Break Into Another World

Chapter 1547: Primordial Temple

Step out from the other end of the Chaos Teleportation Array.

Here, it is also a city of gods, but it is very close to the ancient temple.

"I robbed the contract alliance auction site. With the powerful forces of the contract alliance, I am afraid they will search for me in the entire ancient relic world, right?" Xu Ming secretly said, "I still don't stay in this divine city! Otherwise, in case I am in the divine city. It's also a hassle to be discovered by them! Or... go directly to the Primordial Temple!"

Xu Ming is not afraid of the contract alliance, but is ready to stop here and not continue to entangle with them.

And the ancient temple, the scope is extremely broad, and the crisis is everywhere. No matter how powerful the Covenant Alliance is, it will not be easy to find someone in it.

Therefore, after Xu Ming walked out of the chaotic teleportation formation, he went straight to the Primordial Temple very decisively.

call out-

Rush all the way through the shattered void.

After about a month and a half of flying, Xu Ming finally saw the outline of the ancient temple.

This is an incomparably huge temple, spanning hundreds of millions of realms, as if it is the huge heart of the ancient world. However... this "heart" is already broken.

Across the endless distance, Xu Ming could already see that the Primordial Temple was just a broken wall. Countless pieces and dust are scattered around the Immemorial Temple; even the smallest dust is larger than "One Realm".

Even Xu Ming was shocked by the sight of this temple!

"The endless chaos of the previous era has been shattered, and this ancient temple still exists to this day..."

Although it is dilapidated, at least it still exists!

I am afraid, only when the ancient relic world completely disappears, the ancient temple will really disappear.

Xu Ming looked at it from a distance: "The main body of the ancient temple is the inner temple; the debris and dust scattered around are the scope of the outer temple..."

Xu Ming kept flying closer.

A few months later, the "small pieces" that were seen in the distance have become as huge as the sky and the sun. And those tiny "dust" gradually revealed their true size.

As for the main body of the Primordial Temple... Xu Ming can't see it anymore!

Countless pieces and dust, magnified billions of times, had already obscured Xu Ming's sight, how could he still see the appearance of the ancient temple!

"Elephant is invisible!" Xu Ming had to sigh with emotion, what a powerful means to build the ancient temple!

You know, even a small fragment is so huge that Xu Ming can't shake it! That is to say... When building the Primordial Temple, with a strength like Xu Ming, he was not even qualified to "move bricks"!


Finally, Xu Ming entered the outer hall of the Taikoo Temple.

The scope of the Primordial Temple is so huge that Xu Ming has never met a single person when he entered the Primordial Temple.

"Find a place to hide first, and accept the second-tier inheritance of Divine Phoenix Immortality first!" Xu Ming secretly said.

Although Xu Ming didn't have enough Divine Phoenix essence; even if he accepted the second-level inheritance, he couldn't really practice it! However, it is possible to increase the strength a little bit!

Those who can enter the outer hall of the ancient temple are all high-level existences in the prehistoric realm! With stronger strength, Xu Ming can be more calm when he is here.

In the outer hall of the ancient temple, there are countless fragments of the temple, and the space is disordered; if you want to find a hiding place here, it is naturally very simple.

Xu Ming picked out a "megalith" that was comparable in size to God's Domain, found a hole, and drilled directly into the interior of the boulder; at the same time, he also laid out some hidden formations. In this way, unless someone goes directly into the boulder to investigate, it is almost impossible to find Xu Ming.

at this time.

Step on the ancient city.

Covenant Division.

"It's been checked out!" Elder Yueyao was reporting with the elders of the branch, "A few months ago, Xu Ming, who made a fuss about my Contract League auction house, was in the battle of the Ten Thousand Domain Geniuses in this era. , outstanding genius!"

"The genius of the Ten Thousand Domains Genius Battle of this era?" The dozen elders in the Presbyterian Council all looked at Yueyao with questioning eyes, "Elder Yueyao, even if you are talking nonsense, you are still a little bit sloppy. Okay? - The Ten Thousand Domains Talent War of this era has just ended, right? Even the strongest genius can have the strength of the high-level Xuanhuang realm now! Xu Ming, I am afraid he has at least the strength of the ninth rank of the prehistoric realm? - You say he is the genius of this era's ten thousand domain genius battle? Is this kidding us?"

Elder Yueyao knew that the elders would not believe it. In fact, even he himself couldn't believe it when he just learned the news!

"This is the message about Xu Ming, read it for yourself!" Elder Yueyao threw a jade slip over.

All the elders have their spiritual senses probed into the jade slip, and they have begun to investigate.

Immediately, everyone's faces were full of astonishment.

"It's actually a genius in the Wanyu Genius Battle of this era..."



Moreover, Elder Yueyao has also "deciphered" what does the four words "come and go" left by Xu Ming mean.

"Elder Yuchi!" Yueyao looked at Yuchi Ting, "You robbed Xu Ming outside the ancient city of Tagu before; so, Xu Ming came to take revenge on our auction house... This is the so-called 'reciprocal'!"

Yuchi Ting smiled bitterly: "Robbery? What have I robbed? - The treasures that were robbed from Xu Ming at that time were not enough to open the 'bridge just a short distance away'!"

Nothing was robbed from Xu Ming, but Xu Ming ransacked the auction site - the contract alliance really suffered heavy losses, and wanted to cry without tears.

"Everyone, this is how things are, you see... what should we do now?" Elder Yueyao said, "Xu Ming is a genius in the secret realm of chaos. If he touches him, it will definitely cause the dissatisfaction of the 'Divine Phoenix Alliance'! Next, we are Do you continue to offer a reward to Xu Ming, or just reveal the matter?"

The Divine Phoenix Alliance is the genius of the Divine Phoenix Secret Realm, an alliance among the ancient relics.

The requirements for joining the Divine Phoenix Alliance are extremely high. Not only must you be a genius in the Divine Phoenix Secret Realm, but you must also possess the strength of the ninth rank of the Great Desolate Realm!

In other words… anyone who came out of the Divine Phoenix Alliance was stronger than the elders of the Contract Alliance!

Of course, the number of people in the Divine Phoenix Alliance is extremely small! In terms of quantity, even less than one ten thousandth of the contract alliance! —If it was before, the Contract Alliance would really not be afraid of the Divine Phoenix Alliance; after all, they could completely rely on the “human sea tactics” to easily kill the geniuses of the Divine Phoenix Alliance!

But now, the Contract Alliance did not dare to provoke the Divine Phoenix Alliance at will! Because... in the Divine Phoenix Alliance, there was a super being that crushed the entire ancient relic world, and he was also the number one powerhouse in the ancient relic world—Wu Jun!

If Wu Jun lets go of the killing, no matter how many contract allies there are, it will only be a nest of ants waiting to be stepped on!

"Although Xu Ming is an extraordinary genius, the ancient relic world has the rules of the ancient relic world. Here, it is all based on strength! His is not worth mentioning! In case the Divine Phoenix Alliance is caused If you are dissatisfied, it will be troublesome…”

"Indeed... In order to seek revenge for Xu Ming, it is not good to bring disaster to the contract alliance!"

"You can't say that! Xu Ming sacked our auction house. If we don't even say a word, then in the future, in the ancient world, how can our contract alliance have any face? Doesn't it mean that no matter who it is? Did you come to our Contract Alliance auction site to loot?"

"That's right! If this is all conceited, other forces will think that we are bowing to the Divine Phoenix Alliance!"

The elders debated for a long time, but there was no conclusion.

In the end, it was Elder Yueyao who said, "Let's ask the chief alliance leader to negotiate with the Divine Phoenix Alliance and see what their attitude is! When the time comes, we can make a decision!"

The second update, it's gone tonight, sorry... ah ah ah, I still don't explain it!

(End of this chapter)

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