Break Into Another World

Chapter 1585: put your head over

Xu Ming was naturally unaware of what Yun Chi had done.

However, even if he knew, he would not take it to heart. After all, Xu Ming has the "power of eternity" hanging on it, and his real strength is comparable to the realm of all things; and with regard to the cultivation of Yunchi, the people he can contact, I am afraid that if they die, they will be in the Xuanhuang realm. How could Xu Ming let go? on the heart.

At this time, Xu Ming was in the "seeking area" of Tianxin Realm, looking for seekers.

In the Taoist area, there are as many Taoist seekers from the Pantianyu area as the crucian carp crossing the river. Although it is said that the probability of the seekers getting guidance is not high; however, the probability is not high, so there is a probability that there is a chance, what if they are lucky enough to get guidance?

Xu Ming browsed aimlessly.

"This? His marksmanship is good, but this man is too murderous! Not good, not good!"

"This? Too feminine!"

Since Xu Ming is here to teach Taoism and solve doubts, of course he will teach whoever he wants; naturally he will not teach if he sees something that is not pleasing to the eye.

"Huh" Suddenly, Xu Ming saw a target and his eyes lit up.

This is a young man in white with a gun, and his face is covered by a visor. His marksmanship incorporates many changes from Chaos to Dao. It is both offensive and defensive, mellow and flawless, and has a touch of Xu Ming's "Wan Dao Spear Intent".

"This person... not bad!"

What the Qiudao District saw was only the image left by the young man in white; but it was obvious that Xu Ming was interested in seeing the leopard!

Immediately, Xu Ming looked at the person's profile.

"Lone Gunner?"

This is obviously not the real name, but the title of this person in the Heavenly Heart Realm, just like...the screen name.

"Human-level first-rank fate? After cultivating to the ninth level of the prehistoric realm, the cultivation base will no longer be able to improve one bit? Want to ask the great master to give guidance and break through the shackles of the prehistoric realm to the realm of all things?"

Xu Ming had no way of knowing his true identity, but looking at this person's profile, he couldn't help but secretly said, "He is also a man of great perseverance!"

A human-level first-rank Fate is definitely an undisputed trash Fate! Not only is the starting point low, but it is also a hundred times or a thousand times more difficult to cultivate than ordinary Fate. Forced cultivation is really going against the sky!

After reading the "Lone Gunner" information, Xu Ming immediately decided to give him pointers!

"How can I point him?" Xu Ming tried to contact the lone gunman.

At this time, a prompt appeared in the book "Seeking the Way", asking Xu Ming to choose his name and appearance in the Heavenly Heart Realm. Obviously, in the Heavenly Heart Realm, one can hide their true identity.

"If you can hide your true identity, that's the best!" Xu Ming thought about it and said, "Then give a low-key name, let's call it... Gun God!"

As a result, Tianxinjie reminded Xu Ming: The name "Gun God" already exists, please change it to another name.

"Uh..." Xu Ming was speechless, "That's called Palm God..."

The one called "Palm God", Xu Ming has never heard of the second one throughout the ages.

Sure enough, in the Heavenly Heart Realm, there is no such thing as "Palm God".

At this time, in Domain Heart City.

The main mansion of Pantianyu, in the courtyard.

boom! boom! boom! …

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! …

A handsome young man danced his spear like a tiger. The guns are criss-crossed, and every shot and every style has an infinite artistic conception, and it is difficult to find a single flaw.

This person is the young man in white visor named "Lone Gunner" in Tianxin Realm.

To be honest, although the Lone Gunner's cultivation base is only the ninth rank of the Great Desolate Realm, but with his marksmanship, his strength is absolutely comparable to the first rank of the Realm of All Things! If it weren't for the fact that his fate was too rubbish, he would definitely be called a peerless genius!


Suddenly, the lone gunman withdrew his gun without warning and threw the long gun on the ground.



He growled in pain.

"No matter how I cultivate, I still can't break through the shackles and step into the realm of all things... Even if my marksmanship is strong, what's the use!?"

Human-level first-class fate is really a curse!

But having said that, it is already a miracle that the Lone Gunner can cultivate to the ninth rank of the Great Desolate Realm by relying on the human-level first-rank fate! If his fate is a little better, I am afraid that the cultivation base has already been in the realm of all things or even higher!

"Even if I break through to the realm of all things, I'll be content with my cultivation base falling again! Why... don't you let me see even the slightest hope?"

The solitary gunman lives in the main mansion of Pantianyu, and his identity is naturally extraordinary! His father is the Lord of Pantian Territory!

For endless years, Pan Tianyu has tried his best to instruct him or provide him with cultivation resources; but in the end, he has not been able to help him break through the shackles and step into the realm of all things.


At this moment, the Lone Gunner suddenly froze for a moment, turned his hand and took out the Heavenly Heart Order.

On the Heavenly Heart Order, a message came.

"This is... in the seeking path, someone wants to point me?" The Lone Gunner almost couldn't believe it.

After all, his fate is so rubbish!

For a seeker like him, it is almost impossible for anyone to point him in the seeking area! After all... a human-level 1st-grade garbage fate, how to give pointers? Can't point!

Immediately, the Lone Gunner's excited mood cooled down like a basin of cold water had been poured: "Even my father can't help me step into the realm of all things; can this person who wants to point me do it? "

The Lone Gunner still remembers what his father said, if he wants to instruct him to step into the realm of all things, unless it is the realm of the realm of the world who personally instructs him!

You must know that even his father Pantian Domain Lord, it is difficult to ask the existence of the World Lord Realm to give pointers!

"Go and have a look!" The Lone Gunner secretly said, "After all, no one has ever been willing to point me! This existence called 'Palm God' is willing to point me, and it is also kind!"

Thinking about it, the Lone Gunner even entered the Heavenly Heart Realm. As soon as he entered, he was teleported to an independent space in Tianxin Realm.

This independent space is endless and vast, and the land is vast and barren.

On the top of Xiongshan Mountain, an old man with long hair in green robe stood with his hands behind his with his back to the lone gunner, he looked very immortal, and it was the image Xu Ming chose in Tianxin Realm.

"I've seen Mr.!" Of course, the Lone Gunner was not frightened by Xu Ming's appearance. After all, in the world of Tianxin, the image can be chosen arbitrarily; there are many people who have the image of such an immortal old man.

However, even if the lone gunner felt that the other party could not point him, he still bowed respectfully.

"Yeah!" Xu Ming stroked his long blue and white beard, turned around, looked directly at the lone gunner, and said, "Your marksmanship is very similar to mine!"

"Oh?" The Lone Gunner was a little surprised to know that he had never met someone with a marksmanship similar to his own!

"Want to break through to the realm of all things?" Xu Ming asked again.

"Yes!" The Lone Gunner looked at Xu Ming, but didn't hold out much hope. After all... He doesn't believe that a person who jumps out at random is an existence that is more powerful than his father.

Immediately afterwards, he heard Xu Ming say: "What's so difficult about this? Come! Put your head over and let me touch it!"

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