Break Into Another World

Chapter 1651: You finally came

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! "Not bad! Those who can reach here are considered to be among the dragons and phoenixes!" The ethereal voice sounded again.

The one hundred and eight people who can enter the Tower of Immortality are the top powerhouses under the Domain Lord Realm; and now, only five of the one hundred and eight powerhouses are left, and they are naturally worthy of "people". The title of "Chinese Dragon and Phoenix".

It's just... Among the remaining five, including Xu Ming, only Xu Ming had a calm expression and an aura like a dragon; the other four were as embarrassed as a pheasant.

"However..." The misty voice said again, "If you want to get my inheritance and treasure, this assessment alone is not enough! After all... Only one person can get the big chance in the end!"

Are you going to "check" again?

Xu Ming looked calm.

But the other four suddenly became restless! Exam is ok! But it can't be unfair!

In the two rounds of assessments just now, all the other powerhouses were fighting to the death; only Xu Ming was like shopping for groceries on the street. It was too unfair to have done nothing to get to this point!

The violent powerhouse even roared, "If it's an assessment, Xu Ming must be treated the same as us!"

"Naturally it is the same!" As the misty voice spoke, an eighteen-story pagoda descended on the dome! Its shape is completely different from the Immortal Tower.

"Huh?" Xu Ming was a little curious, not knowing what the next assessment would be.

The other four surviving powerhouses also looked at this pagoda. Obviously, the third round of assessment is in this pagoda!


The pagoda fell heavily to the ground.

"This pagoda is only used for assessment, not a precious treasure!" said a misty voice, "In every layer of the pagoda, there is endless sword qi; the higher you go, the stronger the sword qi! After entering the pagoda, there is no opponent! Of the five of you, whoever walks the highest is qualified to control the Immortal Tower! How about it, fair?”

The four embarrassed powerhouses looked at each other and nodded silently.

Although they knew very well that in terms of strength, they were not as good as Xu Ming; however, these four powerhouses have survived to this day, each of them is very confident in their own defense, and they also have life-saving cards!

Therefore, in their opinion, after entering the assessment pagoda, who will win and who will lose is really unknown!

"It's really fair!" The four surviving powerhouses couldn't help thinking.

But at this time, the misty voice continued: "By the way, the attack strength in the pagoda is determined according to your cultivation base! The endless sword qi of the first layer will be a little higher than your cultivation base; layer, two small steps higher, and so on!”

At the end, the misty voice added: "It's fair, right?"

what! ?

Determine the attack strength according to the cultivation base?

The four embarrassed powerhouses were stunned on the spot. You must know that in the first round of assessment, they already knew that Xu Ming's cultivation level seemed to have not even reached the Nirvana Realm! Otherwise, the dozens of powerhouses who besieged Xu Ming would not be instantly killed by the rules of the Tower of Immortality.

If Xu Ming's cultivation level really didn't reach Nirvana Realm, then he should be the ninth rank of Destruction Realm! But Xu Ming's strength is so strong, that is to say... Xu Ming's difficulty in breaking through the tenth floor is the same as the difficulty of the four of them breaking into the first floor!

This kind of assessment is called fairness?

This is also a test!

At this time, the four strong men finally saw that the four of them were here to "accompany the test"! I am afraid that from the first moment of entering the Tower of Immortality, even before entering the Tower of Immortality, the ultimate chance winner is already determined to be Xu Ming!

"It's not fair!" The violent strong man roared wildly.

"Unfair?" Misty voice carried a hint of anger, "The rules are like this! If you have low cultivation and strong strength, you can win! Your strength is not as good as others, so what is fair? Humph! Dare to slander the rules of the Immortal Tower, Damn it!"

It was as if an invisible giant hand brushed past and directly threw the tyrannical powerhouse into the long river of time.

"But who else has doubts about the rules?" The misty voice shouted domineeringly.

boom! !

At this time, the strong man closest to Xu Ming suddenly attacked and killed Xu Ming! Looking at his hideous expression, it seems that he wants to drag Xu Ming into the long river of time and die together with Xu Ming!

"I don't know whether to live or die!" The invisible giant hand brushed again, and another strong man was thrown into the long river of time.



The remaining two powerhouses didn't even dare to enter the pagoda assessment. The ending has been decided! No matter how much you struggle, it is only in vain; in this case, what is there to struggle?

There was a flash of determination on the faces of the two strong men, and they took the initiative to throw themselves in the long river of time. In their opinion, jumping into the long river of time, anyway, there is still a chance of life!

"Uh..." Xu Ming was a little stunned, making him prepare to enter the pagoda honestly and complete the assessment! As a result, two of his four opponents were thrown into the river of time; the other two jumped into the river by themselves...

Where does Xu Ming make sense? He just wanted to honestly participate in the assessment! Is it that hard?

"How lonely it is to be invincible!" Xu Ming couldn't help sighing No way, Xu Ming is too strong! It was so strong that it made the opponent desperate, and even dared not "fair competition" with Xu Ming!

Xu Ming looked at the assessment pagoda in front of him and shook his head: "Forget it, don't go in!"

His opponents have jumped into the river, who else can Xu Ming compete with?

At this time, Xu Ming looked at the top of the dome, although he couldn't see anything, but Xu Ming's eyes were full of wisdom.

"Huang Supreme?" Xu Ming asked tentatively.

In fact, when Xu Ming first entered the Tower of Immortality, he had already guessed that this ethereal voice should be Huang Zhizun! It was also the mysterious powerhouse Xu Ming who said "I'll be waiting for you in the past" when he was in the ancient relic world!

Coupled with the talent shown by Xu Ming, it really overwhelmed the audience! Therefore, there is no doubt that Huang Zhizun will definitely choose Xu Ming; other powerhouses who entered the Immortal Tower with Xu Ming will naturally become "accompanying examinations"!

In the end, it must be Xu Ming, not anyone else! Even if Xu Ming was lying down, he would be carried to the end of victory!

"Hahahaha..." A hearty laughter sounded above the dome, "Xu Ming, you're finally here! I'm already in the 'past', I've been waiting for you for a long time! Hahahaha..."

Immediately afterwards, Xu Ming saw a somewhat familiar figure slowly descending!

This figure, bathed in red flames, was wearing a "feather coat"; pieces of feathers in the flames seemed to be burning exactly the same as the strong man Xu Ming had seen in the ancient relics. .

Xu Ming looked at Huang Zhizun with a look of doubt in his eyes. What is it? This Huang Zhizun has to wait for his arrival in the "past"?

And now, Xu Ming is here.

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