Break Into Another World

Chapter 1587: What can you do to me

Propose marriage?

Yun Luohe was startled. Just as he was about to ask "who to propose marriage to", he immediately reacted - Elder Baicao asked "Yun Tian" by name, who else could he propose marriage to?

And this is exactly where Yun Luohe is puzzled.

You must know that after Yun Tian returned to the clan, she hardly ever went out, and it was difficult for anyone to know her! So... How did this Elder Baicao know about Yun Tian? Moreover, he also came directly to the door to propose a marriage.

"Ah?" Yun Tian was on the side, she couldn't help being surprised when she heard the words; at the same time, some bad feeling rose in her heart - she was holding the treasure left by Yun's! This elder Baicao came directly at her, could it have something to do with it?

Among the Yun Clan's people, an indistinct light flashed across Yun Chi's eyes.

Xu Ming watched silently and did not speak.

At this time, Elder Baicao took out a world ring very casually and said, "Patriarch Yun, this is the betrothal gift of this elder's proposal! Take it!"

Judging from the attitude of Elder Baicao, it doesn't look like he's here to propose a marriage, but like he's here to buy something.

Yun Luohe couldn't help feeling a burst of humiliation.

Back then, when the Yun family was prosperous, a force like Wanyaotang didn't even have the qualifications to talk to the Yun family! Now, the clan has fallen, and even a small elder of Baicao dares to stand on Yun's head and be arrogant.

However, Yun Luohe still dared to be angry and did not dare to speak.

"This..." Yun Luohe said euphemistically, "Yun Tian has just returned to the clan, and she doesn't want to get married yet!"

"I don't want to get married for the time being!?" Elder Baicao's momentum sank, "Yun Luohe, I think you are shameless? - You must have forgotten that your Yun clan can gain a foothold in Yuxin City, relying on Who? If my Wanyaotang doesn't accept your Yun's medicinal herbs, and I won't sell them cheaply to you; your Yun's... hehe! What a piece of shit!"

Yun Luohe's face was blue and red, but he was so angry that he didn't dare to speak.

Elder Baicao said it nicely, as if he had done much credit to the Yun family. But in fact, Yun's treasures dedicated to Elder Baicao are worth the Chaos Originium!

"Humph! Yunluohe, don't take yourself too seriously!" Elder Baicao sneered, "I'll give you three days to think about it! After three days, I will come to propose marriage again; then, if you Yun's dare to refuse again. Give me face, then... think about it in the future, how to continue to gain a foothold in Yuxin City!"

Saying that, Elder Baicao threw his sleeves and walked towards the door.

Everyone in the Yun Clan was humiliated, but they still secretly transmitted their voices to Yun Luohe.

"Patriarch, hold back!"

"Don't be impulsive!"

"Anyway, there are three days, let's think about it, maybe there will be a solution!"

"Yes! Hold down the elders of Baicao first, and then we will have a long-term plan!"

Every member of the Yun clan whispered through voice transmission.

Yun Tian stood in the corner, looking pitiful.

The reason why she wanted to stay in the Xu family and refused to return to the Yun family was, of course, because of Xu Ming; on the other hand, she also considered that the Xu family was a good shelter.

After all, the Xu Clan has many powerful fifth-rank forces that exist in the Destruction Realm, and they are much stronger than the Yun Clan in their heyday! Yun Tian is hiding in the Xu family. Although her status is humble, at least... she can firmly keep the secret of Yun's treasure.

A force like Wanyaotang, even if they were given a hundred courage, would not dare to go to the Xu Clan to act wildly.

And now, not long after Yun Tian returned to the Yun family, trouble came!

Yun Tian had a strong feeling that the elder Baicao, who was turning and leaving, was on the surface to propose a marriage, but the real purpose was to come for Yun's treasure.

Suddenly, Yun Tian was caught in a dilemma - she could of course beg Xu Ming to bring her back to the Xu Clan immediately, but in this way, the Yun Clan's life in Yuxin City would definitely be very sad; It is not impossible for people to completely disappear.

"What should I do..." Yun Tian really didn't know.

at this time…

"Stop!" Xu Ming shouted.

"Huh?" Elder Baicao, who was leaving, suddenly stopped and his face was cold.

"Not good!" Everyone in Yun's heart was shocked - after all, Elder Baicao is leaving, Yun's can hold on for a while; Xu Ming shouted at the other party like this, isn't he looking for trouble?

Elder Baicao turned around, looked at Xu Ming, did not speak, but his expression was full of displeasure.

Xu Ming was too lazy to care whether he was happy or not, and asked directly: "Yun Tian is my maid, and she just returned to the Yun family recently. How did you know about her?"

"Your maid?" Elder Baicao had obviously heard of Xu Ming from Yun Chi's mouth. In his opinion, although Xu Ming didn't know what chance he got and possessed not weak strength, in the final analysis, it was only a **** fate of "human-level first-rank"; in addition, Xu Ming was very excluded in the Xu family, so Elder Baicao didn't take him very seriously.

"Have you asked my maid if I agree to propose marriage?" Xu Ming said coldly, "This kiss, don't mention it, I won't agree!"

There was a radiance in Yun Tian's eyes - with Xu Ming's words, she and Yun's would have less pressure.

"Huh!?" Elder Baicao didn't mean to show weakness, but said gloomily, "Here... it's Yuxincheng! Any kind of mess will happen!"

The threat in this sentence is very strong!

After all, Domain Heart City is indeed a little chaotic!

In the eyes of Elder Baicao, it is not difficult for Xu Ming to mysteriously disappear in Yuxin City at some cost! As for Xu Ming, among the Xu Clan, he was just an unwelcome trash. Presumably even if something went wrong, the Xu Clan would not care much! What's more, Xu's influence in Yuxincheng is also very limited!

It's just... What Elder Baicao doesn't know is that Xu Ming is indeed unpopular in the Xu family; however, this does not mean that Xu Ming is not important! If something really happened to Xu Ming, the great powers of the Xu family would probably find the murderer at all costs; forces like Wanyaotang would definitely kill them all!

If Elder Baicao knew about I'm afraid he wouldn't even dare to say threatening words.

"Do it yourself!" Elder Baicao left a sentence arrogantly, turned around and left.

"Did I say you can leave?" Xu Ming said coldly.

"Huh!?" Elder Baicao finally sank his face completely, "Xu Ming, what do you mean?"

Xu Ming said lightly: "Speak! Who told you about Yun Tian!"

Xu Ming concluded that it was definitely someone from the Yun family who deliberately disclosed the news to Elder Baicao; as for the purpose, Xu Ming could not guess for the time being.

"Hahahaha..." Elder Baicao laughed angrily, "If I don't say it, what can I do with you!?"

Laughing loudly, Elder Baicao no longer cared about Xu Ming and left directly.

Updated today, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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