Break Into Another World

Chapter 1549: The sect of all calamities

"I rely on!"

Xu Ming's mental power quickly unfolded, and he quickly captured the traces of the battle.

This is a black and cold figure, fighting with a woman in Tsing Yi.

Judging from the aftermath of the battle, it should be the woman in Tsing Yi who manipulated her divine power, "grabbed" the boulder that Xu Ming was hiding in, and smashed it at the cold, black figure. And the black and cold figure, with a sword, completely split the boulder that is comparable to the size of God's Domain.

"what's the situation!?"

"what's the situation!?"

When Xu Ming's mental power swept past, the cold black figure and the woman in green were also startled. They didn't expect that after a fight here, a person would be knocked out of the stone.

After being stunned for a while, the woman in Tsing Yi dodged and ran away. She was the one being hunted down! Although Xu Ming's sudden appearance caused her to be stunned for a while, but after realizing it, the first thing to do was of course to continue to run away.

"Let's go!!" The black and cold figure was also chasing him furiously.

Both of them directly ignored Xu Ming's existence.

"Humph!" Xu Ming snorted angrily, "The mere two seventh-order prehistoric realms disturb my cultivation, so you want to leave?"

boom! boom!

Xu Ming shot out instantly.

Two sharp spear beams stretched across the void.

The thickness of these two spear beams is comparable to the entire Divine Realm; in terms of length, it is ten times, a hundred times more than the Divine Realm! With the high-level strength of the prehistoric realm, it is easy to annihilate hundreds of thousands of chaotic worlds in one move.

boom! boom!

The sharp spear light passed by, and the expressions of the cold black figure and the woman in Tsing Yi changed greatly.

"This friend, what do you mean?" Although the black and cold figure is not high in cultivation, his attitude is very arrogant, "Isn't it just disturbing your cultivation? So what?"

The black and cold figure clearly saw Xu Ming's face, and he believed that Xu Ming had no powerful background, so he dared to be so arrogant.

The woman in Tsing Yi continued: "I didn't mean to offend, it was because he was chasing me, I had to run..."

Xu Ming glanced at the woman in Tsing Yi and glanced at what she said, but it still looked like it.

As long as the attitude of admitting mistakes is good, Xu Ming may not be willing to compare.

Immediately, Xu Ming looked indifferently at the black and cold figure: "Isn't it just disturbing my practice? It seems... You are very confident in your power background?"

"Humph!" The black and cold figure sneered disdainfully, "I am the 'evil sting' of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Religion! In the ancient legacy world, even the contract alliance and the ancient Yi alliance will give us some face of the ten thousand catastrophe religion; and you... At a glance, you can see that it is not someone from a major force that disturbs your cultivation, is it a matter?"

Myriad Tribulations?

Xu Ming sneered in his heart.

Although the Ten Thousand Tribulations Religion can be regarded as a superpower in the ancient legacy world, it is still a little bit different from the Contract League and the Ancient Yi League! Xu Ming was even provoked by the contract alliance, how could he even pay attention to the Myriad Tribulation Sect?

"Evil sting?" Xu Ming looked indifferent, "I don't care if you are from the Myriad Tribulation Religion or what kind of sect! You dare to be so arrogant after disturbing my retreat... I will give you one last chance, apologize, and offer an apology, otherwise..."

"Otherwise what?" Xie Zhe said disdainfully, "You want to suppress me because you are stronger than me? Do you think that I am only one person?"

boom! boom! boom!

As Xie Zhe spoke, three figures broke through the void and came.

"Xie Zhe, how is it, have you taken that girl? That girl has no power, and her strength is only the seventh-rank of the prehistoric realm. She even dared to come to the Primordial Temple to meddle in the essence of the Divine Phoenix..."

"What are you doing standing here? Why don't you do it?"

The strength of these three figures is not weak; two of them are the seventh-order Prehistoric Realm, and the other is a white-armored general who is even more of an eighth-order Prehistoric Realm!

Seeing these three people appear, the woman in Tsing Yi suddenly changed her face: "It's over!"

As for Xie Zhe, he suddenly gained confidence and looked at Xu Ming provocatively: "Now, I ask again that I disturb your cultivation, so what?"

At the same time, Xie Zhe Yin Chuan explained the situation to the three who just arrived. The three of them all sneered: "Where did the dead thing come from!"

The white-armored warrior of the eighth-order Prehistoric Realm even more deliberately said provocatively: "Since it disturbs your cultivation, then... compensate you for a hundred drops of the essence of the Divine Phoenix, what do you think?"

Of course Xu Ming could see that the other party said this on purpose, and it was definitely impossible to truly hand over a hundred drops of the essence of the Divine Phoenix!

After all… the essence of the Divine Phoenix is ​​so precious! Even the top geniuses in the secret realm of chaos can hardly have a few drops in their hands, let alone the forces in the ancient relic realm? I am afraid that even if the entire Myriad Tribulations Religion is exhausted, there will be no one hundred drops of Divine Phoenix Essence.

However, since the other party dared to provoke, Xu Ming naturally followed the other party's words: "One hundred drops of the essence of the Divine Phoenix? Yes! But... If you can't come up with a hundred drops of the essence of the Divine Phoenix, your Myriad Tribulations will be in trouble!"

"Ha! Hahahaha..." Xie Zhe and the other four couldn't help laughing when they heard Xu Ming's words.

"We are in trouble for the Myriad Tribulations Sect?"

"What a big breath!"

"I've seen someone who doesn't know how to live or die, but I've never seen someone who doesn't know how to live or die!"

The white-armored warrior of the eighth-order Prehistoric Realm looked even colder: "Kill him!"

boom! boom! boom!

Immediately, the three white armored generals directly attacked Xu Ming.

As for the evil sting, it continued to kill the woman in Tsing Yi.

"Escape!" Seeing this, the woman in Tsing Yi fled in fright.

While fleeing, she couldn't help but look at Xu Ming pitifully. In her opinion, Xu Ming could have avoided dying, but he acted so "arrogantly" as if he was deliberately begging for death.

However, when the eyes of the woman in Tsing Yi fell on Xu Ming, she saw a disdainful smile on Xu Ming's face.


The woman in Tsing Yi couldn't understand, why at this time, Xu Ming still dared to show the confidence that he was disdainful of where he came from?

But immediately, the woman in Tsing Yi knew where Xu Ming's confidence came from! That is... from its own tyrannical strength!

I saw Xu Ming facing the siege of the three high-level powerhouses in the prehistoric realm, but he did not retreat but advanced, and took the initiative to meet him.

"This white-armored general is just entering the eighth-rank of the Great Desolate Realm for the first time! The other two have only the strength of the seventh-rank of the Great Desolate Realm..." Xu Ming sneered disdainfully, but the spear in his hand showed no mercy.

boom! !

Thousands of spear intents, which have been brewing for a long time, blasted directly at the white armored generals.

"What!?" The white armored general was taken aback for a moment. He obviously did not expect that Xu Ming's strength was so much stronger than himself! By the time he found out, it was too late!


Xu Ming's spear unceremoniously penetrated the divine body of the white armored general. You must know that Xu Ming's strength is already close to the ninth level of the prehistoric realm, and he has no intention of calculating; before the white armored general can react, the entire divine body is annihilated under the terrifying power of this gun.


"How dare you...!?"

The two Seventh-Order Prehistoric Realm next to the white armored generals were a little scared by Xu Ming's shot: "How dare you kill our Wan Jie Sect..."

"Ten Thousand Tribulations Religion?" Xu Ming sneered, "I said, if you can't bring out a hundred drops of the essence of the Divine Phoenix, you Wan Tribulation Religion will be in big trouble!"


Xu Ming fired another shot indifferently and killed a seventh-order Prehistoric Realm.


Xie Zhe, as well as the other still alive seventh-order Prehistoric Realm, were stunned by the sudden scene in front of him! However, the two immediately realized Xu Ming's strength and immediately ran away.

"Run?" Xu Ming sneered, and killed a seventh-order Prehistoric Realm with another shot, leaving only the evil stings fleeing in embarrassment.

"Come after him!" The woman in Tsing Yi continued, "If he escapes back, it will be bad!"

However, Xu Ming stood still, and had no intention of chasing after him.

"Escape? I just want him to escape!" Xu Ming smiled meaningfully.

Xu Mingzheng was worried that he did not have the essence of the Divine Phoenix! If Xie Zhe escaped back and stopped there, then forget it; if he dared to continue looking for trouble, Xu Ming could rob the Divine Phoenix Essence of the Myriad Tribulations Religion.

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