Break Into Another World

Chapter 1660: 9 clues

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Divine Phoenix World Lord! ?

Xu Ming was slightly shocked.

The Divine Phoenix Realm Lord, but suppressed the existence of Huang Zhizun; although he was taking advantage of the danger, it also showed his strength! What's more, the Divine Phoenix Realm Master is the absolute controller of the entire endless chaos!

When the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord summoned him, Xu Ming had no choice but to see him.

After all, Xu Ming lives within the bounds of endless chaos; he does not dare to leave the endless chaos and enter the realm of disorder!

Moreover, even if he wanted to enter the realm of disorder, with his strength, he might not be able to leave the boundless chaos.

"Yes!" Xu Ming said directly - he believed that the Divine Phoenix Realm Master could hear his voice.

Sure enough, Xu Ming felt that there was a strange fluctuation in the surrounding space, which was the guidance of the Divine Phoenix Realm Master.

"Follow the directions and you will see me!" The Divine Phoenix Realm Lord said again.

Soon, Xu Ming met the Divine Phoenix World Lord.

This controller of endless chaos, the momentum at this time is very ordinary, so Xu Ming can't feel the slightest pressure.

"Xu Ming!" The Divine Phoenix Realm asked straight to the point, "What happened over there on the Immortal Tower?"

According to the knowledge of the Divine Phoenix Realm, there were countless geniuses who went to the Immortal Tower area, but all of them fell; only Xu Ming came back alive.

The Divine Phoenix Realm was unable to enter the ancient relic realm, and could not know what happened; however, he kept paying attention. Therefore, as soon as Xu Ming came back, he immediately felt it.

Xu Ming had long expected that he might be questioned; he had already prepared a speech.

"It's Wujun!" Xu Ming said sternly, "All the masters who went to the Immortal Tower have been killed by Wujun!"

"Wujun?" The Divine Phoenix Realm's face revealed doubts - he certainly knew that Wujun had some opportunities in the ancient relic realm. He once entered the outer layer of the Immortal Tower, passed the test, and got a little power gift!

However, why did Wu Jun start killing people?

And... Now, the one who came back alive is only Xu Ming, not Wu Jun!

Xu Ming went on to say: "Wu Jun hides a supreme powerhouse - Yuan Zun!"

"Huh?" The Divine Phoenix Realm shrank abruptly - hearing the word "Yuan Zun", the Divine Phoenix Realm knew that Xu Ming was not lying. After all, not much is known about this name in Endless Chaos; Xu Ming's ability to say this name indicates that he must have come into contact with Yuan Zun!

"I had a fierce battle with Wujun, but I didn't expect that Yuan Zun would actually bring down his supreme might and want to enslave me!" Xu Ming said.

"Yuan Zun wants to enslave you?" The Divine Phoenix World Lord frowned slightly, "Then how did you escape?"

"I escaped into... the Tower of Immortality!" Xu Ming said.

He didn't say that he was going against the flow of time and went back to the past; because he felt that if he said that, he might be in trouble! Therefore, Xu Ming panicked and said that he had escaped into the Tower of Immortality - anyway, only Xu Ming and Yuan Zun knew the truth about the situation at that time. It is definitely impossible for the Divine Phoenix Realm Master to ask Yuan Zun. Isn't that just a matter of letting Xu Ming gossip?

“Oh?” The Divine Phoenix Realm Master knew that in the ancient relic realm, the Tower of Immortality did occasionally open, giving some opportunities for genius assessment;

For example, Wujun, because he passed the outermost assessment, his strength was invincible in the ancient world.

"How far did you go in the assessment of the Tower of Immortality?" asked the Divine Phoenix Realm Master.

"I don't know how far it is..." Xu Ming said nonsense; anyway, it is estimated that no one knows the specific situation of the tower of immortality assessment, and he can talk about what he wants, "However, after I came out, I killed Wu Jun. , and the supreme might of Yuan Zun!"

"Really?" The Divine Phoenix Realm looked at Xu Ming thoughtfully.

After a while, he waved his hand and said, "Go down first!"

"Huh—" Xu Ming let out a long sigh of relief—it was a flicker of the past.

After Xu Ming left.

The Divine Phoenix Realm Lord's eyes flickered uncertainly: "I don't know, what Xu Ming said... is it true or false?"

The Divine Phoenix Realm Master naturally wouldn't easily believe Xu Ming's words.

"But... even if what Xu Ming said is false, I can only believe it first!" The Divine Phoenix World Lord frowned and pondered, "After all, if Xu Ming returned to the previous chaotic era and saw the Supreme Phoenix, then I would I can't forcibly enslave him or kill him! As soon as I enslave or kill him, the karmic entanglement that Huang Zhizun left on him will break out, and then maybe I will be involved too! And if... Xu Ming didn't Going back to the last chaotic era, even if I was enslaved, it would be meaningless."

No matter what the Divine Phoenix World Lord does, he must be careful. After all, he must make sure that he can suppress Huang Zhizun; otherwise, once Huang Zhizun leaves the suppression, the Divine Phoenix Realm Lord will be miserable!

"Let's observe first! It's impossible for Xu Ming to leave the Endless Chaos anyway!" The Divine Phoenix Realm Master thought to himself, "Once Xu Ming shows any move to save the Supreme Phoenix, I will immediately suppress him as well!"

Suppressing a supreme being is really not easy! No matter what he does, he must be After Xu Ming returned to the secret realm of chaos, he did not rush to practice, but headed straight to the sea of ​​books and read various classics.

Xu Ming is looking for information on two things - the primordial core of chaos, Jiuzhongtian!

If Xu Ming can gather enough primordial chaotic cores, he can directly enslave Huang Zhizun! In that case, Xu Ming is equivalent to taking one step to the sky; helping Gu Hanmo, I am afraid it will no longer be difficult!

"The core of chaos, the core of a 'chaotic world'! Based on a core of chaos, it can derive the power of the source, everything in the world, and endless chaos..."

Endless Chaos One Hundred Thousand Domains, countless great powers, actually originated from a small chaotic original nucleus!

Just thinking about it, Xu Ming felt extremely shocked and deeply felt his own insignificance.

"The chaotic source stone and chaotic source crystal that can open up a world are just a little energy residue left by the chaotic pro-nucleus when it is derivating everything in the world!"

I know a little about the chaotic original nucleus, but I don't know how to get the chaotic original nucleus.

"It seems... if you want to get the original core of chaos, you have to go to the 'Nine Heavens' that Huang Zhizun said!"

Jiuzhongtian is said to be the ladder leading to the "truth of the universe"! It is very likely that all the mysteries that Xu Ming saw in the endless chaos can be answered in Jiuzhongtian.

So the question is, how can we go to Jiuzhongtian?

The records about Jiuzhongtian are even less than the original core of chaos! Obviously, this is a very secret thing in the endless chaos, few people know it, and even less records!

Finally, after reading the classics, Xu Ming got a little clue - Wen Daofu!

"In the mysterious realm of the Divine Phoenix, there is no way to go to the 'Ninth Heaven'! In the endless chaos, only Wendao Mansion has a way to go to the Nine Heavens!"

Updated today, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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