Break Into Another World

Chapter 1314: fall

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Xu Ming turned into an invincible killing god, killing in all directions. Where the spear goes, no one can stop it!

And no matter what attack it was, it fell on Xu Ming, and it was like a rock sinking into the sea, and there was no response.



"how is this possible!?"

The ethereal saint, the Asura saint, the frost saint, and the other two saints who came together were all stunned and unbelievable when their wills descended on the treasure house!

They thought that they would see the great powers of the Divine Realm trapped in the treasure house and dare not come out; and the army of the Holy Lord was all clamoring. But I didn't expect that what I saw was the scene of the Holy Lord's tens of thousands of dominating the army, being killed like chickens and dogs.

The five saints were all shocked - this was completely the opposite of what they thought!

Then, they saw the identity of this invincible killing god!

"It's Xu Ming!"

"This time, Xu Ming doesn't seem to have used any secret skills of 'soul possession', right?"

"Eternal Power" is somewhat similar to "Soul Possession"; however, these saints in the Divine Realm cannot see it.

"Without the use of 'soul possession', Xu Ming has the invincible combat power of a quasi-sage!?"

"The most terrifying thing is Xu Ming's defense! - Even the Quasi-Saint Invincible can't break through his defense!"

In an instant, the five saints were all stunned by Xu Ming!

too strong!

Incredibly strong!

At this moment, even the five sages worshipped Xu Ming in their hearts!

Worship from the saints!

Moreover, there are five saints who collectively worship Xu Ming, whose actual cultivation level is only half-step master!

How rare is this trace of worship! How unimaginable!

I'm afraid, even in the endless chaos, it is difficult to have such worship, right?

The "Worship System of All Living Beings" instantly sensed this incomparably rare cult and transformed it into power!

"The power of worship has increased, and the current one is: the first-order saint!"

Saint level one!


This trace of worship from the five saints directly made Xu Ming's "power of worship" soar to the first rank of saints!

Xu Ming's strength has jumped directly from the "quasi-sage level" to the "sage level"!


Xu Ming once again felt this terrifying power that surpassed everything!

Under the saints, they are all ants!

As Xu Ming raised his hands, the surrounding world was under his control! Tens of thousands dominate the army, in Xu Ming's view, it is just a bunch of ants!

If you want to be trampled to death, you can trample to death!

"What!?" The misty saint and others felt the aura of a saint on Xu Ming, and they were all stunned, unable to react for a long time.

"What!?" Sage Huang Quan's remnants were completely stunned at this time - how could Xu Ming become stronger and stronger as he fought, and his strength actually stepped into the level of a saint! ?

"What!?" The tens of thousands of masters of the Holy Lord's army even felt that "the fate is inexorable"!

At the moment when Xu Ming took control of the world, the lives of these tens of thousands of rulers no longer belonged to them, but belonged to Xu Ming! - If Xu Ming wants them to live, let them live; if he wants them to die, let them die!


At this time, the projection of the Lord's will finally came.

"What!?" After feeling the tyrannical aura on Xu Ming's body, the Holy Master also joined the ranks of the bewildered, "How is it possible!?"


Confused all over the place!


Xu Ming's spear fluttered towards the holy servant not far away.

This gun seems to be random, but it crushes the world and suppresses time and space.

Facing this spear, the holy servant instantly felt that he was even smaller than an ant; but Xu Ming's spear seemed to be more terrifying than the collapse of the heavens and the earth!

"Stop!" The Holy Master roared repeatedly. However, he just came with will, and he had no combat power, so he couldn't stop Xu Ming at all.


The holy servant of "Quasi Saint Invincible" was instantly wiped out under this shot.

This is the power of a saint!

"You..." The Holy Master's face was extremely ugly. You must know, holy servant, but he is the number one expert under his command!

"Everyone, withdraw from the World of Myriad Tribulations immediately!" The Holy Master said coldly.

"Yes!" The Holy Lord's army immediately stopped besieging Xu Ming, and turned around to evacuate.


Come when you want, go when you want? It's too much to take Brother Ming seriously, right?


Xu Ming's figure crossed the battlefield like lightning. Wherever it goes, there is hardly the slightest pause, and the life of a master will be harvested.


The gods in the treasury were not idle either; Master Yun raised his arms, and immediately, the masters and **** emperors formed a battle formation and rushed out!

boom! boom! boom! boom! boom! …

On the side of the Holy Lord's army, one master after another fell.

The Holy Master is distressed and angry at the same time: "Stop it all for me!"

However, no one cares about the Holy Lord! - The Holy Master who descends with projection of will has almost no combat power; the masters of the gods, the **** emperors, who would bird him!

There is a chance to slaughter the Holy Lord's army and weaken the Holy Lord's wings, of course, kill it first!

"You..." The Holy Master could see that if the slaughter continued like this, even one tenth of his tens of thousands would not be able to escape!

"Huangquan!" the Holy Master shouted angrily, "Didn't you say that if the saint level enters your world of myriad calamities, you will surely die? -Isn't Xu Ming not at the saint level? Why don't you deal with him?"

"Are you stupid?" With the remnants of Saint Huang Quan, it is impossible for him to have any good feelings towards the Holy Master; after all, he was killed by the Holy Master, "I am glad that Xu Ming slaughtered your ignorant subordinates. It's too late!"

If other saints enter the World of Myriad Tribulations, Saint Huangquan will never be soft-hearted; even if the World of Myriad Tribulations collapses, they will be killed!

However, Xu Ming is different!

Xu Ming, but Saint Huangquan chose to deal with the Holy Master! Seeing the rapid improvement of Xu Ming's strength, it was too late for Saint Huangquan to be happy, so how could he deal with Xu Ming?

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

On the side of the Holy Master, the masters fell one by one!

Soon, there will be more than a thousand fallen masters!

The Holy Master suddenly changed his face: "My cultivation base..."

You must know that the Holy Master took great pains to occupy the Thunder Continent, and only then did his own strength break through from "Saint Rank 7" to "Saint Rank 8"!

And now...because of the death of a large number of powerful believers, the strength of the Holy Master has fallen directly!

Once again fell back to the seventh rank of saints!

This is the school of faith! -If you don't cultivate to the "Chaos Belief" realm, you can't make Chaos Heaven and Earth believe in yourself, but only rely on the beliefs of other creatures; then, once a large number of believers die, it will have a great impact on strength!

Such as the current Holy Lord!

"I..." The Holy Master was heartbroken!

For their own dead believers!

It is also for the cultivation base that has fallen for oneself!

"Stop!" The Holy Master roared again and again, but this time, he was directed at the misty saint, "Piaomiao, if you don't let them stop, Mo Qun will die!"

Mo Qun, the son of the misty saint, is still in the hands of the Holy Lord's army!

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