Break Into Another World

Chapter 1548: Immortal Tower

Ancient Temple.

Although it is a broken wall, it still vaguely maintains the outline of the endless chaos of the previous era.

It's just... the endless chaos and the passage of time have made the ancient temple lose its original luster; under the weathering of time, it looks fragile. Even on the wall, there are many traces of battle.


At the very core of the ancient temple, there is a pagoda that is higher than the "ten thousand realms". The glaze is clear and blooming with endless and eternal light; it seems that even if the ancient world is completely destroyed, this pagoda will shine forever.

This pagoda is the "Immortal Tower"!

It is said that even in the last Chaos Era, very few people were able to enter the Tower of Immortality! Today, the way to enter the Immortal Tower has long been lost.

Above the Immortal Tower, in the void, a rushing river stretches across the sky. I don't know where the river water comes from, let alone where it flows. This river is the "long river of time" in the ancient world!

When the ancient relic world is completely destroyed, this long river of time will also be completely exhausted.

Beside the Immortal Tower, there is a figure staring at this glazed pagoda, with a powerless look in his eyes. He is Wujun in the secret realm of chaos!

Only the cultivation of the ninth rank of the Xuanhuangjing is the worthy number one powerhouse in the ancient world! The reason is... He once entered the periphery of the Immortal Tower and got some opportunities! As long as he is in the ancient relic world, Wujun can be blessed by the power of the Immortal Tower and possess the combat power of the realm of all things!

However, Wu Jun sighed: "I have exhausted all means, but I can only wander around the periphery of the Immortal Tower, and I can't really enter the tower at all!"

He was blessed by such a strong power just after entering the periphery; Wu Jun certainly looked forward to being able to truly enter the Tower of Immortality.

At this moment, a voice sounded deep in Wu Jun's heart: "It seems that if you want to truly enter the Tower of Immortality, you can only go back to the last chaotic era through the long river of time! There may be a way..."

"Master!" Wu Junlian said respectfully, "I would like to enter the long river of time!"

The voice deep in Wu Jun's heart hesitated, and finally sighed: "Forget it! Even if you go back in time and go back to the past, you may not really be able to enter the tower of immortality; after all, if you go back to the previous time and space, I will I can no longer point you at any time... Besides, even if you can enter the Immortal Tower, it is still far from being able to truly control the Immortal Tower!"

"Yes! Master!" Wu Jun was completely loyal to his master.

"I managed to subdue a talented servant like you, and I can't let you go back to the past to take risks! And... you know, I have more important things for you to do!"

"I know to enter the source of the Divine Phoenix and rescue the 'Supreme Phoenix'!" Wu Jun said, "It's just the master, I have a little doubt..."

The voice in the heart said indifferently: "You want to say... The Divine Phoenix Realm has killed Huang Zhizun, and also ended the last era of chaos, right?"


"Heh! How can it be so easy to fall when the Supreme Realm exists? What's more, Huang Supreme has cultivated the Divine Phoenix Immortality to the fifth level, and is best at saving lives; even if the body dies, it can be reborn, which is called immortality. Immortal!" A disdainful sneer sounded, "But I have to say, the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord is really shameless! Taking advantage of Huang Zhi's weakness, he made a sneak attack, ending the previous era of chaos and ushering in a new one. Chaos era! Moreover, the Divine Phoenix Mystery Realm was also established, and the Supreme Phoenix was suppressed by the power of the endless chaos! It is even more self-proclaimed 'Divine Phoenix Realm Lord' to announce his achievements to other Supremes..."

"When you are strong enough, you will have a way to enter the source of the Divine Phoenix and unravel the suppression of the Supreme Phoenix!"

"But master... what is the benefit to you in rescuing Huang Zhizun?" Wu Jun was puzzled.

"It's good for me... of course!" The mysterious voice laughed, "When the Supreme Phoenix and the Divine Phoenix World Lord are both defeated, I will be able to enter the endless chaos! At that time, I will be able to open a new era of chaos! Humph! The mere Boundary Master, also trying to control the endless chaos independently? How naive!"

Wu Jun's conversation with this mysterious voice in his heart already involved the core secret of the entire endless chaos. But the Divine Phoenix Realm Master knew nothing about this!


At this moment, Wu Jun received a message from him, the leader of the Divine Phoenix Alliance; and this message came from the Divine Phoenix Alliance!

"Xu Ming? Contract Alliance?" Wu Jun was startled, "Xu Ming entered the ancient relic world so quickly? There is such a big disturbance? Master, what do you think?"

Wu Jun asked.

The voice resounded in the depths of Wu Jun's heart again: "This Xu Ming's talent is stronger than mine, and he is qualified to be my servant! But... I can't use much power in the endless chaos and the ancient relic world after all! In this way, You first inflict heavy damage on Xu Ming, control him, and then let me enslave him!"

"Yes! Master!"

Wu Jun responded, thought about it, and then ordered the Divine Phoenix Alliance: "Although Xu Ming is a genius in the secret realm of chaos, he is not a member of our Divine Phoenix Alliance! Tell the Contract Alliance that our Divine Phoenix Alliance will assist them in capturing Xu. Ming; however, after taking it, send it to me first, and make a decision after I have met Xu Ming!"

After speaking, Wu Jun added: "Remember, don't kill Xu Ming! After you capture it, you must send it to me first!"

Xu Ming naturally did not know that a conspiracy against him had already begun beside the eternally shining Immortal Tower.

At this time, Xu Ming had already accepted the second-level inheritance of Divine Phoenix Immortality, and he had almost learned Divine Phoenix Immortality.

But..."learning" does not mean "practicing".

To truly become the second level of Divine Phoenix Immortality, one would need to refine and absorb thirty drops of the Divine Phoenix Essence; and Xu Ming’s refining of the Divine Phoenix Essence was not enough, so it was not considered to have truly attained the second level.

"However... the resilience of the divine body is at least a lot higher than before!"

Just when Xu Ming felt his own strength... Suddenly he felt that the size of the "megalith" he was hiding was comparable to the "big rock" in the realm of the gods, and it shook violently.

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming felt that this huge boulder the size of God's Domain seemed to be thrown out like a stone.

"what's the situation!?"

Xu Ming was stunned, but then he reacted: "Could it be that there was a battle where I was hiding? Isn't this a coincidence?"

You must know, how vast is the outer hall of the Taikoo Temple? The place where Xu Ming hid was as small as a speck of dust.

Immediately, Xu Ming was a little annoyed: "Fortunately, I have finished my cultivation! Otherwise, if I were disturbed while I was cultivating Divine Phoenix Immortality, I might fail in my cultivation!"

at this time…

boom! !

The huge boulder that Xu Ming was hiding in, which was comparable to the size of God's Domain, actually exploded completely.

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