Break Into Another World

Chapter 1318: for baby

Sage Misty, Sage Asura, etc. did not know that Xu Ming had already left the World of Myriad Tribulations and quietly returned to the Yanyan Sacred Mountain.

Yanyan Mountain.

Xu Ming's ancient cultivator avatar, Tiandao Liu avatar, and Qi Yun Liu avatar all gathered in the secret room and sat in a triangle.

The formation of the secret room completely isolates the causal investigation; even a saint who is good at causality can hardly detect that Xu Ming has returned to the realm of the gods.

"This time, the harvest in the World of Myriad Tribulations is really big!"

First of all, it is the improvement of strength!

Xu Ming's air luck clone has been directly upgraded to the "half-step master" cultivation level; moreover, Sisi and Yingying, the two air luck babies, also helped Xu Ming accumulate a lot of air luck power. Once Xu Ming raised his cultivation to the Dominant Realm, these accumulated powers of luck would instantly make Xu Ming's cultivation soar!

Moreover, Xu Ming also upgraded the plug-in, and summoned the "eternal power" to the clones of ancient cultivators and luck-flow clones!

The combat power of the two clones has reached the level of "quasi-saint invincible"!

Of course, what excites Xu Ming even more is the treasure harvested in the world of ten thousand calamities!

There are more than 40,000 drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid alone!

There are many other treasures, and in terms of value, they are definitely much higher than Chaos Primal Liquid! It's just... these treasures cannot be directly exchanged for hanging points.

"Hey—" Xu Ming turned to look at the treasure of Saint Huangquan, and suddenly exclaimed, "There are actually five Chaos Star Clothes here!?"

Chaos Xingyi is a battle armor of the "Chaos Divine Soldier" level! And there are so many treasures in the sage Huangquan; this made Xu Ming unable to help but be shocked!

It's just... What Xu Ming doesn't know is that in the endless chaos, Chaos Star Clothing is actually a "standard battle armor"!

Yes, the standard armor!

Of course, the army that can configure the Chaos Xingyi, any soldier in it, must also be extremely powerful!

Xu Ming continued to look at other treasures—among them, there are many weapons of Chaos Divine Weapon, as well as many strange objects! There are several treasures that Xu Ming has never seen in God's Domain!

After taking a general inventory of all the treasures, Xu Ming thought about it and sent the message to Lu Qing.

"Master Yan Yan!" Xu Ming deliberately made a yin and yang tone, "Please come to me!"

"Huh?" After receiving the call, Lu Qing couldn't help but startled, "Your ancient cultivator clone has returned from the World of Myriad Tribulations?"

"Yes!" Xu Ming said, "You keep it a secret! Don't let anyone know!"

"Okay!" Lu Qing said, heading towards the secret room where Xu Ming lived.

call out!

As soon as he entered the secret room, Lu Qing saw a flying sword rushing towards him!

"Huh!?" Lu Qing was startled and hurriedly dodged.

But at this time, Lu Qing discovered that this flying sword did not seem to have any lethal power; and the person who threw the sword was Xu Ming!

"Xu Ming, you..." Lu Qing couldn't help but feel a little annoyed - he received a call, and when he heard that Xu Ming was back, he rushed over immediately; and Xu Ming, actually used this kind of joke to "greet" her!

"Don't be in a hurry to get angry!" Xu Ming said with a playful smile, "Look at this sword first!"

"This sword?" Lu Qing couldn't help but wonder - could it be, what's wrong with this sword?

At this time, Lu Qing discovered that there was a trace of chaos on this cyan sword.

"Could it be..." Lu Qing was shocked, "This is a... Chaos God Weapon!?"

"That's right!" Xu Ming laughed, "Now, it's yours!"

"Mine!?" Lu Qing couldn't help being shocked.

You must know that the chaotic weapons are usually qualified to possess by saints! The weakest, I am afraid, must be the quasi-Saint strength to have it!

As for Lu Qing, she had just broken through from the God Emperor to the primary cultivation level of Dominion; she didn't even dare to think about the Chaos Divine Weapon, let alone possess it!

And now, Xu Ming actually took out a piece of Chaos Divine Weapon for her; this is Lu Qing, how can you not be shocked! ?


Is this the end? -Do not!

call out!

Xu Ming was another burst of light.

Lu Qing took a look: "Battle armor?"

Xu Ming smiled and said, "Chaos Divine Soldier Grade Battle Armor - Chaos Star Clothes!"

Another Chaos God!

Lu Qing was too shocked to speak.

But at this moment, Xu Ming shot out another ray of light—this time, it was a small jade bottle.

"This..." Lu Qing asked in surprise.

"Chaos Primordial Liquid!" Xu Ming smiled casually. "There are a hundred drops of Primal Chaos Primal Liquid in this bottle. You can only use it for cultivation! If it is not enough, you can tell me again!"

Lu Qing stared blankly at Xu Ming—this is a hundred drops of Chaos Primordial Liquid! In terms of value, it may be even higher than the two Chaos Divine Weapons! Even a saint is not necessarily willing to use chaotic primordial liquid to cultivate casually; but Xu Ming actually let himself cultivate with chaotic primal liquid...

Lu Qing's mind was really messed up.

After a long time, she came back to her senses and said, "Xu Ming, these treasures are too precious, I..."

"Take it!" Xu Ming said involuntarily, "I got more treasures in the World of Myriad Tribulations than this!"

Of course what Xu Ming said was the truth!

In fact, if it wasn't for the fact that Lu Qing's strength was too weak, it was not suitable for holding too many treasures; then, Xu Ming might have given her more.

However, when Lu Qing heard Xu Ming's truth, it had a different taste - she thought that Xu Ming said it on purpose to make herself accept it!

"Here, refine Chaos Xingyi and this long sword!" Xu Ming said.

"Okay!" Lu Qing was not hypocritical—for her, such a precious treasure, of course, must be refined, and then hidden, so that it cannot be discovered by others.

"Xu Ming, I..." After refining the treasure, Lu Qing was moved, but he didn't know what to say.

"Lu Qing!" Xu Ming laughed playfully, "When did you become such a mother-in-law? Don't you just have some treasures? - I have Of course I can't forget you, right?"

There are treasures, of course, can not forget you!

This sentence immediately touched a certain place in Lu Qing's heart.

After Lu Qing left, Xu Ming's Tiandao Liu clone released Yin Ran from the world ring again.

Yin Ran spent most of his days in the Yanyan Sacred Mountain in Xu Ming's world ring, and he was almost inseparable from Xu Ming. When I want to go out to get some air, I will go out and let Lu Qing accompany me for a walk.

Yin Ran actually knew about Xu Ming's ancient cultivator avatar and Qi Luck avatar when he just returned from the World of Myriad Tribulations.

Yin Ran came out of the world ring, and her stomach has hardly changed; however, her strength is stronger, and she is about to reach the "king level" - this is the terrible thing about "chaotic physique", even if lying there If you don't do anything, your cultivation will go straight up!

"Little Yin!" Xu Ming took out a dozen bottles of Chaos Primal Liquid, "For the baby!"

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