Break Into Another World

Chapter 1289: Qi Luck Road, Killing Road!

"Damn it! How could this happen!?"

The lore quasi-sage suddenly found in horror that he couldn't help Xu Ming at all; but Xu Ming could easily kill their lore guard master!

puff! puff! puff! puff! …

Another graceful black arc crossed.

Four or five more lore guards were harvested and killed! - Quasi-Saint level mind cultivators, cooperate with the Chaos Divine Armament of the mind force school; it is too easy to harvest these ordinary **** realms!

At the same time, Xu Ming's Qi Luck Flow clone also activated the Qi Luck Flow Secret Skill - Slaughter World!

The luck left behind after the death of a dozen master masters!

This is a lot of "air luck value"!

Xu Ming's Qi Luck Clone continued to soar! Soon, it was promoted from the high level of the king to the top of the king!

This is the horror of the luck genre! - More kills! The stronger the strength, the more terrifying it is!

A stroke of luck is actually... the way of killing!

"Keep killing!"

Xu Ming continued to control the Heart Punishing Arrow, reaping the lives of these ordinary rulers like a **** of death.

The mentality school, even against opponents at the same level, can be crushed strongly; against opponents at a lower level, it is completely unilateral slaughter!

However, these hundreds of lore guards are not lambs to be slaughtered.

"Everyone, stop defending! We can't defend against the attack of the Chaos God Soldier; we attack directly!"

These lore guards are very clear that in the face of the harvest and slaughter of the heart-throwing arrow, there is no difference between their "defense" and "not defense"!

Defense, is a spike!

If you don't prevent it, it's just a spike!

Therefore, it is better to give up the defense directly and attack with Xu Ming!

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Suddenly, hundreds of attacks attacked Xu Ming's Qi Luck clone overwhelmingly.

"Ha!" Xu Ming's Qi Luck clone showed a disdainful smile, "The Five Forms of Reincarnation... Milling Disc!"

"The Five Forms of Reincarnation" is a quasi-sacred marksmanship secret technique created by Xu Ming! Xu Ming's deity and three avatars can naturally display the "Five Forms of Reincarnation" easily!

In terms of defense, Xu Ming's avatar of luck flow is definitely not as good as the avatar of the ancient cultivator; after all, the avatar of the ancient cultivator not only has the blessing of "eternal power", but also its own strength is much stronger!

However, the Air Luck Clone used the "grinding disc", and the defense also reached the quasi-saint level! - It may not be able to block the attack of the lore quasi-sage, but it is more than enough to block the attack of this group of ordinary masters!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Hundreds of master-level attacks slammed towards Xu Ming's avatar, all of which were blocked by the impregnable "grinding plate", unable to hurt Xu Ming in the slightest!

And Xu Ming's Heart Punishing Arrow still draws a strange arc in time and space.

puff! puff! …

Because a part of the heart is allocated to defend, the power of the Heart Punishing Arrow is also weakened; but even if it weakens, it is still no problem to harvest the lives of one or two masters at a time!

Xu Ming's Qi Luck Clone, directly transformed into a killing fortress!

Invincible defense!

Killing is unstoppable!

The lore quasi-sage was anxious and angry, but was held back by Xu Ming's ancient cultivator clone, shamelessly!

"Go away!" The lore quasi-sage was finally completely angry! Even at the cost of being injured, he has to rush to Xu Ming's qi-yun-liu clone!

The quasi-sage of the lore is not stupid. Of course, it can be seen that the "attack high and low defense" of Qi Yunliu's clone must be killed first!

Xu Ming was slightly startled, but he was not flustered either. His ancient cultivator avatar accelerated, catching up with the lore quasi-sage—that's right! Just to stick to you! stick you!

The lore-killing quasi-sage's attack is terrifying, and he is also very strong in defense; however, his only shortcoming is...speed!

The speed of killing a quasi-sage is a very weak point in the quasi-sage level! Even the existence of some "junior saints" is faster than him!

In order to make up for this weakness, the lore quasi-sage formed the "lore guard". Every time he fights, he takes the lore guard to block the time and space; then, he uses his two strengths of "attacking the high and defending the thick" to crush the opponent in the blocked time and space!

But unfortunately... the lore quasi-sage met Xu Ming.

The lore-killing quasi-sage's attack is strong, but it cannot break Xu Ming's "grinding style"; and because of his weakness in speed, he is stuck by Xu Ming. It can be said... the lore quasi-sage was completely restrained by Xu Ming!

Kong has a strength, but can't exert it at all.

"Am I here to kill Xu Ming, or did I bring someone to die?" The Quasi-Saint Lore couldn't help but feel this way in his heart.

"Kill!" However, Xu Ming's luck-flow clone was not idle at all, and continued to mercilessly harvest the lives of ordinary masters of Lore Guard.

Xu Ming's slaughter was extremely fast, as easy as harvesting leeks. Between the lights and flint, hundreds of lore guards have been damaged nearly half!

And Xu Ming's Qi Luck Clone has directly stepped into the "Emperor Level"!

"How could this happen... How could this happen..." Quasi-Sacred Lore was unbelievable—if he had known this would be the case, Quasi-Sacred Lore would definitely have gathered more experts to hunt Xu Ming.

"What should I do now?" The lore quasi-sage was suddenly lost in confusion.

Continue to bite the bullet and besiege Xu Ming? -Do not! This can no longer be called "siege Xu Ming", but should be called "queuing up to send Xu Ming to death"!

If you don't continue the siege, you can only evacuate! -However, the lore quasi-sage and the hundreds of master realm masters of the lore guard besieged Xu Ming together, but evacuated after most of the casualties... This is simply a big joke!

Quasi-Saint Beihan was already completely stunned!

"Xu Ming's strength..." Zhunsheng Beihan didn't think of anything - in the face of the siege of the lore guard, Xu Ming not only did not suffer any damage, but in turn slaughtered the lore guard frantically!

Looking at the situation, if the battle continues for a while longer... the entire "Lore Guard" may not be enough for Xu Ming to kill!

"Why doesn't Xu Ming die!?"

"Why doesn't Xu Ming die!?"

Quasi-Saint Beihan is not reconciled!

At this time, the lore quasi-sage finally can no longer continue to bite the bullet and besiege! After all, if the siege continues, there will be no "lore guards" in the Divine Realm! - The entire "Loud Guard" will be "Loved" by Xu Ming!

"Withdraw!!" The lore quasi-sage roared in humiliation!

This battle is definitely the shame of his life!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! …

The masters of the lore guards all quickly fled in all directions.

The lore quasi-sage himself did not escape. He looked at Xu Ming and roared: "Xu Ming! Just be proud of yourself! It is absolutely impossible for you to leave the world of ten thousand calamities alive!"

Impossible to leave alive?

Xu Ming smiled and said, "Whether I can leave alive or not, I'll talk about it later! Now... I'm going to hunt down these escaped lore guards first!"

These escaped lore guards are all Xu Ming's "experience packs"! Of course, you can kill as much as you can!

Whoosh! Whoosh!

With that said, Xu Ming's ancient cultivator avatar and Qi Yunliu avatar, divided into two groups, hurriedly chased and killed.

Only the lore quasi-sage was left, and he was stunned in place: "You..."

The lore quasi-sage also wants to catch up with Xu Ming, but the problem is... his speed is not as fast as Xu Ming; even if he goes after him, he can't catch up with Xu Ming at all!


Thinking of these only remaining lore guards, it is very likely that Xu Ming would kill most of them; the lore quasi-sage was so furious that he couldn't help but vomit blood.

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