Break Into Another World

Chapter 1319: dominate everywhere

With the hanging point in hand, Xu Ming rarely has a lot of money and money, and has upgraded various functions in the plug-in.

"Leaping the level of invincibility" hangs up, and then upgrades one level, reaching level 3!

"Life or death" hangs up, and directly rises to level 3!

"Forced face slap" hangs up, upgrade to level 3! Unlock the "new function of face slapping" - when you slap your face, you can trigger worship and increase the "power of worship"!

"What? Slapping the face can also increase the 'power of worship'?" Xu Ming secretly said - in the future, if I encounter an arrogant person, I have to slap him in the face and kill him!

After the plug-in has been upgraded, Xu Ming's strength, even if he has not yet reached the "sage level", is already very close!

Xu Ming's question now is - what to do with the other treasures of Sage Huangquan?

The vast majority of treasures cannot be directly exchanged for hanging points; however, it would be too wasteful to store them like this - after all, Xu Ming simply can't use so many treasures! Treasures are not much different from garbage if they are kept in the world ring.

"You have to find a way to replace these treasures with Chaos Primal Liquid!"

Chaos Elemental Liquid can be directly exchanged for hanging points!

A lot of hanging points, willful opening and hanging, is the kingly way!


God's Domain is so small! Even if Xu Ming wanted to exchange the treasure for the Primal Chaos Liquid, he couldn't find a buyer!

"What should I do?" Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

Suddenly, Xu Ming's eyes lit up - Wanjie Mall System!

Wanjie Mall System: In a chaotic world, building a Wanjie mall requires a minimum of 100 points and level 14 hanging points! And the profit of Wanjie Mall will also be drawn by the system.

Xu Ming had never used the "Wanjie Mall System".

After all, to build a Myriad Realm Mall, a minimum of 100 points is required for level 14 hanging points; this is simply an unattainable number for the previous Xu Ming!

But now, Xu Ming has made a fortune in the world of Myriad Tribulations; building a Myriad Realm Mall, naturally there is no pressure!

"The Wanjie Mall system should be able to help me dispose of these useless treasures, right?" Xu Ming secretly said.

Just do it!

"Xiaohang, open the Wanjie Mall system!"

"The Wanjie Mall has been opened!" Xiaohang quickly replied, "Excuse me, host, are you going to build a Wanjie mall?"


Xiaohang continued: "According to the current authority of the host, there are three levels of Myriad Realms malls available for construction! The first level consumes 100 points of level 14 points; the second level consumes 1,000 points of level 14 points; Three levels, consuming 3,000 points and level 14 hanging points!"

"Oh?" Xu Ming asked curiously, "What's the difference between the three levels?"

Xiao Hang said: "The higher the consumption, the more prosperous the chaotic world is! The first-level Wanjie mall is built in a chaotic world similar to God's Domain; the second-level Wanjie mall is built in A relatively prosperous chaotic world; the third-level Myriad Realms Mall is built in a prosperous chaotic world specialized in trade!"

"And the entire Chaos World, a place dedicated to trade!?" Xu Ming was shocked.

You know, generally speaking, a chaotic world is at least as vast as the realm of the gods!

The entire area of ​​God's Domain is actually a place for trade!

"Then... I want the Myriad Realms Mall at the third level!" Xu Ming hardly hesitated.

After all, once the Wanjie Mall is built, Xu Ming must consider long-term development!

At the first level, in a remote chaotic world like God's Domain, there are not many "customers" at all. The second level, the slightly more prosperous chaotic world, is probably not much better!


3,000 points, level 14 hanging point, and was directly detained.

Xiaohang's voice sounded again: "The 'Star Casting Realm' has been selected as the address of the Myriad Realms Mall, will the host send it there immediately?"

Xu Ming thought about it and said, "Just send my ancient cultivator clone over there!"

The Star Casting Realm is in the boundless chaos; the distance from the Divine Realm is too far to measure.

Around the Star Casting Realm, there are countless chaotic worlds, as vast as the stars in the sky. And here is the "trade center" of countless chaotic worlds.

In the Star Casting World, there are numerous chambers of commerce and trading markets.

And those who are qualified to enter this prosperous world must at least have the strength to dominate the realm!

I don't know when... On the bustling streets of Casting Star Realm, there is a strange figure who has never been there before - it is Xu Ming!

Xu Ming stood in the center of the street, his expression completely dull: "This is the Star Casting World? This is too...too...too exaggerated!?"

The passers-by who come and go, the little girls who greet you in the store, are all... dominate!

"Master is just so... worthless?"

You must know that in God's Domain, Dominion is already close to the topmost existence! In the Star Casting Realm, the Lord can only be regarded as an "ordinary person"; how could Xu Ming not be shocked and bewildered by this?

After a long time, Xu Ming sighed: "I am too 'a frog at the bottom of a well'!"

Originally, Xu Ming thought that if he had the strength close to that of a saint, he could be considered a powerhouse after all!

However, from the first moment he set foot on the Star Casting Realm, Xu Ming knew that he was a frog at the bottom of a well!

If you haven't seen the world, you will feel that "Quasi Saint Invincible" is a strong one!

Seeing that in the star-casting world, there are almost so many rulers, Xu Ming finally knew that in a chaotic world, the existence of the masters is indeed a strong person; but in the vast and endless chaos, the masters are nothing. !

Even, let alone dominance, even the saints are nowhere near noble!

"Fortunately, I opened the Wanjie Mall system, and I chose to come to the Star Casting Realm; otherwise, I would have been living in ignorance..."

Seeing the scene of "governors walking everywhere" in front of him, Xu Ming finally realized clearly that he was too weak!

However, Xu Ming did not show any decadence, instead he was full of fighting spirit: "There are masters everywhere, this is fun!"

It is interesting that there is a super existence waiting for Xu Ming to surpass it!

If you can't even find a transcendent Xu Ming will be very lonely!

Finally, Xu Ming finally recovered from his confusion: "Xiaohang, where is my Wanjie Mall?"

Xiao Hang said: "Wanjie Mall, you need to build it yourself!"

"What? I built it myself?" Xu Ming was stunned and said, "Won't the Wanjie Mall system directly give me a built mall?"

Xiaohang's answer was only two words: "No!"

"This..." Xu Ming was speechless, but he had to accept it silently. After all, arguing with Xiaohang will not have any results.

"It seems that I have to buy a pavilion first!" Xu Ming secretly said, "However, before that, let me first understand the situation of this star casting world!"

Xu Ming had never even heard of this Star Casting Realm, let alone understood it!

Where is the best place to know the information?

No doubt about it - crowded place!

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