Break Into Another World

Chapter 1299: 2nd Treasure of the Sanctuary

The treasure house of the World of Myriad Tribulations, from the outside, is a black "plate" shape.

The size of the treasure trove is not large, it is only ten thousand miles - you must know that the size of "ten thousand miles" is really a very small concept in the realm of the gods! Powerful gods, if you take a step at will, you will not know how many miles away!

After Xu Ming entered the treasury, he directly appeared in a great hall.

The hall is empty.

Ninety-nine black giant pillars stand around the hall, supporting the dome.


As soon as Xu Ming stepped into the treasure house, he immediately felt "wrong"! He found that his strength was suppressed very much! Here, I can't even play the "Emperor-level" attack power!

However, apart from the attack, there is no weakness in other aspects. For example, defense is still such a strong defense!

"The repression in the treasury is too strong!" Xu Ming secretly said, "Here, it would be very difficult to kill a first-level **** emperor!"

It is difficult to kill a **** emperor at the beginning level, let alone kill a master or even a quasi-sage!

Xu Ming also didn't understand why there was such a strong "rule suppression" in the treasury.

"Perhaps... it's Saint Huangquan, who wants to protect the treasures in the treasury!" Xu Ming guessed casually.

At this moment, Xu Ming felt that a force suddenly came from the arm of Qi Yun Liu's clone - it turned out to be Mo Qun. After entering the treasure house, he was breaking free from Xu Ming's palm! After all, it would definitely not be comfortable to be carried by Xu Ming like a duck.

"Huh?" Xu Ming's current power is only equivalent to the half-step **** emperor; and Mo Qun's power is also suppressed by the half-step **** emperor. Therefore, Xu Ming could no longer use one hand, so he pinched Mo Qun!

"Go away!" Xu Ming was too lazy to continue "holding" Mo Qun, he threw Mo Qun out with a flick of his hand.

"Boy, you... court death!!" At this time, Mo Qun dared to scold.

Xu Ming was too lazy to pay attention to this kind of clown jumping on the beam. He took back the avatar of luck and luck into the world ring, leaving only the avatar of the ancient cultivator to act outside.

"Old Wen!" Xu Ming asked, "Your current strength is only half a step God Emperor, right?"

Wen Laodao: "Anyone in the treasure house, no matter what means they use, can only exert the attack and power of the 'Half-step God Emperor'! - This is the rule of the treasure house to suppress!"

"Oh..." Xu Ming nodded secretly—because, even with the help of a plug-in, he could only use a half-step God Emperor's attack.

It's not that the higher power cannot be exerted, but that once it is exerted, it will be suppressed by the rules of the treasure house immediately, and it will always be suppressed at the half-step **** emperor level.

"It's disgusting!" Xu Ming secretly said.

But in this way, after entering the treasure house, it is indeed safe! After all, who can enter the World of Myriad Tribulations, who would be afraid of a half-step God Emperor level attack?

"Xu Ming!" At this time, Yan Xue stepped forward and said, "This treasure house of the world of ten thousand calamities is not ordinary, it is recognized... the second most treasured treasure in the Divine Realm!"

The second treasure?

Xu Ming couldn't help but be stunned.

The first treasure in the Divine Realm is the "Star Map of the Beginning", which is said to be hidden in the treasure house of this world of ten thousand calamities!

And this treasure house itself is actually the second treasure of the Divine Realm!

This made Xu Ming have to be amazed: "Huangquan sage is really amazing! He actually possesses the first treasure and the second treasure in the Divine Realm at the same time!"'s useless no matter how powerful it is!

No matter how powerful, isn't the sage of Huangquan still fallen?

No matter how powerful it is, won't the treasure of Saint Huang Quan still fall into Xu Ming's pocket in the end?

At the same time, Xu Ming couldn't help but wonder, what is so special about this "treasure house" that it could be recognized as the "Second Treasure of God's Domain"?

You must know that the Heart Punishing Arrow and Chaos Xingyi in Xu Ming's hands are all Chaos Divine Weapons! And since the "treasure house" is the second treasure of the gods, it means that this treasure house is even more precious than the Chaos God Weapon!


At this moment, more than 300 masters of the master realm rushed into the treasury aggressively! —It is the servants of the Lord!

The one rushing to the front is naturally the Shadow Quasi-Saint.

"The Holy Master's servants have also come in!" Xu Ming secretly said.

However, in this treasure house, everyone's attacks and power were suppressed to the half-step **** emperor without discrimination; therefore, after the servants such as the shadow quasi-sage came in, they did not kill Xu Ming - after all, although the servants lost It is self-conscious, but it is not without brains, and it will not be foolish to do "useless work".

"Humph!" Shadow Quansheng glanced at Xu Ming, snorted coldly, and led people to stand silently in a corner of the hall. Obviously, he was waiting for something.

Yan Xue explained: "Every time the treasure trove is born, it will take a while, and only after a lot of great powers have gathered, will the 'spread wealth game' begin!"

"Losing money game?" Xu Ming was startled.

"That's right!" Yan Xue said again, "Saint Huangquan, but the undisputed 'richest man in the realm of the gods'! With the help of the star map of the beginning, he has wandered many times in the maze of the sky and found countless treasures; he is alone The treasures of the gods are probably more than the treasures of the other saints in the Divine Realm combined..."

"Yeah!" Xu Ming already knew about this.

Yan Xue continued: "After the fall of Saint Huangquan, his remnants will play a 'spread wealth game' every time the World of Myriad Tribulations opens! In the game, there will be many Treasures flowed out! I guess... The sage of Huangquan may have used this method to regret his 'die for money'!"

Saint Huangquan died when he was attacked by the Holy Master when he was searching for treasure in the maze of the sky! Speaking of it, it really is to die for money!

Today, Saint Huangquan has long since fallen, and no amount of treasures mean anything to him. Therefore, the remnant of the sage Huangquan likes to spread some money!

"What are the rules of the money-scattering game?" Xu Ming asked.

"No one knows about this!" Yan Xue said, "The rules of each game of wealth distribution are different!"

"Uh..." Xu Ming was speechless - this saint of Huangquan, he still knows how to play when he is dead! He even changed his ways to spread money, spread wealth, and find a sense of existence!

But at this time, Xu Ming remembered the last words of the sage Huang Quan and said to him.

At that time, the sage Huangquan said that he prepared a small game for Xu Ming, which should help Xu Ming "earn" a lot of treasures!

"Could it be... That the sage Huangquan said that this is the game of money-scattering?" Xu Ming secretly looked forward to it, "What kind of small game will it be that can help me 'earn' a lot of treasures?"

What Xu Ming lacks is treasure!

Especially the Chaos Primal Liquid!

If there is enough Chaos Primal Liquid, it can be exchanged for hanging points to "upgrade" the various upgradeable functions in the plug-in; Xu Ming's combat power can instantly soar!

"Saint Huangquan, don't let me down!"

Xu Ming is full of hope, waiting for the game to start!

Updated today.

Four more, no less.

Alas... The update has been ineffective, please understand a little bit. Will continue to try hard tomorrow.

(End of this chapter)

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