Break Into Another World

Chapter 1302: scrambling

"Could it be that... the sage of Huangquan wants to take this opportunity to deceive other powerful treasures to me?"

Xu Ming's eyes suddenly shone brightly.

His guess was not groundless - the sage Huangquan had said that he prepared a small game for Xu Ming, which should help Xu Ming "earn" a lot of treasures?


How to earn?

I'm afraid it is from these fat sheep! —Xu Ming glanced at the powerful people around him! This is a bunch of fat... oh no! Skinny sheep! Xu Ming's wealth is much fatter than theirs!

However, it doesn't matter if you are thinner, the key is... There are a lot of great powers!

"I don't know... What will Saint Huang Quan do next?" Xu Ming couldn't help but look forward to it.

"Now, you can put your treasures on the stone platform! I will judge how much area you can occupy on the Wheel of Fortune based on the number of your treasures!"

As soon as Saint Huangquan's voice fell, dozens of masters rushed to the stone platform in the center of the hall.

"I'm here first!" A Dominion Peak with a nose as sharp as an eagle's beak was the first to rush to the stone platform; then, without even thinking, he threw all the treasures in the world ring onto the stone platform. Face down!

A large number of treasures, directly on the stone platform, piled up into a hill.

There are weapons, chaotic vitality, heaven and earth essence liquid... and all kinds of medicinal herbs, inscriptions and other miscellaneous things, it is difficult to estimate the value at the moment.

And in the eyes of the master of the peak, there is even more fanaticism: "Mine! The 'all treasures' of Saint Huangquan must be mine!"

Suddenly, the Dominant Peak thought for a while, and took off his clothes—yes! Undress! The clothes on his body are also a good treasure; pressing them at this time can increase a very, very subtle "probability of winning the lottery".

Immediately afterwards, dozens of other masters also took out the world ring and scrambled to pour treasures on the stone platform!

clap la la la...

In an instant, the entire stone platform is full of jewels, emitting the light of treasures! - After all, the net worth of dozens of masters of the realm is also a lot of money!

and this…

It's only a tiny part of it!

The other great powers, just after a little hesitation, also flocked to the stone platform to "pour treasures"!

At the same time, the roulette of fate on the dome also appeared one after another.

The name that appeared first occupies a large area on the Roulette of Fortune; for example, the fastest-moving ruler at the pinnacle exists "Master A and B", and at the very beginning, he directly occupied the entire area of ​​the Wheel of Fortune.

Then, with the continuous influx of power, the area occupied by each name became smaller and smaller!

However, this does not affect the enthusiasm of other powers at all!

In the hall, almost all the great powers went crazy!

Or get rich! Or start all over again! - This is the idea of ​​the vast majority of the almighty!

How many times can you fight back in life?

When not to beat at this time?

Use this "worthless" treasure on your body for a chance to "inherit all the treasures of Sage Huangquan"! - This deal, many great masters are willing to do it!

After all, although the probability is small, once it succeeds, it will immediately rise to the top! It may not be impossible to prove the sanctification of the Tao by the treasures obtained!

For the powerful people present, this is a huge opportunity!

Who doesn't appreciate the opportunity?

Xu Ming thought about it and walked to the stone platform.

However, Xu Ming did not directly take out the world ring to "fall" like other great masters; he hesitated, took out a blood knife from the world ring, and threw it on the stone platform! - It's all about participation! Xu Ming can just play!

And the blood knife he threw out was the weapon of the dragon commander!

Above the blood knife, there was a strong **** smell; when it was thrown on the stone platform, it attracted the attention of many great experts.

"Huh? This is..." Suddenly, there were a lot of eyes, which attracted the blood knife.

"This seems to be... the weapon of the dragon commander?"

As the first person under the saint, the python dragon commander naturally attracted much attention; even the weapons used were known by many people.

"Why did the weapon of the commander of the python appear here? It seems... Xu Ming threw it up?"

Earlier, Xu Ming had said that he had killed the dragon commander; however, no one believed him! Now, seeing the blood knife commanded by the dragon dragon, was thrown onto the stone platform by Xu Ming; all the great experts were stunned!



The importance of weapons cannot be overstated! Like the commander of the python dragon, the knife never leaves the body!

But now, the blood knife of the python dragon commander is here, but the python dragon commander is not here! -This shows what?

"Could it be... that the commander of the python dragon has really been killed by Xu Ming?" The great powers became more and more shocked.

However, now is not the time to be shocked!

The great powers were only slightly shocked for a while, and then they all focused their attention again on this game of distributing money!

At this point, there are already hundreds of names on the wheel of fortune. The area occupied by each name is very small; moreover, it is rapidly becoming smaller.

There are also some powerful people who chose to "hold a group"! I found a few friends, put the treasures together, and then threw them on the stone In this way, if you "win", the treasures need good personal points; but on the other hand, the probability of each person winning the lottery is also even higher!

"Yan Xue!" Mo Qun suddenly said, "Let's put the treasures together and throw them on the stone platform? In this way, the probability of us inheriting the treasures of the Huangquan sage will definitely be higher!"

Yan Xue was very cold: "I'm not interested in this kind of luck!"

"Luck?" Mo Qun sneered, "Luck can be transformed into strength! Being able to encounter luck is also a skill!"

After speaking, Mo Qun ignored Yan Xue and rushed to the stone platform by himself.

Even the old Wen Lao couldn't control his excitement at this time, and rushed to the stone platform to pour the treasures: "If I can get all the treasures of the sage of Huangquan, I will definitely be a sage! It is an extremely powerful existence among saints!"

Wen Lao is excited!

The big opportunity is right in front of you, don't get excited!

Even the Holy Lord's army is pouring treasures on the stone platform! - They also want to get all the treasures of Saint Huangquan and give them to the Holy Master!

Especially the star map at the beginning of time, it is the treasure that the Holy Master is determined to obtain!

Xu Ming silently looked at everything in the hall and laughed secretly in his heart - he had a hunch that these treasures on the stone platform would definitely fall into his pocket!



Xu Ming's eyes were bright and gleaming!

At this moment, above the dome, the magnificent voice of Saint Huangquan sounded again: "The gate of the treasure house will be closed in two quarters of an hour!"

In two quarters of an hour, the treasury door will be closed!

At that time, those who have not entered the treasure house will not be able to benefit from the "all treasures" of Saint Huangquan!

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