Break Into Another World

Chapter 1311: All beings worship

Tens of thousands of masters attacked at the same time!

How terrifying is the power?

How powerful is the power?

rumbling rumbling...

The space around Xu Ming instantly collapsed and annihilated; and he was the center of annihilation.

The attacks of the tens of thousands of Dao Masters all followed the trajectory of space collapse and swept towards Xu Ming.

"Not good!" Master Yun, Zhunsheng Gui Suo, etc., were all shocked and even rushed out of the treasure house to help Xu Ming.

You know, this is a joint attack by tens of thousands of rulers! - In the face of such a siege, under the saints, I am afraid that no one can survive a wave, right? Even the invincible quasi-sage at the level of the dragon commander and the holy servant will be killed in one wave!

And Xu Ming, who was at the center of the siege, how could he not die?

"It's dead!" A wicked smile appeared in the eyes of Quasi-Saint Shadow Nightmare.

There are many gods in the treasure house who are gloating about misfortune, and some who pretend to be there to regret: "Xu Ming...what a dazzling genius! But like a meteor, it is going to fall!"

No one thought that Xu Ming could survive under the siege of tens of thousands of rulers!

"The siege of tens of thousands of rulers?" Xu Ming looked around indifferently.

The overwhelming attack made Xu Ming unavoidable!

Of course, Xu Ming didn't plan to avoid it either!

"The Five Forms of Reincarnation... Milling Disc!"

Xu Ming's strongest defense secret!

"Heh! To actually use a defensive secret technique?" The holy servant sneered disdainfully - what is the use of a strong defensive secret technique? Under the joint siege of tens of thousands of rulers, under the crushing of absolute power, even the defensive secret skills of the holy level and even the chaos level will be broken open!

Xu Ming, must die!

"Xu Ming!" Yun Zhuzhu, Gui Suo Zhunsheng, etc. didn't have time to rush forward to help. Of course, even if they rushed up, it would be useless, it was just a chariot.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Tens of thousands of attacks at the master level arrived at Xu Ming's position almost at the same time, and smashed onto Xu Ming's "grinding disc".

boom! !

In an instant, the "grinding disc" was shattered and annihilated!

In the next instant, Xu Ming was completely overwhelmed by the attack.

The space where Xu Ming was located was the most splendid fireworks in the Divine Realm at the moment.


"Absolutely dead!"


Under such a tyrannical siege, Xu Ming could not find any possibility of surviving!

Must die!

"Xu Ming..." Gui Suo Zhunsheng couldn't believe it.

An incomparable genius!

A genius destined to be sanctified!

There are even saints who hope to surpass all the history of God's Domain!

Is it...

Did it fall like this?

"This..." The Lord of the Yellow Springs Palace was also stunned - Xu Ming had pinned the hope of the revival of the Yellow Springs Palace! Just died like this?

"This..." Master Yun looked sluggish, unable to accept the "destined ending" in front of him.

"What!?" The remnants of Sage Huangquan, who was hiding in the dark, almost dissipated in shock, "Why did Xu Ming want to die!?"

You know, he just reminded Xu Ming that he could close the door of the treasure house first. As long as the door to the treasure house was closed, Xu Ming would be safe; however, Xu Ming refused.

The sage Huangquan thought that Xu Ming must have some powerful trump card, so he refused to close the door of the treasure house.

"Dead?" Shadow Nightmare Quasi-Saint has a happy expression on his face, "It's good to die! Only if he is dead can I live!"

Just when the great powers were horrified, the splendid fireworks around Xu Ming quickly dissipated.

"Xu Ming should have been bombed, no scum left, right?"

The attack of tens of thousands of Dominion Realm is enough to completely annihilate Xu Ming's divine body!


When the fireworks dissipated, a figure gradually emerged from the center of the attack.

This figure is extremely determined and extremely cold. In his hand, he also held a long gun!

"Yes... Xu Ming!?"

"Xu Ming actually...wasn't smashed into scum!?"

"It's still alive? How is this possible!?"


"An attack at the master level of tens of thousands of Taos, under a saint, will definitely die! Xu Ming can't be alive!"


However, the impossible is right in front of you!

The smoke quickly dissipated.

There was no weak feeling on Xu Ming's body; there was only a trace of golden blood on the corner of his mouth.

Xu Ming wiped away the blood stains with disdain, and sneered: "The siege of tens of thousands of rulers is really not weak!"

Yes, the siege of tens of thousands of rulers is just "not bad".



I saw with my own eyes that Xu Ming was almost intact, and even suffered a negligible minor injury... Whether it was the Divine Realm side or the Holy Master side, they were all petrified in an instant!

how can that be! ?

Nothing is impossible!

At the moment when the "grinding plate" was shattered and annihilated, Xu Ming felt the horror of tens of thousands of rulers joining forces.

One thousand points, 14 levels hang down! "The Inscription of the Way" hangs, and it has risen to level 3!

Level 3 defensive inscriptions can automatically attenuate 90% of the attacks of the dominant level!

Ninety percent!

Weakened by 90%! Even if it was an attack at the "quasi-sage invincible" level, Xu Ming dared to use his divine body to carry it hard! For Xu Ming, the attacks of ordinary masters were no different from scratching a tickle!

The siege of tens of thousands of rulers?

To Xu Ming, it's just that tens of thousands of rulers are helping him scratch the itch!

However... the tickling was so strong that Xu Ming even vomited a little blood from scratching—of course, such a little blood is completely negligible to the gods, and he can recover in the blink of an eye!

Under the gazes of countless stunned eyes, Xu Ming smiled coldly: "Next, it's my turn to attack!"

However, at this moment, Xu Ming was stunned for a moment - he heard Xiaohang's system prompt.

"The power of worship has increased, and it is currently: God Emperor Intermediate!"

"The power of worship has increased, and it is currently: God Emperor High Rank!"

"The power of worship has is currently: the top of the **** emperor!"

A series of system prompts sounded in Xu Ming's mind.

The "power of worship" has been continuously improved, and it has been directly promoted to the level of dominance!

"Uh..." Xu Ming then reacted, "It's the 'worship system for all beings'!"

All beings worship system: The worship of others will give the host a combat power bonus! The more worshipers, the stronger the worshipers, the stronger the worshipping emotions, the stronger the strength bonus the host gets!

All beings worship!


Xu Ming's defense against the sky has aroused the worship of the gods, and these worships have been directly transformed into "the power of worship", which has become Xu Ming's combat power!

With the sudden huge improvement brought by the "Worship System for All Living Beings", Xu Ming's combat power instantly stepped into the "quasi-sage peak level"!

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