Break Into Another World

Chapter 1652: 3 treasures

The genius remembers the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No advertisements! Huang Zhizun also looked at Xu Ming: "Are you curious, with my existence at the supreme level, why was it suppressed and summoned? Are you coming 'over' to see me?"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded.

"Let's talk while walking!" Huang Zhizun led Xu Ming and walked downstream along the banks of the Timeless River.

There are constantly sporadic scenes, emerging above the long river of time. Some are scenes of battle, and some are of Huang Supreme talking with other powers.

"Xu Ming! The 'ancient relics' in your mouths, in fact, the real name should be - Huang Tianjie!" Huang Zhizun said, "As the supreme, I rule the Huang Tianjie. It is reasonable to say that the chaotic era of the Huang Tianjie. , it will never end!"

"Huh?" Xu Ming seemed to understand. After all, at his current level, he still can't get in touch with these things.

"But... I'm too greedy!" Huang Zhizun shook his head, "Because of greed, and because I was too confident in my own strength, I went deep into the 'border of disorder'... There, I encountered a terrible existence! Although I have practiced for a long time Being the fifth stage of Divine Phoenix Immortality, the ability to save lives is extremely powerful. Even if I die, I can be reborn on the spot. Fortunately, the tower of immortality saved his life, and he escaped from the disordered border and returned to the Phoenix Heaven Realm!"

Xu Ming was extremely shocked to hear that Huang Zhizun was a "supreme-level" existence! His strength was actually killed again and again?

What level of strength would the terrifying existence that Huang Sovereign encountered?

"After escaping back to the Huangtian Realm, I'm already very weak!" Huang Zhizun said again, "But... I didn't expect that the Divine Phoenix, Jian Lao and other realm masters under my command would join forces to launch a sneak attack on me at this time! They joined forces. My strength is close to the supreme level, and I am in a weak state. If I am not careful, I will be suppressed by them... The chaotic era I created, the 'Phoenix Heaven Realm', was also terminated by them, and it was re-opened into the 'Divine Phoenix Chaos Realm'. '! The Divine Phoenix Realm Master, even drew the power of the entire Chaos Realm to set up a '100,000 Heavens Great Array' to suppress me for a long time..."

"That's actually the case?" Xu Ming was a little shocked, but he was also skeptical.

Because, listening to Huang Zhizun's meaning, it was because the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, Jian Lao, etc. betrayed him, and that happened later.

"The era of chaos was shattered, and countless world masters and domain masters who were loyal to me either fell or were expelled from the chaos world; and those rebellious world masters and domain masters lived together in the new chaos era. ..." Huang Zhizun continued, "The Divine Phoenix World Lord has repeatedly threatened me, asking me to hand over the Tower of Immortality, the Heart Punishing Arrow Formation, and the secret tome of "Divine Phoenix Immortal"! He even wanted to kill me completely— Ha! The mere Boundary Master wants to kill me too, and he looks down on himself too much! But... I have also been suppressed for countless epochs, and I can't escape!"

"The Supreme Phoenix, do you see me as...?" Xu Ming asked straight into the subject.

"Humph!" Huang Zhizun snorted coldly, "The Tower of Immortality, the Arrow Array, and the Secret Tome of "Divine Phoenix Immortal" are my three most important treasures, and naturally they cannot fall into the hands of the Divine Phoenix Realm Master! But I I am worried that the Divine Phoenix Realm Master will have other means to seize my treasure; therefore, I rely on the realm of the supreme level to control the past time and space, and leave the chance in the 'past'! Those who can go back to the past are all cultivators. It is not high; like the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, it is absolutely impossible to go against the river of time! I am looking for suitable objects among you 'traversers' and inherit my three treasures!"

Xu Ming asked, "Aren't you afraid, I have already been controlled by the Divine Phoenix World Lord?"

"I naturally have a way to tell the difference!" Huang Zhizun said, "If you are really controlled by the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, then you will never see me!"


"It is also because I am optimistic about you and know your details! Therefore, I will help you secretly; you can go smoothly until now!"

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded slightly, but he didn't care too much - even without the secret help of Supreme Huang, Xu Ming could easily get to this point.

However, Xu Ming still had a big doubt in his heart: "Huang Zhizun, I went against the river of time, and after returning to this chaotic era, are some of the things I saw real or illusory?"

Is it real or fictional?

If it is true, then Xu Ming and other transmigrators have tampered with the "past" beyond recognition?

If it is illusory, Xu Ming feels that everything that happens in this chaotic era is no different from reality...

Huang Zhizun did not answer directly, but said with a smile: "What is false and true, what is true and false... Some things, with your current realm, are incomprehensible! All you need to know is the people you know in this chaotic era; In the future, you may meet them again!"

At this time, Huang Zhizun began to slow down.

Time is long, still galloping.

On the riverbank, there are three shining treasures that attract Xu Ming's attention.

Among the three rays of light, the first one was an exquisite tower-shaped treasure.

The second one was the black hole that Xu Ming had seen when he was in the ancient relics surrounded by countless arrows.

The third way is a golden secret book.

Huang Zhizun sneered: "These three treasures, two Supreme Divine Weapons, and a Supreme Grade Cultivation Technique are all the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord's dream! However, he will never get it!"

Huang Zhizun explained one by one: "The first treasure is the core of the Tower of Immortality; after refining, you can control the Tower of Immortality! The second treasure is the core of the Zhuxin Arrow Formation; after refining, you can control the Zhuxin Arrow Formation. Heart Arrow Formation! The third treasure is the entire chapter of "Divine Phoenix Immortal"; however, the "Divine Phoenix Immortal" exercise can only be inherited once, and after using it, this secret tome will disappear! Now... this The three treasures are all yours!"

Xu Ming couldn't help being a little excited.

These three treasures, any one of them, is probably a hundred times, a thousand times more precious than what you have gained in this chaotic era!

"Go! Let's refine the Tower of Immortality and the Heart Punishing Arrow Formation first!" Huang Zhizun said.

"Okay!" Xu Ming put his hand on the Linglong Pagoda and carefully refined the Immortal Pagoda.

At the same time, Xu Ming also secretly guarded that if Huang Zhizun wanted to sneak up on him and enslave him, he would immediately use suicide to escape!

Very smoothly, Xu Ming refined the tower of immortality; and Huang Zhizun, from the beginning to the end, stood on the side lightly, and did not make a sneak attack.

Xu Ming breathed a sigh of relief, and began to refine the second piece of supreme divine weapon - the Heart Punishing Arrow Formation!

Xu Ming could see that the Tower of Immortality was supposed to be the supreme divine weapon for defense, while the Zhuxin Arrow Formation was for attack.

It was also very smooth, Xu Ming refined and destroyed the Heart Punishing Arrow Formation!

As for the secret skill of "Divine Phoenix Immortal", Xu Ming didn't plan to learn it for the time being, and put it directly into the world of his heart.

"Good! Very good!" Huang Zhizun looked at Xu Ming indifferently, but there seemed to be some deep meaning hidden in his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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