Break Into Another World

Chapter 1300: already dead

The news of the treasure house's birth cannot be concealed!

Gradually, the news spread throughout the world of Myriad Tribulations; one after another, the rulers and **** emperors entered the treasure house one after another.

"Huh? Xu Ming?"

Many great powers entered the treasury, and when they saw Xu Ming, they couldn't help but be surprised - Xu Ming was still alive!

"Didn't the python commander go after Xu Ming? Why is Xu Ming still alive?"

"Could it be... the commander of the python failed to hunt down? Let Xu Ming escape?"

"Impossible! How powerful is the commander of the python dragon? He is the first person under the saint! - Chasing and killing a mere Xu Ming, how can there be any reason to miss?"

"But if the commander of the python dragon didn't miss, why is Xu Ming still alive?"

"I don't know... When the commander of the python dragon arrives, everything will be revealed!"

It's just that these almighty people don't know that the python dragon commander will never appear again!


Guisuo Quansheng, Huangquan Hall Master, Yun Zhuzhu and several other top powers who had made good friends with Xu Ming also arrived at the treasure house. When they saw Xu Ming, they all looked surprised: "Xu Ming, are you alright!?"

"What can I do?" Xu Ming said deliberately.

"By the way, Xu Ming, where is the commander of the dragon dragon?" Gui Suo Zhunsheng couldn't help asking, "He didn't do anything to you, did he?"

The question of Guisuo Quansheng is exactly what other powers in the treasure house are curious about. Therefore, one after another, the great experts became quiet and turned their ears to hear Xu Ming's answer.

"Commander of the python dragon?" Xu Ming smiled lightly and said, "Already dead!"

already dead?

Immediately, all the great powers fell into consternation.


"The commander of the python dragon is dead?"

"And Xu Ming is still alive and well?"

"It's impossible! Impossible! Even if it is a saint, if you want to kill the python dragon commander, it will take some effort, and even pay a small price; Xu Ming, how can it be possible to kill the python dragon commander?"

Soon, all the great powers recovered from their shock - Xu Ming must be talking nonsense, right?

Immediately, all the shocked eyes turned to contempt for Xu Ming.

"Oh! Isn't it just a fluke that escaped from the commander of the python dragon? How dare you say that the commander of the python dragon is dead! - Ridiculous! It's ridiculous!"

"In the entire world of ten thousand calamities, almost no one can threaten the commander of the dragon! Xu Ming, even if you want to talk nonsense, can you please be a little more reliable?",

"that is!"

"Xu Ming, you slandered the commander of the python dragon behind your back and is dead! Your mouth is really cheap!" Mo Qun took the opportunity to speak viciously, "With such a cheap mouth, it's no wonder that the commander of the python dragon wants to kill you!—Wait, wait for the python Commander Long is here, and he will definitely want you to look good!"

"Self-inflicted! Don't live!"

Almost all of the chatter was ridiculing Xu Ming.

"Heh!" Xu Ming just smiled disdainfully, and didn't bother to explain anything at all—when these stupid greats found out that the Python Dragon Commander disappeared; they would know that Xu Ming was not talking nonsense at all, but that the Python Dragon Commander was real. already dead!

Only Gui Suo Zhunsheng, Yun Zhuzhu and others, some believed Xu Ming's words, and asked privately through voice transmission: "Xu Ming, commander of the python dragon, is it really dead?"

"Of course it's true!" Xu Ming said.


Immediately, Gui Suo Zhunsheng, Yun Zhuzhu, Huangquan Hall Master, etc. couldn't help but take a deep breath - they still believed Xu Ming's words! Xu Ming said that the commander of the python dragon "is really dead", then the commander of the python dragon must be "really dead!"

It is precisely because he knows that what Xu Ming said will not be false, so the great masters such as Gui Suo Zhunsheng are so shocked!

How on earth did Xu Ming kill the dragon commander?

How to kill?

Very simple!

Just one shot triggers the "life and death" hang, and directly kills the python dragon with one shot!

It's that simple!

As time passed, more and more gods were gathered.

Of course, at the same time, more and more servants of the Holy Master entered the treasure house!


The python leader has never appeared!

"What's the matter? Where is the python dragon commander?" The great powers still refused to believe that the python dragon commander was dead.

"Could it be... The python leader hasn't received the news that the treasure house has been born?"

"Impossible! The news of the commander of the python dragon should be much more informed than us! We have already arrived, how can the commander of the python dragon not even get the news?"

"Could that be... what great opportunity did the commander of the python dragon encounter?"

"It's impossible! In the world of ten thousand calamities, what other great chance is there, bigger than the birth of the treasure house?"

What's the situation?

Why hasn't the commander of the python dragon appeared yet? - The more you think about it, the more puzzled you become.

"Right!" Suddenly, someone said, "In the world of ten thousand tribulations, has anyone contacted the commander of the python dragon?"

In the World of Myriad Tribulations, the order is chaotic; therefore, the cause and effect of the dragon's command will not be passed on to other great powers at all. And the great energy can only communicate with each other within a very short distance through special means.



The great powers who were able to contact the commander of the python dragon said one after another. The answer is all - no!

It is normal if only one or two great masters say that they have not contacted the python dragon commander; after all, the world of Myriad Tribulations is so big and orderly! But now, no one has contacted the commander of the dragon dragon, it is really strange!

What about the dragon leader?

The world has evaporated?

At this time, Zhong Da Neng couldn't help but remember the four words Xu Ming said: he is dead!

"Could it be... the python dragon commander is really dead?" some great experts couldn't help thinking.

But immediately, they still felt - impossible!

The commander of the python dragon is "the first person under the saint", even if he wants to die, it is impossible to die in such a small place as the World of Myriad Tribulations!

"Wait, the python leader will definitely appear!"

Everyone waited, waited, and waited until... A magnificent voice sounded in the hall of the treasure house: "The game of distributing wealth is about to start, and the door of the treasure house is about to close!"

It is the voice of Saint Huangquan!

"The money-scattering game is about to begin again!" All the great experts were full of anticipation in their eyes - this time the money-scattering game, what method will the sage Huang Quan use to spread the money?

"The gate of the treasure house is closed, which means that those who have not entered the treasure house so far have no luck to catch up with this wave of scattered wealth!"

"Commander of the python dragon hasn't appeared yet... If he comes, he will definitely earn a lot of treasures in the game of money-scattering!" The game of money-scattering depends more or less on strength! The commander of the python dragon is the strongest, so every time before, he has achieved good results in the game of distributing money!

The magnificent voice above the dome of the treasury continued: "This time, I will play a big game..."

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