Break Into Another World

Chapter 1653: kill a supreme play

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Huang Zhizun looked at Xu Ming indifferently, but there seemed to be some kind of deep meaning hidden in his eyes.

"Next, let's talk about business!" Huang Zhizun laughed.

Talk about business?

Xu Ming didn't have too many surprises!

After all, Huang Zhizun has spent so much effort to attract geniuses back to this chaotic era; after that, he gave three supreme treasures! It would be strange to say that Huang Zhizun has no purpose!

"I'm afraid... you want me to take action and rescue him from the suppression of the Divine Phoenix World Lord?" Xu Ming couldn't help thinking.

Apart from that, Xu Ming could not have imagined that Huang Zhizun had anything else going on!

However, since he has received such a great benefit from Huang Zhizun, Xu Ming will naturally save him if he can! Anyway... Xu Ming is not familiar with the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord either! On the contrary, there is some friendship with Jian Lao! If Xu Ming wants to save Huang Zhizun, he has to find a way to settle Jian Lao, try not to cheat Jian Lao!

Sure enough, Huang Zhizun said: "I was suppressed by the Divine Phoenix Realm, and I couldn't escape! However, when you entered the Divine Phoenix Secret Realm, you have a way to help me break through the suppression!"

Xu Ming listened.

"You have the control of the Immortal Tower and the Heart Punishing Arrow Formation, so as long as you reach the Destruction Realm, you can rely on the power I left on these two treasures to forcibly break my suppression in the Divine Phoenix Mystery Realm!" The Supreme laughed.


Xu Ming was slightly startled: "I don't really own these two supreme divine weapons, just control?"

"It's natural!" Huang Zhizun showed a sneer on his face, "How can it be so easy to really refine the Supreme Divine Weapon? It's not bad to have the power to control it!"

"Huh?" Xu Ming faintly felt that he seemed to be trapped by Huang Zhizun! He even asked, "Control... Then how long can I control it?"

Huang Zhizun said directly: "When I get out of the repression, these two treasures will naturally return to my hands!"

Xu Ming was stunned for a moment - to help Huang Zhizun get rid of the suppression, the two treasures will be returned with both hands? What's the use of taking control of these two treasures? What's the point?

Isn't this the equivalent of "voluntary labor" for Huang Zun?

However, Xu Ming couldn't help but feel a little thought in his heart, and thought to himself, "Then... as long as I don't help Huang Zhizun escape the suppression, then can't I never have to return the two treasures?"

It's not that Xu Ming wants to pit Huang Zhizun, but Huang Zhizun is too "stingy", he is completely "white wolf with empty gloves" on Xu Ming!

Since you want to cheat me, don't blame me for cheating you!

"Huh!" Huang Zhizun seemed to see Xu Ming's thoughts, and sneered, "You have refined two pieces of Supreme Divine Weapon, and you have created a strong karmic entanglement with me! I am in the karmic entanglement, join As long as your cultivation base reaches the state of destruction, you must find a way to save me within ten thousand years! Otherwise...under the entanglement of karma, you will die! Moreover, even if you have the means of rebirth, the entanglement of karma will always be there. Bound you and make you fall again and again! Haha..."

Huang Zhizun finally revealed the fox's tail: "Unless... you never step into the realm of destruction!"

"Huh?" Xu Ming's pupils shrank slightly - this Huang Zhizun really had bad intentions!

Huang Zhizun said again: "Don't feel disadvantaged, at least... I gave you a supreme-level exercise!"

Supreme-level exercises are indeed extremely precious! However, the "Breaking the Mortal Dust" practiced by Xu Ming is a world-breaking practice, which is definitely more precious than a supreme-level practice!

Therefore, for Xu Ming, "Divine Phoenix Immortal" can only be regarded as "icing on the cake" at best, and it does not mean much!

And... Xu Ming strongly suspects that after he rescues Huang Zhizun, he may not have a good end! After all, Huang Zhizun is now showing his fox's tail; after rescuing him, he may turn his face directly, or even enslave himself directly!

Thinking of this, Xu Ming couldn't help but say, "This task is too difficult! I don't want to accept this cause and effect!"

Xu Ming's implication is to return all the three treasures to Huang Zhizun, and break the entanglement of cause and effect!

"Hahahaha..." Huang Zhizun laughed, "Since I have already had a karmic entanglement with me, how could it be so easy to break it off? Even if you return the three treasures, the karmic entanglement will still be there! So, Xu Ming, rest assured. Just accept this cause and effect! When I get out of the repression, I won't treat you badly!"

"Can I trust you?" Xu Ming said in a low voice.

Huang Zhizun sneered: "You have no choice!"

In his opinion, ants like Xu Ming, naturally, can only let him knead, and it is impossible to turn up any waves in his own hands!

"Huang Zhizun!" Xu Ming's eyes turned cold, "You pit me!"

"Hit?" Huang Zhizun shook his head, his eyes full of disdain, "It is your honor to be seen by me! Do things for me well, in the future, your achievements will not be under the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord!"

Huang Zhizun's words seem to be trying to cultivate Xu Ming. But Xu Ming heard that after Huang Zhizun, I am afraid that he will enslave himself 100% - after all, he can't let go of a genius like himself!


Very cruel!

Xu Ming secretly clenched his fists.

Huang Zhizun's face is full of disdain - in his eyes, Xu Ming is really just an ant, and it is impossible to pose any threat to himself!

"Huang Zun!" Suddenly Xu Ming shouted, "I'll give you a chance to go back!"

"Oh?" Huang Zhizun smiled, his eyes full of jokes, "What? Threat me?"

Obviously, he didn't take Xu Ming's threat seriously at all.

Xu Ming also smiled: "It seems... you don't want this chance!"

"Haha!" Huang Zhizun just sneered, watching Xu Ming jumping in front of him.

"Huang Zhizun!" Xu Ming suddenly sneered, "Actually, I have a little doubt - it's not difficult to directly enslave me, or forcibly establish a karmic entanglement with me, with the strength of your Supreme Realm? But why, you didn't directly enslave me. ; Even the establishment of causal entanglement, you have to rely on three treasures to complete it?"

"Oh?" Huang Zhizun looked at Xu Ming with interest, "What do you want to say?"

"I want to say..." Xu Ming looked directly at Huang Zhizun, "You shouldn't be able to exert any strength now, right?"

"Huh?" Huang Zhizun's face changed slightly, but then he sneered, "So what?"

"Hehe!" Xu Ming laughed, "Actually... I really want to know... what would it be like to kill you in this chaotic era!?"

boom! !

With that said, Xu Ming started directly and killed Xiang Huang Zhizun!


With one shot, Huang Zhizun's figure dissipated directly.

However, Huang Zhizun's sneer still echoed between heaven and earth: "That's just an incarnation of me! Xu Ming, you can't even find my deity; it's too naive to want to kill me!"

"Supreme Huang, you seem to have forgotten... I already have the control of the Immortal Tower!" Xu Ming sneered, "I don't believe that your deity in this chaotic era is not in the Immortal Tower!"

Xu Ming is ready, today, kill a supreme and play!

Updated today, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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