Break Into Another World

Chapter 1661: impossible

Genius remember the address of this site in one second: (apex Chinese), the fastest update! No ads! Wendaofu.

It is not located in the mysterious territory of the Divine Phoenix; however, it is also in the center of the entire endless chaos—the place of origin.

Now that I have heard, the only way to go to Jiuzhongtian is Wendao Mansion; Xu Ming naturally set off directly to Wendao Mansion.

In the same place of origin, the Divine Phoenix Secret Realm to Wendao Mansion, naturally, would not be very far. Soon, Xu Ming arrived.

Wen Dao Mansion, carved with jade, like a palace, very luxurious.

"This is the 'noble school' in the endless chaos?" Xu Ming secretly asked.

Xu Ming didn't know much about Wendao Mansion; he only heard that the geniuses who can enter and cultivate in it are more or less related - for example, some are the descendants of a certain Nirvana realm, and some are related to a certain Nirvana realm. The bit domain master has something to do with it...

These geniuses did not dare to participate in the cruel "Ten Thousand Domains Genius Battle", and it was difficult for them to enter the Divine Phoenix Secret Realm to cultivate; therefore, they came to Wendao Mansion through their connections.

"It is said that... the teachers in Wendao Mansion are extremely careful in teaching their disciples? So many geniuses in Wendao Mansion are even comparable to the geniuses in the Divine Phoenix Secret Realm; some are even comparable to the strongest 'Mysterious Chaos'. genius!"

Xu Ming was also curious as to what place Wendao Mansion was.

"Go in and see and you'll know!"

Just as Xu Ming was about to enter Wendao Mansion, he was stopped by the guards at the gate: "The important place of Wendao Mansion, no idlers should enter!"

"Uh..." Xu Ming was slightly startled, and said to himself, "Fortunately, in Wendao Mansion, I also know someone; otherwise, I'm afraid it would be difficult to even enter the door!"

What Xu Ming knew was the "Elder Chaos" from Wendao Mansion. It was after the end of the Ten Thousand Domain Talent War that Tianwen Domain Master helped him introduce him.

Xu Ming still remembered that Tianwen Domain Master said seriously at that time: The elders of Wendao Mansion are not simple! Like Elder Chaos Wu, although he is only a Nirvana realm cultivation base, he possesses the combat power of the domain master realm!

"I'm afraid... this chaotic elder has already realized the 'real self'!"

At that time, Xu Ming's strength was still weak, and he couldn't imagine why Elder Luanwu could use the cultivation of "Nirvana Realm" to be comparable to the "Domain Lord Realm"; now, Xu Ming knew that it should be Elder Luanwu who realized the realm of self. .

"But... even so, with my strength, I am qualified to have an equal relationship with Elder Chaos!" Xu Ming thought to himself.

Although Xu Ming's cultivation is still in the prehistoric realm; however, he has almost inexhaustible hanging points, so his strength is comparable to that of the domain master realm!

It's just... Endless Chaos, after all, it was not the last Chaos Era; Xu Ming had to be careful when he showed his strength, he didn't dare to swept away recklessly as he did in the last Chaos Era.

When it's time to be low-key, be a little bit low-key.

"Elder Luanwu! I am Xu Ming!" Xu Ming directly communicated with Elder Luanwu's communication imprint on it.

Obviously, Elder Luanwu was not in retreat, and he immediately replied: "Oh? Xu Ming? Why did you think of looking for me?"

Elder Luanwu should have a good impression of Xu Ming as a genius; otherwise, he would not reply immediately.

Xu Ming messaged: "I want to enter Wendao Mansion to see, but... the guards won't let me in!"

"So it is!" Elder Luanwu said, "Just come in and I will tell the guard! After you come in, you can just follow the causal induction to find me!"

"Thank you!"

Xu Ming walked towards Wendao Mansion.

This time, the guards did not stop him, and looked at Xu Ming politely. It seems that Elder Luanwu's status in Wendao Mansion is still quite high.

Soon, Xu Ming saw Elder Chaos Wu.

"Oh? Xu Ming, your cultivation has already reached the prehistoric realm!" Elder Luanwu laughed.

"Yeah!" Xu Ming nodded slightly.

In fact, before Xu Ming entered the long river of time, he had already stepped into the prehistoric realm. However, Xu Ming estimated that some of his information in the ancient relic world was blocked by the Divine Phoenix Realm Master; therefore, in the endless chaos, there were not many legends about Xu Ming.

Elder Luanwu's perception of Xu Ming was still at the time of the "Battle of Ten Thousand Domains Geniuses".

"Not bad! The breakthrough of cultivation is really fast!" Elder Luanwu praised.

Xu Ming smiled without saying a word.

You must know that Xu Ming's true strength can keep pace with Elder Chaos! Even, in a real life-and-death battle, Xu Ming can definitely crush Elder Chaos! - Elder Luanwu actually spoke to him in a "praising junior" tone, which made Xu Ming feel strange.

However, Xu Ming did not want to reveal his strength; in order to keep a low profile, he acquiesced.

Elder Luanwu saw Xu Ming "smiling implicitly", and thought he was right, and said, "You've stepped into the prehistoric realm soon, so your cultivation base should still be at the low level of the prehistoric realm, right?"

Cultivation is…

Xu Ming's cultivation is really only at the low level of the prehistoric realm - the cultivation he obtained in the last chaotic era has already turned into nothingness when he entered the long river of; after returning to the ancient relic realm , his cultivation base has returned to his cultivation base before he went against the river of time!

Seeing that Xu Ming was silent, Elder Luanwu thought that he had guessed correctly again, and asked, "Xu Ming, why did you come to Wendao Mansion? Do you want to learn from me?"

Xu Ming was speechless - this chaotic elder, his "self-talking ability" and "imagination" were simply perfect! He didn't say anything, he just thought so much.

Xu Ming just wanted to say: I dare to be a teacher, do you dare to accept it?

In Xu Ming's eyes, even the Divine Phoenix World Lord is not qualified to be his own master! After all... Xu Ming is the one who "killed" the Supreme!

However, Xu Ming also understood why Elder Luanwu thought so; after all, Elder Luanwu was also a teacher in Wendao Mansion! —You must know that some genius disciples of Wendao Mansion are not inferior to geniuses in the mysterious realm of Divine Phoenix! Elder Chaos should treat himself as an ordinary genius in the mysterious realm of the Divine Phoenix, which is why he has such an idea.

At this time, Elder Luanwu continued: "With your talent, you are indeed qualified to worship me as a teacher! When the 'disciple assessment' comes, you can also win glory for me!"

"Cough cough..." Xu Ming couldn't help it anymore, he coughed twice, interrupted Elder Luanwu's words, and said embarrassedly, "Elder Luanwu, I'm not here to apprentice!"

"Oh?" Elder Luanwu was a little puzzled and asked, "You came to Wendao Mansion, not to apprentice, what else is there?"

"I want to ask..." Xu Ming thought about it for a while and said straight to the point, "How can I enter the 'Jiuzhongtian'!"

"You're going to Jiuzhongtian!?" Elder Luanwu glanced at Xu Ming in surprise, and then smiled, "You must have heard something somewhere? the place; but well... you can't go there!"

(End of this chapter)

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