Break Into Another World

Chapter 1546: The way of treasure

Hundreds of murderous figures!

Among them, there is no lack of powerhouses in the seventh and eighth orders of the Great Desolate Realm!

Even Xu Ming, in the face of such a battle, unless he opens the "infinite avatar" link to transform hundreds of avatars in advance; otherwise, there is absolutely no win or loss.


Xu Ming doesn't need to face it hard! Just delay for a while and let the "coordinate transfer" hang up, and you're done.

call out! call out! call out! call out! …

Xu Ming's remaining eight avatar **** rushed in all directions, and then all self-destructed; with the power of self-destruction, an isolation zone was created for the deity.

"Hurry up and block the exit of the formation, don't let him slip out of the exit!" Elder Yueyao shouted, "As long as he guards the exit, he won't be able to escape! How dare he come to our contract alliance auction hall to be presumptuous, it seems... it's us. The contract alliance has not taken action for too long, and many people have forgotten our cruelty!"

In the eyes of Elder Yueyao, as long as you bet on the gap that the formation was blown up, it is foolproof!

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Soon, the power of the explosion of the eight clone spheres weakened.

"Kill in!"

"Dare to provoke our contract alliance, don't kill him easily, you must capture it alive!"

"Yes! You can't kill it easily! If you let him die like this, it would be too cheap for him!"

"Catch it up and torture it! Let everyone else in the ancient world know that offending our contract alliance will end!"

boom! boom! boom! …

However, when a strong man rushed over, he was immediately dumbfounded.

At this time, Box No. 17 was already empty, and there was no trace of Xu Ming.

"What about people?"

"Why are you missing?"

"There is only this gap behind me in the formation of the auction house, it is impossible to run out from other places!" Elder Yueyao looked stunned.

"Elder Yueyao, here's a note!" said the black-clothed powerhouse who rushed into Box No. 17 first.

"The note?" Elder Yueyao frowned, "What does it say?"

"Four words are written: come and go!"

"Have you come and go? What does this mean?" Elder Yueyao had some doubts in his heart.

In the auction hall, the great powers from all walks of life are also happy to watch the jokes of the contract alliance.

After all, the contract alliance relies on a large number of people, and it is indeed a bit domineering to act in the ancient world. Seeing that the contract alliance auction site suffers now, many people are naturally happy to see it.

"The one in Box No. 17..." Bai Murong was in shock for a long time, unable to extricate himself.

Bai Murong has always put most of his energy into business; with his eyesight and talent in business, he has indeed earned a lot of wealth. But now, Bai Murong suddenly woke up... In the face of strong enough strength, wealth is so fragile!

Just like now, Xu Ming robbed most of the treasures in the auction and went away; but the contract alliance did not even know where Xu Ming went!

"If 'Wu Jun', the number one powerhouse in the ancient legacy world, takes action against me, the ancient business alliance; then what is the use of the wealth I have from the ancient business alliance? It can only be handed over to others!"

Bai Murong woke up abruptly: "No matter how much wealth, it's just an external thing! Over the years, I turned out to be a stubborn sword... All external things are false, only real strength is real!"

Bai Murong's eyes flashed with determination.

He has decided that when he returns, he will let go of all trivial matters; he will transform all wealth and foreign objects into his own strength!

"If one day, my strength is strong enough, can I also rob the Contract League auction site?" Bai Murong couldn't help but think.

Just thinking about it makes me feel a little excited!

"In these two world rings, there are some low-grade chaotic source crystals in each!" At this time, Bai Murong took out two world rings and handed them to the two glamorous female cultivators beside him.

"This is...?" The two glamorous female cultivators were puzzled.

"After leaving the auction, you two don't have to follow me anymore!" Bai Murong said lightly, "From now on, don't come to me again!"

Just like Bai Murong, there was also Lin Xu, the disciple of Master Yujian!

"Even if I follow Master and learn the art of treasure appraising no matter how good and fine it is, what can I do? Like the one in Box No. 17, I don't need to appraise it at all. It doesn't matter whether your treasure is precious or not, just rob it... "

Lin Xu suddenly discovered that "seeking treasures" seems to be far inferior to "robbing treasures"!

Suddenly, Lin Xu gritted his teeth and made an important decision: "Master, I don't want to study under your school anymore..."

"What did you say!?" When Master Yujian heard it, his beard exploded. He always felt that Lin Xu was very talented, so he wanted to train him well and inherit his mantle; Come and see the world at the auction!

Unexpectedly, when the world is over, Lin Xu is going to kick his master...

This makes the foolish master, how can he not be angry.

Although Lin Xu was a little scared, his eyes didn't flicker. Instead, he looked directly at Master Yu Jian and said, "Master, I think the way of appraising treasures is just a small way!"

"Xiaodao?" The foolish master laughed in anger, "Good! Good! Good! My good disciple, you really have a great future, so tell me, what is the Dao?"

Lin Xu's eyes were fiery, and he said, "Treasure!"

"Pfft!" Master Yujian almost spurted blood.

However, Lin Xu continued: "When the strength is strong enough, why do you need to appraise the treasure? No matter what kind of treasure, as long as you are interested, you can grab it all!"

"You..." Master Yujian wanted to defend himself, but found that the reasoning was very weak.

The great powers of the Contract League took a long time to restore the order in the auction hall.

There were naturally many experts in the auction hall, who were affected by the aftermath of Xu Ming's shot, and suffered some minor injuries. Because it happened in its own auction house, the contract alliance had to compensate these injured masters. UU reading

Even... some masters, even though they were not injured, secretly punched themselves, slightly injured, and went to collect compensation.

Finally, the contract alliance auction house sent everyone away.

"Then Xu Ming, who is he, and why are you provoking my contract alliance? Check it out for me! Look at the four words on the note, 'Have come and gone', it seems that there is a holiday with our contract alliance!" Elder Yueyao Full of evil spirits.

With such a big incident happening at the auction, Elder Yueyao, who is the manager, is naturally to blame.

"In addition... report to the General League immediately! I suggest that 100 million low-grade Chaos Source Crystals will be rewarded to Xu Ming in the entire ancient relic realm!" Elder Yueyao said through gritted teeth.

At this time, Xu Ming naturally did not know what happened in the contract alliance! He has already opened the "coordinate teleportation" link, and teleported to the coordinate point that he had deliberately stayed near the ancient Yimeng before; and, taking the chaos teleportation array, left the ancient city and went to the ancient temple.

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