Break Into Another World

Chapter 1650: 8 Immortals crossing the sea


The remaining dozen or so strong men gritted their teeth with hatred, but there was nothing to do. Because, they must decide the winner and the loser to decide the ownership of the immortal sword.



boom! boom! boom! …

A dozen strong men fought together.

Everyone wants to live and get the great opportunity of the immortal tower; no one wants to die here and become a stepping stone for others.

Regarding their battle, Xu Ming was too lazy to pay attention! After all, for Xu Ming, the opponent who has been surpassed by him is no longer worthy of being his opponent!

What kind of lightning and flint is the battle at the Nirvana level?

Soon, the nine immortal swords were all identified.

"Congratulations, everyone, survived!" The ethereal voice sounded again, and the surrounding scene slowly began to change.

In the endless distance, a door of light was projected into this dark space.

"Go! Go forward!" The misty voice said lightly.

Move forward?

The eight "survivors" looked at Xu Ming with fearful eyes, and they could only move forward! Entering the Tower of Immortality, there is no turning back at all.

But... Xu Ming is too evil! The eight survivors clearly felt that even if they continued to move forward, there was almost no hope that they would be able to seize the opportunity from Xu Ming; the ending was basically death!

"Humph!" a violent strong man shouted angrily, "There is no such thing as a way! Since we have entered the Immortal Tower, I don't believe it, and there is no chance at all!"

"Not bad! As long as there is a little chance, who the Immortal Tower will ultimately belong to is unknown!"


Xu Ming and the other nine, all with their immortal swords, walked in the direction of the Gate of Light.

Passing through the gate of light, what Xu Ming saw was a rushing illusory river!

"This is..." Seeing this river, Xu Ming was immediately stunned, "Time is a long river!?"

Xu Ming never thought that he would see the long river of time in the Tower of Immortality!

"Jump into the long river of time, can I go back to the future?" Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

At this time, the ethereal voice sounded again: "As you can see, the river in front of you is the long river of time! But... with your strength, it is impossible to fly over the long river of time; once you fall into it, It is almost certain to die! You should see that there are nine overpasses above the river of time!"

Xu Ming looked at it, sure enough.

"Every immortal sword corresponds to an overpass! As long as you pass the long river of time and reach the other side, you can start to gain opportunities!" Misty voice said.

Through the long river of time, can you get the opportunity?

The eight survivors couldn't help but rejoice. Immediately, their eyes turned to Xu Ming, and they clearly wanted Xu Ming to go first!

"Oh!" Xu Ming smiled.

Go first go first!

In fact, Xu Ming didn't care about the feelings of these eight people at all, and he couldn't even remember their names! When he came to the Tower of Immortality, he never took these opponents seriously.


Xu Ming found his corresponding overpass and stepped on it with a bang. He stepped heavily on purpose, as if he wanted to test whether the overpass was reliable enough and would collapse when time passed.

After confirming that there was no problem, Xu Ming walked straight up and walked to the other side without any haste.

The other eight powerhouses carefully observed Xu Ming; but found that Xu Ming did not encounter any danger at all!

"Could it be that there will be no danger through the long river of time?" Several strong men couldn't help thinking.

Immediately after…

The eight powerhouses no longer hesitated and rushed to their corresponding overpasses. However, as soon as some strong people step on the overpass, they rush forward with all their strength; some strong people are cautious and try one step at a time.

Soon, the tyrannical powerhouse walking at the forefront had almost reached the halfway point of the bridge of time. At this time, a vision suddenly appeared!

puff puff puff...

The long river of time below suddenly began to churning. next moment...

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

Dozens of figures rushed out of the long river of time aggressively.

"Huh?" Xu Ming couldn't help but be surprised that these figures were not the nearly 100 powerhouses who had just fallen into the Tower of Immortality?

"How did they appear here?" Xu Ming thought about it, and some of them understood that these powerhouses were not really alive anymore! It is very likely that the tower of immortality has been refined into a puppet-like existence by some means.

boom! boom! boom! boom! …

As soon as these dozens of puppets appeared, they directly attacked the powerhouses who were walking on the overpass!

You must know that it is impossible to fly above the long river of time; Xu Ming and other nine strong people are walking on the bridge, so they will not fall into the long river of time. And now, these hundreds of puppets have joined forces to attack, and the powerhouses suddenly become restless. If they accidentally fall into the river of time, it will be over!

Immediately, the eight "survivors" all showed their cards and showed their means, trying to pass the long river of time; it was really the Eight Immortals who crossed the sea and showed their magical powers!

And Xu Ming... but still walked calmly and slowly.

It wasn't that Xu Ming deliberately acted so calm, but... the nearly 100 puppets that emerged from the long river of time did not attack Xu Ming at all!

What does this make Xu Ming do? No one attacked him, and he was also very distressed!

Therefore, Xu Ming could only walk slowly through the long river of time, while admiring the other eight strong men showing their magical powers.


The powerhouses on the other eight overpasses were so depressed that they vomited blood. They entered the Tower of Immortality because they came desperately; and Xu Ming entered the Tower of Immortality because he came to travel!

This is too bullying...

But No matter how angry the eight powerhouses are, they can only follow the rules of the Immortal Tower when they are in the Immortal Tower!

"Damn! Damn! Damn! When I pass the time, I must let Xu Ming..." A strong man bursting with thunder roared angrily.

However, before he could roar, he was hit by an attack and flew out of the overpass. Immediately, under the incomprehensible gravitational force of Time Changhe, the Thunder Powerhouse fell directly to Time Changhe.

The further down he fell, the smaller his divine body became. Soon, it became smaller than a water droplet, smaller than a particle... In the end, it disappeared directly into the rushing river of time, and I didn't know whether to live or die.

At this time, Xu Ming had arrived at the other shore leisurely.

"When you reach the other side, you can get the chance? Where is the chance?" Xu Ming couldn't help but search for it, but he didn't find anything.

Soon, other powerhouses also passed the long river of time. It's just... when they boarded the overpass, there were originally eight strong men; but now, there are only four left.

The Eight Immortals crossed the sea and half died.

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