff! puff! puff! puff! …

Another five or six lore guards were ruthlessly harvested by Xu Ming!

"Damn!!" The lore quasi Shenglian wanted to kill Xu Ming's Qi Luck clone.

But at this time, Xu Ming's ancient cultivator clone changed his guns and directly displayed the "remnant blood style" that focused on killing!

Although the lore quasi-sage was powerful, he couldn't ignore Xu Ming's attack; seeing this, he had to turn around and deal with Xu Ming. However, as soon as he turned around, Xu Ming immediately displayed the "grinding plate style".

The enemy retreats, I advance, the enemy advances, I retreat! -Xu Ming brought these eight characters into full play!

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