Break Into Another World

Chapter 1313: kill 4

[There was a typo in the last few words of the previous chapter, Xu Ming's strength should be "Quasi Saint Invincible", not "Master Invincible", which has been corrected. 】

The combat power of "quasi-sage invincible" made Xu Ming a killing machine on the battlefield!

Under the quasi-sage, no one can be the enemy of Xu Ming's unity! Wherever you pass, you will be shot with blood; if you kill one person in ten steps, you will not stay for a thousand miles!

Even Xu Ming directly gave up his defense!

The strength of "Quasi Saint Invincible", coupled with the powerful defense boosted by the Chaos God Weapon "Chaos Star Clothes", coupled with the "Defense Inscription" will directly reduce 90% of the attack... Xu Ming's defense is really invincible!

The attacks of tens of thousands of rulers fell on Xu Ming, and they were all sinking into the sea, without a single ripple. Even the ultimate move of the holy servant could hardly cause any damage to Xu Ming.

Under the saints, no one can hurt Xu Ming!

And Xu Ming, under the eyes of those increasingly fanatical worshipers, slaughtered as much as he wanted! His strength is also increasing because of the "power of worship" getting stronger and stronger!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

The army of the Holy Lord, one after another, fell one after another.

Xu Ming's powerful strength made them terrified!

However, the order the Holy Master gave them to "kill Xu Ming" was a death order! The army of the Holy Lord is full of fanatical believers of the Holy Lord; therefore, even if they know that nothing can be done, they will kill Xu Ming like moths to the flames.

Thunder Continent.

It is the second lair of the Holy Lord.

"Huh?" Suddenly, the eyes of the Holy Master were full of doubts and shocks—he found that his faith was constantly weakening!

The power of faith is weakened, which means that...

"I have a lot of believers who are dying!"

And this is exactly where the Holy Master doubts!

You must know that most of the believers of the Holy Master are in the Sanctuary and Thunder Continent; and these two areas are the absolute control areas of the Holy Master. Once there is any trouble, the Holy Master can find it immediately.

But now, the Holy Master did not find any abnormality, but felt that the power of his faith was plummeting!

"Could it be... is there something wrong with the World of Myriad Tribulations? - It's impossible!" The Holy Master sent almost all the rulers under his command into the World of Myriad Tribulations! In the world of ten thousand calamities, what power can threaten his army of tens of thousands of rulers?

Full of doubts, the Holy Master closed his eyes and meditated, feeling the power of his own beliefs.

In the mind of the Lord...

Countless hundreds of millions of threads of faith hang down from the chaotic void and fall on the "mind" of the Holy Lord.

This can be called an endless thread of faith, thick and thin; each thread represents a fanatical and loyal believer.

There are many small threads that are not even gods; and the thickest threads are those threads of faith that dominate the realm!

As soon as the Holy Master sank his mind, he immediately discovered that the thickest thread of belief, which was tens of thousands of threads, kept breaking one after another!

If one is broken, it represents the fall of a ruler!

The speed of the break was so fast that the Holy Master felt extremely distressed!

"Something happened in the World of Myriad Tribulations!" The Holy Master shuddered, "What happened?"

Tens of thousands dominate the army, but the Holy Master's trump card! Even other saints don't know that the Holy Master still hides such a big hole card!

And now... the first time the trump card was taken out, he was slaughtered like this; this is called the Holy Master, how can he not be scared or hurt?

"Go and see!"

The Holy Master did not dare to hesitate at all, and quietly left the Thunder Continent, heading towards the World of Myriad Tribulations.

Although he did not dare to enter the World of Myriad Tribulations, he could also stand outside the World of Myriad Tribulations and peep inside.

"Something happened in the world of ten thousand tribulations!"

Saint Misty, Saint Shura, Saint Frost and other saints in the divine realm had already received the news before Xu Ming left the treasure house.

"What!? The Holy Master sent tens of thousands of rulers to surround the treasure house of the world of ten thousand tribulations!?"

The Divine Realm side also has some great powers, and they did not have time to enter the treasure house. After the door of the treasure house was closed, these gods could see from a distance that the tens of thousands of rulers formed a terrifying formation and directly blocked the treasure house; of course, they did not dare to hesitate, and immediately left the world of ten thousand tribulations, passing the news back to the gods .

"Ten thousand rulers?" The misty saint was in disbelief, "Where are the tens of thousands of rulers?"

You must know that there are not so many masters in the entire Divine Realm!

The five saints, including the misty saint, got up and went to the world of ten thousand robbery immediately after getting the news.

Like the Holy Master, they cannot enter the world of ten thousand tribulations; however, the misty saints and others have already made up their minds—if the Holy Master’s tens of thousands dominate the army and dare to slaughter the geniuses of their divine domain; then, their five saints will guard the Outside the world of ten thousand calamities, slaughter the army of tens of thousands of rulers!

Therefore, the five saints, including the misty saint, arrived in the world of ten thousand calamities earlier than the saint.

When they reached the periphery of the World of Myriad Tribulations, the five sages stopped and did not dare to enter - the sage of Huangquan had a bad temper! No saint is allowed to enter the world of ten thousand calamities.


The five saints all released powerful spiritual thoughts and directly descended into the world of myriad tribulations.

call out! call out! call out! call out! call out!

The will of the five saints penetrated the void of hundreds of millions of miles and rushed towards the direction of the treasure house.

"You guys are here!" Huang Quan sage said hello to the will of the five sages.

"Oh! The old ghost of Huangquan!" Sage Shura said angrily, "Now, the tens of thousands of saints dominate the army, besieging the great powers of my God Realm; you still don't let us in, and take the rulers of God Realm and God Emperors all over the place. rescued?"

The Star Map of the Absolute Beginning, for a period of time, was in the hands of Sage Shura; but later, it was robbed by Sage Huangquan. Therefore, Sage Asura would naturally not have a good face when facing Sage Huangquan.

The sage of Huangquan sneered indifferently and said: "The great powers of the gods? Oh! What does their life and death have to do with me?"

That's right! The sage of Huangquan is so selfish!

It is precisely because the sage Huangquan was too selfish, so after his fall, the days of Huangquan Temple in the God's Domain were very hum! Huangquan old ghost! You are already a dead person, and you are still holding the treasure so tightly, what are you doing? "Saint Shura said coldly.

"Haha!" Sage Huangquan sneered, "Don't talk so much nonsense! Don't you all want the star map of the beginning of time? If you want, you can! If anyone of you kills the Holy Master, I will take the star map of the beginning of time. Who is it for!—Also, the masters of the gods, the **** emperors, there is no danger at all, so don’t worry about it! Instead, it is the army of the Holy Lord, and it is not very good now…”

"What?" The misty saint and others couldn't believe it.

The masters of the gods, the **** emperors, are not in danger; on the contrary, the army of the Holy Lord is not very good?

how can that be?

"You'll know when you see it!" After Sage Huangquan finished speaking, he stopped talking.

The will of the five saints, including the misty saint, finally penetrated the void of hundreds of millions of miles and reached the location of the treasure house.

At this time, Xu Ming was slaughtering the Quartet, wantonly slaughtering the army of the Holy Lord.

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