Break Into Another World

Chapter 1301: All treasures!

Play a big one! ?

Immediately, the great powers in the treasure house all lit up with excitement and anticipation.

You must know that even in the usual money-scattering games, every great person who participates in it can get a lot of benefits; at least it is worth a few strands of chaotic primordial energy, and more is worth a few drops of chaotic primordial liquid or even more!

And this time, the game of losing money is going to be a "big" one!

How cool would that be!

How big must that be!

The magnificent voice of the sage Huangquan sounded again: "I have given a name to this game of loose money, called... The Roulette of Fortune!"

Wheel of Fortune?

"What do you mean?" Everyone was puzzled and curious. They had a faint hunch that this time the game of distributing money would be very amazing!

"What is the 'Roulette of Fortune'?" Saint Huang Quan continued.

In the center of the hall, there is a huge circular stone platform that slowly rises from the ground. At the same time, above the dome of the main hall, a huge roulette phantom appeared.

"Each of your names has a chance to be on the roulette wheel of fate!" Huangquan sage explained, "When the pointer of fate turns, and finally stops on whose name, whoever will 'all treasures'! "

When the voice of Sage Huangquan fell, the audience was actually dead silent.

Even Xu Ming was stunned.

a long time…


The audience erupted with thunderous shock.


"All treasures!?"

"All the treasures of Saint Huangquan!?"

Every great person in the hall is crazy!

Let me ask, who is the richest in God's Domain?

Not the Holy Lord!

Not the invulnerable saint!

Not even the ethereal saint, the Asura saint, the frost saint, etc.!

no doubt! The richest person in God's Domain is definitely... Saint Huangquan!

The first treasure of the Divine Realm, the "Star Map of the Beginning" and the second treasure, are all in the hands of the sage of Huangquan! Moreover, the sage of Huangquan has used countless "scattering money games" to prove how strong his financial resources are!

You must know that in other chaotic star worlds, such as the "Heavenly Sacrifice Realm" where Xu Ming once visited - in the Heavenly Sacrifice Realm, a drop of chaotic primordial liquid is enough to make saints jealous, and even sometimes, for a drop of chaotic primordial Liquid hits!

However, in the Divine Realm, it seems... that there are more than half-sages, and it seems that they can make up a drop of Chaos Primordial Liquid. At the quasi-sage level, there are generally more than five drops of Chaos Primal Liquid; if they are mixed well, they can even be worth dozens of drops of Chaos Primal Liquid!

Have you found that "Sacred Realm" is much richer than "Heavenly Sacrifice Realm"!

why is that?

One of the reasons is naturally that there is a "Taitian Mystery Array" near the God's Domain. There are many treasures, all of which flow out from the maze!

There is another reason, and that is... the "spending money game" of the sage of Huangquan!

Sage Huangquan's countless wealth-scattering games have spread throughout the entire God Realm, and they have all "get rid of poverty and become rich"!

From this, one can imagine how terrifying the "all treasures" of Sage Huangquan must be!

Therefore, when the sage Huangquan said that in this money-scattering game, someone will get his "all treasures"; the shock of everyone in the hall can be imagined!

"If I can get all the treasures of Saint Huangquan..." Mo Qun's breath was a little heavy, "With so many treasures to help, I can even directly cultivate to the point of being a quasi-sage invincible!?"

Cultivation, although it depends on talent and perseverance, but also depends on the assistance of foreign objects!

When there are too many foreign objects...for example, let a pig bathe in Chaos Primordial Liquid for a long time, then, after a long time, this pig can be soaked into a quasi-saint, right?

Although the wealth of the sage of Huangquan has not been exaggerated to the level of "making pigs a quasi-sage", it is definitely not less!

"At that time, even my father will get a lot of benefits from my light..." Mo Qun had already imagined the beautiful picture after he inherited the treasure of Sage Huangquan!

However, how can we get "all the treasures" of the sage Huangquan?

At this time, Saint Huangquan continued: "If you want your name to be on the 'Roulette of Fortune', the rules are very simple..."


The whole place fell silent for a moment.


Everyone pricked up their ears and listened to the rules of the game seriously.

"The rules are very simple - as long as the treasure is placed on the circular stone platform in the center of the hall, the name will appear on the wheel of fate!" said the sage of Huangquan, "Whoever puts the treasure on the stone platform has a higher value; then, you The more areas you occupy on the wheel of fortune! In the end, the higher the probability that the pointer of fate will land on your name!"

Everyone can immediately understand!

Whoever the pointer of destiny points to, "all the treasures" of the sage Huangquan belongs to whoever!

If you want to increase the probability of getting treasures, then... put as many treasures as possible on the stone platform!

"But..." Huangquan sage said again, "The treasures placed on the stone platform will not be returned to you!"

After the sage Huangquan finished speaking, a slight hesitation flashed on the faces of many great masters - this "roulette of fate" is not for nothing! If you play successfully, you will get "all the treasures" of the sage Huangquan, you will become rich overnight, and you will reach the pinnacle of life; if you fail to play, all the treasures that UU Reading put on the stone platform will be gone!

Therefore, the more you put in, the more likely you will lose more!


The hesitant expressions on the faces of the great powers were only fleeting.

Almost all the powers have decided - take out as many treasures as possible and take a gamble!

Although, this big gamble has a probability of more than 99%, and it will fail! However, almost all powers are willing to fight for it! Because... once the fight is successful, the benefits gained are more than 10,000 times, 100,000 times!

The gains from gambling are too great!

No one can withstand such a temptation!

"Huh?" Xu Ming frowned slightly, as if he felt something was wrong, "Saint Huangquan, will he really take out his 'all treasures' and play this game of money-spreading?"

Only Xu Ming would have such doubts; other great powers would not doubt Sage Huangquan—because the game of money-scattering has been played many times, and Sage Huangquan's arrogance and credibility have long been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!

No one will doubt the reputation of the sage of Huangquan!

However, Xu Ming is different!

Xu Ming recalled the agreement between him and the sage Huangquan at the beginning. The sage Huangquan once said that when Xu Ming was sanctified, he would give all the treasures except the star map of the beginning to Xu Ming! If the sage Huangquan directly scattered the treasures in the game of dispersing money now, what else would he give to Xu Ming after that?

"There's definitely something tricky in this game of losing money!" Xu Ming thought with absolute certainty.

As for what the trick is, Xu Ming can't guess!

"Could it be..." Suddenly, Xu Ming's eyes lit up, "Sage Huangquan wants to take this opportunity to trick other powerful treasures into me?"

(End of this chapter)

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