Break Into Another World

Chapter 1317: robbery

"This is for you!" Saint Huang Quan just took out a very ordinary world ring.

But Xu Ming knew that in this world ring, there must be a mountain of treasures!

Take the world ring and instantly refine it. Xu Ming's divine sense penetrated into it, and sure enough, there were assorted treasures piled up into hills in the world ring; even the Chaos Divine Weapons had several pieces!

Among them, there is even the Chaos Divine Soldier Long Spear that Xu Ming needs most!

"Great!" Xu Ming's eyes suddenly lit up again.

To Xu Ming, a Chaos God Soldier's spear is much more precious than the Heart Punishing Arrow and Chaos Xingyi! After all, Xu Ming's main battle weapon is the spear!

After the complete refining and control of this Chaos God Weapon, Xu Ming's strength can be improved to another level!

Of course, what Xu Ming is most concerned about is... Chaos Primal Liquid!

"Where is the primordial fluid of chaos?" Xu Ming's consciousness quickly swept through the ring in the entire world.

Soon, Xu Ming discovered something—in a black pot made of special metal material, he felt the breath of Chaos Primal Liquid!

"Pot?" Xu Ming was a little shocked, but also expected, "I don't know, how much Chaos Primal Liquid is in this pot!"

You must know that chaotic primordial liquid is generally calculated by "drops"! And the sage of Huangquan specially put the chaotic primordial liquid in this special black pot; it can be seen that the amount of chaotic primal liquid may be exaggerated!

Xu Ming opened the black pot with anticipation, and then... he was stunned!

A pot!

A full pot!

A whole pot full of chaotic primordial liquid!

Converted into "drops", that is... more than 40,000 drops!

More than 40,000 drops of Chaos Primal Liquid!

With these chaotic primordial fluids, Xu Ming can do so many things! -Upgrade plug-ins, summon stronger "eternal power", and open various plug-in functions...

All in all, these 40,000 drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid are enough to make Xu Ming sweep the entire Divine Realm!

"Xu Ming!" Sage Huangquan said, "I remind you, Sage Asura can guard you in the endless chaos outside! Once you leave the World of Myriad Tribulations, I am afraid that he will soon be intercepted by him!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming's eyes became slightly cold - this Asura sage, as expected, still has the heart to die!

However, Xu Ming had no plans at all to leave the World of Ten Thousand Tribulations through a normal path - after all, he is not even the master. Once he leaves the World of Ten Thousand Tribulations and enters the endless chaos, he may lose his direction in an instant, and it is impossible to return. to the realm.

Unless there are other masters who are willing to take Xu Ming away.

However, now that the Asura Saint is squatting and guarding outside the World of Myriad Tribulations, there is no master who can bring Xu Ming back to the realm of the gods!


Xu Ming still decided to use the easiest way to return to the realm of God - open "coordinate teleportation".

The "coordinate transmission" link, from the World of Myriad Tribulations to the God's Domain, consumes a lot of hanging points; but... Brother Ming is now rich and powerful, so he has no shortage of hanging points!

"Coordinate transmission, open!"

Xu Ming directly aimed the transmitted coordinates at the Yanyan Sacred Mountain; quietly, he had already left the World of Myriad Tribulations.

No one knew that Xu Ming had left the World of Myriad Tribulations gracefully and quietly, and returned to the Divine Realm.

Of course, Saint Asura doesn't know either! He was still smart, "waiting for the rabbit" outside the world of ten thousand calamities, waiting for Xu Ming to come out.

"Why haven't you come out yet?" The Asura Saint killed Xu Ming's heart, very eager!

However, the masters of the gods and **** emperors left the world of ten thousand tribulations in batches; and the saints of Asura still did not see Xu Ming come out.

"It seems that after Xu Ming entered the treasury, he never came out again!" Sage Shura has been paying attention to the situation inside the World of Myriad Tribulations, "Could it be that... the old ghost Huang Quan was inside, secretly giving him any great benefits?"

But Sage Shura didn't care, and said in his heart, "Even if the old ghost Huang Quan really gave him some treasure, when he came out, he would surely die! And those treasures just fell into my hands! Jie Jie Jie..."

Asura saint decided: continue to wait!

"I don't believe that Xu Ming will not come out before the world of ten thousand tribulations is 'destroyed'!"

The World of Myriad Tribulations will experience "destruction" again and again. When the "destruction" comes, all living beings will be destroyed, even hiding in the treasure house will not help!

"Wait!" The Asura saint stood like a pine tree, his aura was soaring to the sky.

"Asura!" The misty saint has been persuading, and he has persuaded it many times, "Forget it, Shura! Xu Ming is the only one who has hope to kill the Holy Master in the future; for the sake of the realm, you personally A little bit of grudge, let it go first!"

Kill the Holy Lord?

In the eyes of Sage Asura, a strange look flashed imperceptibly, and then he sneered disdainfully: "With so many saints joining forces, we can't help the Sacred Master! Just rely on Xu Ming to kill the Sacred Master? - Misty, you don't care. If you want to brag, let’s brag a little more reliably, okay?”

The ethereal sage said with a serious face: "How long has Xu Ming been practicing until now!? As long as he is given some more time to grow, he will definitely grow into an invincible existence in the realm of the gods!"

"So what?" Sage Asura sneered, "Xu Ming offends me again and again, does he think that Sage Asura is easy to bully? - I don't care what his talent is, when he offends me, he should be ready to die. It's gone!"

"With us here, you can't kill Xu Ming!" said the misty saint.

"Even if he can't kill him, let him pay the price first!" Sage Shura's killing intent was lingering.

So... Saint Asura's class is a few months.

"Huh?" The more impatient the Asura sage waited, and the more strange it became, "I still haven't come out yet? - The 'destruction' of the world of ten thousand tribulations should be coming soon, right? Could it be that Xu Ming would rather die in the robbery? In the midst of extinction, you don't want to come out?"

"Where's Xu Mingren?" The misty saint is also very Could it be that he has already hid in someone's world ring and left the world of ten thousand calamities? -impossible! Our five saints have been following Xu Ming's trail; even if he hides in someone's world ring, it is absolutely impossible for him to escape our perception! "

rumbling rumbling...

Suddenly, the entire World of Myriad Tribulations began to vibrate wildly.

Heaven and earth are confused, time and space collapse... All matter, all energy, and all order in the world of ten thousand tribulations have begun to return to the power of chaos!

The robbery has come!

At this time, the violent power in the World of Myriad Tribulations is even more terrifying than the attacks of most saints! Even weaker saints can't resist the power of "destruction" and can only perish!

"Could it be that... Xu Ming just died in the calamity?" The saints couldn't believe it.

After all, seeing the catastrophe coming, none of the five saints could think of any way to survive the "catastrophe".

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