Break Into Another World

Chapter 1586: pointing

"Come on! Put your head here and let me touch it!"

"This..." The Lone Gunner was speechless.

Touch your head?

Does this treat him like a dog?

"Uh..." Xu Ming also discovered the problem in his words and explained, "I'm here to show you the process of going from the prehistoric realm to the realm of all things!"

Saying that, Xu Ming's arms stretched out and covered the lonely gunner's forehead "kindly".

At the same time, the "Supreme Dao Guidance System" has been activated; Xu Ming's palm has already brought the mystery of "Supreme Dao Guidance".

The Lone Gunner was about to dodge subconsciously, but when he felt the incomparably profound mystery emanating from Xu Ming's palm, he was reluctant to dodge; Touch your forehead like a dog's head.

Originally, the Lone Gunner was still hesitating whether to break free from Xu Ming's palm; but then, an incomparably mysterious and direct-to-the-essence guidance rushed into the depths of his mind.

"This...this..." The Lone Gunner suddenly widened his eyes.

Originally, he felt that the road of cultivation was dark and could not see the way forward; but at this time, the Lone Gunner seemed to see the light ahead.

"My way of proving the path of all things, it should have been..." The Lone Gunner's eyes became brighter and brighter.

The road of cultivation is like climbing a mountain.

However, for a genius with a good destiny, it is a mountain road that has been opened up and a smooth road.

For a **** like the Lone Gunner, it is a rocky mountain road full of difficulties and dangers! Like Lone Gunner's cultivation until now, the road ahead seems to have been completely blocked!

And now...

At the moment when Xu Ming's palm touched his forehead, the lone gunner felt that there was a light shining through a certain gap on the blocked mountain road ahead! This gap is his last hope to break through to the realm of all things.

Immediately afterwards, the lone gunman followed the light coming out of this gap, his eyes becoming clearer and clearer! He not only saw the road from the prehistoric realm to the first-order of the realm of all things, but also saw how to break through the second-order of the realm of all things and the third-order of the realm of all things...

Lone Gunner was completely immersed in it, unable to extricate himself.

However, Xu Ming has quietly withdrawn his palm, exited the "Seeking Dao Area", and left the Tianxin Realm on a whim, just giving pointers! Xu Ming naturally wouldn't give too much advice.

After a long time, the Lone Gunner opened his eyes again; at this time, his eyes were filled with endless wisdom.

"Senior..." The Lone Gunner looked around, but did not see Xu Ming at all.

"This senior has left..." The Lone Gunner couldn't help thinking in disappointment.

Although it was only a brief instruction, the Lone Gunner was absolutely certain that the strength of this mysterious senior was probably much stronger than that of his father Pan Tianyu! After all, his father Pan Tianyu had pointed him many times, but he could not let him break through to the realm of all things; and this senior called "Palm God" just touched his head and let him understand the connection. How to go down the road of cultivation! Judgment!

"Palm God? I don't know what the identity of this mysterious senior is!" Lone Gunner secretly said, "His strength should be much stronger than his father! Then... at least he is the peak of the domain master, and may even exist in the realm of the realm master. !"

"I was fortunate enough to get the guidance of the existence of the realm of the realm?" The more the Lone Gunner thought about it, the more excited he became.

But now, it's not the time for him to get excited! When he got guidance, it was the time when he had the clearest understanding of the path of cultivation; of course, he had to strike while the iron was hot, immediately break through the shackles of the prehistoric realm, and stabilize his cultivation in the realm of all things!

Thinking of this, Lone Gunner even withdrew from Tianxin Realm. However, the word "Palm God" was deeply imprinted in his heart.

It's just... The Lone Gunner certainly doesn't know that the mysterious and powerful "Palm God" in his imagination is actually just... the cultivation base of Chaos Realm.

Life is quiet.

In Yuxin City, Xu Ming was not in a hurry to cultivate, but pondered how to make money.

After all, he is very clear that it is absolutely faster to improve his cultivation through hard work, but to earn points first, and then directly open the "attribute modification" to modify his cultivation!

"In this shattered era of chaos, time doesn't mean much to me! It's best... I can find a way to exploit a few percent of the wealth of this entire era and exchange it for hanging points!"

An entire era of wealth, what does that mean?

You must know that in this chaotic era, there is a supreme existence! Compared to the endless chaos where Xu Ming is located, I am afraid it is much richer! A few percent of the wealth of this entire era is probably close to the wealth of the entire endless chaos!

If Xu Ming can really exploit a few percent of his wealth, then after returning to the endless chaos, even if he can't get the air in seconds, it's probably not far behind!

Xu Ming kept thinking about how to earn points, and gradually came up with some ideas: "I have the Wanjie Mall system, and using this Yibao area to sell treasures should be a good profit..."

In the Wanjie Mall system, selling ordinary treasures may not make much money; however, selling those rare treasures can make a lot of money!

However, when it comes to doing business, the most important thing is to keep the water flowing and it takes a lot of time. In the past, Xu Ming's time was extremely precious, so he didn't think much about making money in this way; now, Xu Ming is not short of time, but he can really consider running the "Wanjie Mall System".

"Manpower is needed to operate the Wanjie Mall system! These people from the Yun clan may give it a try!" After getting along for a while, Xu Ming was also observing the clan of the Yun clan, "No hurry! Wait until everything is ready, and then turn it on. It's not too late for the mall!"

Xu Ming was thinking about it when suddenly a voice came from outside the door: "Wan Yaotang, Elder Baicao is visiting!"


Everyone in the Yun Clan quickly stood up to greet them.

Wanyaotang is a "third-grade inferior" force in Yuxin City, and the most powerful hall master is only in the prehistoric realm.

If it was before the decline of the Yun Clan, naturally, a force like Wanyaotang would not have been taken seriously. It's just that now, the Yun clan is no longer the original Yun clan. The strongest of these remaining Yun clan members is only the Xuanhuang realm, which is far from comparable to the Wanyaotang; and Yun clan did it. To a large extent, the elixir business still relies on Wanyaotang.

Therefore, seeing the visit of the elders of Wanyaotang, how could Yun Shi not take it seriously?

The elder Baicao walked in like the stars and the moon surrounded by the crowd of the Yun clan.

"Yunluohe!" Elder Baicao said, "I am here to discuss something!"

Yunluohe said: "If Elder Baicao has something to do, just give it to him!"

Elder Baicao smiled and said, "I heard that there is a woman in your Yun family named 'Yun Tian'?"

"Huh?" Xu Ming frowned slightly. Yun Tian, ​​but his maid.

"Yes!" Yun Luohe said despite some doubts.

"Haha..." Elder Baicao said with a smile, "This elder is here to propose marriage to Clan Chief Yun in person!"

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