Break Into Another World

Chapter 1316: All treasures!

Shadow Nightmare Quasi-Saint!

Xu Ming's eyes suddenly turned cold - he and Shadow Nightmare were quasi-sages, and they had no grievances or enmity; but Shadow Nightmare quasi-sages wanted to put him to death! How could Xu Ming not avenge this revenge?

And the masters and **** emperors who followed Shadow Nightmare Quasi-Saint were the accomplices who wanted to push Xu Ming out of the treasury gate at that time!

"The enemy's road is narrow! It's just a pot!" Xu Ming smiled coldly.

As for the Shadow Nightmare quasi-sage, of course, he also found himself being targeted by Xu Ming, and his face suddenly changed: "Xu Ming, what do you want to do!?"

"What do I want to do!?" Xu Ming smiled playfully, "What do you think?"

"Run!" Facing Xu Ming, Shadow Nightmare Quasi-Saint couldn't raise any courage to resist; he shouted, turned around and left.

The group of "accomplices" following the Shadow Nightmare Quasi-Saint also fled in fright.

"Escape?" Xu Ming smiled indifferently.

Even the Holy Master's army of tens of thousands of rulers could not escape from Xu Ming's hands, and they lost more than half of it! Even Shadow Nightmare Quasi-Saint, a few cats and dogs, want to escape from Brother Ming? - Too naive!

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish! …

Xu Ming's figure flashed, and in the blink of an eye, he slaughtered all the accomplices around him, leaving only the Shadow Nightmare Quasi-Saint. He wanted the Shadow Nightmare quasi-sage to feel the horror and helplessness before dying.

"Xu Ming, you..." Quasi-Sage Shadow Nightmare looked at Xu Ming in shock and horror.

"When you attacked me, you should have thought of the consequences!" Xu Ming was expressionless, his spear slowly raised; the weak Shadow Nightmare quasi-sage had absolutely no resistance in front of him, "die!"

"Stop it!" Suddenly, an angry shout resounded in Xu Ming's ear, it was Sage Shura, "Xu Ming, what do you mean, how dare you attack my people!?"

"Saint Asura!" Xu Ming sneered, "I don't believe it, you don't know what he did to me!"

Xu Ming was referring to the fact that the Shadow Nightmare Quasi-Saint attacked him and wanted to push him out of the treasure trove.

The projection of Saint Shura's will, smiled noncommittally, and said: "However, Shadow Nightmare quasi-sage is my quasi-sage, my right-hand man! And just now, you took advantage of my unpreparedness and killed several masters under my command. It’s over—I don’t need to pursue the past; however, if you dare to move the Shadow Nightmare Quasi-Saint, you can try it!”

"Humph!" Shadow Nightmare Quasi-Saint also snorted coldly—obviously, with the backing of Saint Asura, his courage returned all of a sudden.

However at this moment...

A spear flower flashed like a blooming blood-colored rose.

The Five Forms of Reincarnation...Residual Blood!

"I..." Quasi-Saint Shadow Nightmare widened his eyes in disbelief, and then his breath disappeared instantly and his body died.


Then Xu Ming will try it!

After that, Xu Ming took the spear back to the world ring as if nothing had happened.

As for Sage Asura... Xu Ming didn't even bother to look at him.

"You..." Sage Shura was furious, "You are courting death!"

Xu Ming smiled disdainfully and said, "If people don't offend me, I won't offend others; if anyone offends me, I will kill them! - Saint Asura, I have no intention of becoming an enemy of you; however, don't provoke me either!"

"Ha! Haha..." The Asura sage seemed to have heard some big joke, "If people don't offend you, you won't offend them; if someone offends you, you will kill them? - Xu Ming, you are worthy of telling me this. If so? Are you worthy of being my enemy?"

"Humph!" Sage Shura snorted coldly, and said, "I'll be waiting for you in the endless chaos outside the World of Myriad Tribulations! As soon as you come out, I'll offend you; I want to see who killed who!"

At this time, the Misty Saint, Frost Saint and other saints also discovered the situation here, and quickly persuaded: "Asura, forget it!"

"Xu Ming is also one of the saints in our God Realm! We don't need to engage in internal disputes!" The other saints obviously regarded Xu Ming as a real saint-level existence; they also met Xu Ming.

However, they didn't know that because of the reduction in the power of worship, Xu Ming's strength had fallen back to the level of "quasi-sage invincible" instead of the level of a saint.

"Forget it?" Sage Shura sneered, "Let Xu Ming kneel down immediately and kowtow to me in apology; perhaps, I'll take your face and let him go!"

Kowtow in apology?

The form and spirit can be destroyed, but the dignity cannot be abandoned!

This request of Saint Asura has to be said to be very excessive. Even, from a certain point of view, it is even more extreme than killing Xu Ming directly!

The misty sage looked a little ugly, and persuaded: "It is also one of the saints in the realm of the gods, there is no need to do such a thing!"

"Misso, don't mind your business!" Sage Asura snorted coldly, "This Xu Ming dares to climb on top of me to make trouble; if I don't clean up him, doesn't it mean that Sage Asura is weak and can be bullied?"

"Asura..." What else did the misty sage have to say.

But right now...

"Noisy!" Xu Ming snorted impatiently, and slapped Sage Shura with a slap! - You must know that Sage Shura is just a projection of will, and he has almost no combat power, so how can he stop Xu Ming's slap? The palm shadow passed by, and the projection of the will of Sage Shura was directly scattered.

"Uh..." The misty saint was stunned.

"Uh..." The other saints were all stunned.

"Xu Ming!" The ethereal saint smiled bitterly, "You are offending the Asura saint to death!"

Offended to death?

Forget it!

However, with Xu Ming's current strength, he is really not afraid to offend the Asura saint! I really want to irritate Brother Ming, the big deal is to break through the Qi Yun Liu clone directly to the Dominant Realm; then, will you kill the Asura saint in minutes?

However, unless it is a last resort, Xu Ming will definitely not break through the cultivation base of any clone! After all, it is the most perfect "indestructible demon body" when the four major schools break through to the realm of **** at the same time!

"I hope Sage Shura won't force me!" Xu Ming secretly said.

If Sage Shura insisted on courting death, Xu Ming had no choice but to fulfill him!

"Xu Ming!" Suddenly, a voice transmission sounded in Xu Ming's mind. It was the voice of Saint Huang Quan, "Come to the treasure house, I have something to tell you!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming did not hesitate and entered the treasure house directly.

At the same time, Xu Ming couldn't help but guess what happened to Saint Huang Quan looking for him.

"Could it be..." Xu Ming couldn't help but light up.

Enter the treasure house.

Then, he entered the secret room where he had met with Saint Huangquan before.

Sage Huangquan stared at Xu Ming for a long time, exclaiming again and again: "Perverted! Perverted! It's really unbelievable! So fast, you have the strength of a saint; I can't imagine what you get What a fate!"

However, Sage Huangquan did not ask much, what kind of fortune did Xu Ming get; after all, everyone has their own cards and secrets, and it is impossible to expose them at will!

Saint Huangquan continued: "According to your agreement, as long as your strength reaches the level of a saint, you can get all my treasures..."

The "all treasures" that Sage Huangquan is talking about now is no longer a piece of paper with "all treasures" written on it, but really all his treasures - except for a few very precious items such as the star map of the early days, Sage Huangquan doesn't want to think about it for the time being. To Xu Ming.

"All treasures!?" Xu Ming's eyes sparkled suddenly!

All the treasures of "the richest man in God's Domain"!

How many treasures must there be!

Xu Ming is unimaginable!

But Xu Ming knew that for a long time to come, he probably would not be short of hanging points!

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