Break Into Another World

Chapter 1312: The power of worship

Quasi-Saint peak level combat power!

Invincible defense under the saint!

Although there are tens of thousands of dominant forces around, Xu Ming is an invincible existence!

"It's my turn to attack!" Xu Ming carried his spear and directly attacked the nearest master.


Inside the treasury.

The gods who were watching were all stunned and shocked!

In the face of tens of thousands of dominators alone, Xu Ming actually took the initiative to attack?

Where does this come from! ?

The holy servant was also shocked and angry: "The dominant army I lead can completely sweep away all existences under the saints! It can't even destroy a mere Xu Ming!?"

Holy servant really can't believe it!

"Kill me!"

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Tens of thousands dominated the army and attacked Xu Ming in unison again.


The grinding wheel of the five forms of reincarnation!

The strongest defense secret is reproduced!

boom! !

Tens of thousands of attacks at the master level struck Xu Ming at the same time.

However, this salvo could not even make Xu Ming shake out a trace of blood!

"What!?" Zhong Da Neng was shocked again.

And Xu Ming also heard that Xiaohang's reminder sounded in his mind again: "The power of worship has increased, and the current is: Dominate the middle-level!"

This time, the "power of worship" has not improved as much as the first time.

After all, this time, everyone had guessed that Xu Ming should be able to prevent it; therefore, the shock was definitely not as strong as the first time. The shock is not so strong, and the worship is naturally not so strong!

However, Xu Ming's strength has also improved a lot.


Xu Ming sneered and directly bumped into the ruler closest to him.

Xu Ming didn't even need to fire a gun, he just hit him; this weak and high-ranking master was hit and his entire body was annihilated, and he died instantly!

So brutal!

Too tyrannical!

Xu Ming felt that his "power of worship" had increased again. Obviously, there are some powerful people who worship Xu Ming for his ferocity and tyranny!

"Keep killing!"

Reincarnation of the Five Forms of the photo!

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Xu Ming's figure left countless afterimages in the space.

bump! Bang! Bang! Bang! …

In an instant, dozens of rulers perished under Xu Ming's gun!

"It's so fast!" All the rulers of God's Domain watched in horror - Xu Ming killed an ordinary ruler, it was as easy as slaughtering a chicken and a dog!

Oh! Do not! Much easier than killing chickens and dogs!

"Too fast! Kill dozens of masters in an instant!" A God's Domain master was frightened and frightened.

"Unbelievable speed! Even my eyes have an afterimage!"

You must know that "afterimages" are actually a visual thing; the stronger the strength and the sharper the eyesight, the less likely it is to produce afterimages.

But now, Xu Ming's speed is so fast that many masters have afterimages - this has to be shocking!


Xu Ming once again gained a wave of "worship power"!

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

Xu Ming wanted to kill!

The "power of worship" is also constantly improving!

Xu Ming's existence is to be admired!

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! …

Looking at the masters under his command, one by one lost their breath and died, and the holy servant was furious: "Give me death!"

"Holy servant?" Xu Ming smiled disdainfully - the joint siege of tens of thousands of rulers failed to pose any threat to Xu Ming; what was a mere holy servant?

Xu Ming was very disdainful, but the powers of God's Domain watched with nervous anticipation. After all, in their opinion, Xu Ming was able to withstand the siege of tens of thousands of rulers, he should have used some special foreign object; in terms of real strength, Xu Ming is definitely not as good as the holy servant!

And you must know that the strength of the holy servant is not inferior to that of the python dragon commander, and it can almost be called "invincible under the saint"!

Xu Ming's holy servant?

All the great powers still subconsciously felt that Xu Ming's strength was still a little short, and he would not be the opponent of the holy servant.

Thinking of this, many great masters couldn't help but worry about Xu Ming: "Although Xu Ming has treasures in his body, he is invincible in defense; but, once the holy servant uses some secret skills to capture..."

That's right!

This is exactly what the Holy Servant intended!

"I can't kill you, I can't believe I can't catch you!" The holy servant sneered, and countless golden threads as thin as hair appeared around.

Hundreds of millions of golden silk threads were woven into a golden cloth bag in the void, covering Xu Ming.

"not good!"

"It's the holy servant's stunt 'golden cloth bag'! Looking at the eyes, there are very few who can block the holy servant's move!"

"Xu Ming is in danger! Once caught by the golden cloth bag, it will be over!"

"Yes! Once Xu Ming falls into the golden cloth bag, he will definitely be taken back and handed over to the Holy Master for disposal!"

"Be careful, Xu Ming!"

"Humph!" Xu Ming snorted coldly.

Gold cloth bag?

Is it great?

"The Five Forms of Reincarnation... Heaven Collapsing!"

The most powerful crushing secret technique!


The space was compressed to the extreme under this shot. The golden silk cloth bag of the holy servant was directly blown away by a shot - it is much harder to capture a person than to kill a person!

Although the Holy Servant has the strength of "quasi-sage invincible", although it is difficult to meet an opponent in the God Realm, it is still a long way to capture Xu Ming!

In addition, the Holy Servant was quite weak in terms of strength; what Xu Ming displayed was the secret technique of crushing with the strongest power, which naturally blew the Holy Master's golden cloth bag away with ease.


The golden silk cloth bag that the holy servants worked so hard to weave quickly dissipated in the void.


"it is good!"

No one could have imagined that Xu Ming could break the "golden cloth bag" of the holy servant so easily, and he was shocked and worshipped again.

Under the eyes of countless pairs of shocking admiration, Xu Ming's "power of worship" increased again!

Dominate the high class!

Xu Ming's comprehensive combat power is also moving towards "quasi-sage invincible"!

"Continue to kill!!"

kill! kill! kill!

"Horrible!" Even the secret sage Huangquan was stunned. "The speed at which this kid's strength increases is really terrifying! How long has it been, he has grown to such a level!"

The lingering thoughts of Sage Huangquan couldn't help but worship Xu Ming in the slightest.

It is true that the sage of Huangquan has There are only remnants left; otherwise, a saint's "a trace of worship" can simply make Xu Ming's "power of worship" explode and instantly go to heaven!

The great power of the gods is even more terrifying!

They thought that Xu Ming rushed out of the treasury to die, and that a sheep entered the tiger's mouth!

Only now did I know that Xu Ming is a sheep entering the tiger's mouth! It's like wolves enter the flock, tigers descend the mountain...

Anyway, it's just one word - kill!

During the brutal killing, Xu Ming's "power of worship" continued to soar!

Dominate the level of the fight, what kind of lightning and flint?

And just between the lightning and flint, hundreds of rulers died under Xu Ming's spear!

Xu Ming didn't know how many times he was worshipped, and his strength soared!

Soon, he stepped into... Invincible Master!

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